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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

How does SAP integrate with other business systems?

I'm curious about how SAP can integrate with other business systems and applications. I want to learn about the different integration methods, tools, and best practices for seamless integration. This knowledge will help me ensure that SAP works effectively with my existing business systems.



Can Scholar9 integrate with other academic tools to enhance transparent peer review?

I want to know if Scholar9 can be integrated with other academic tools and software I use. How does this integration enhance the transparent peer review process, and what specific tools can be integrated? Detailed examples would be great.



Can Scholar9 be integrated with other research tools?

I'm curious if Scholar9 can work with other research tools and platforms I already use. How does it integrate with other systems to streamline the research process?



What are the best hosting options for an open-access journal?

I need recommendations on the best hosting solutions for an open-access journal, comparing self-hosted vs managed hosting options. The answer should discuss platforms like OJS (Open Journal Systems), OJSCloud (managed OJS hosting), Scholastica, and custom website solutions. Key factors to consider include cost, security, maintenance, scalability, technical support, and integration...



How to get a DOI for journal articles at an affordable cost?

I need information on how to obtain DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) at a low cost for journal articles, conference papers, and research data. The answer should compare different DOI providers, including CrossRef, DataCite, and affordable CrossRef-sponsored partners like Sequence R&D. Additionally, I want to understand the step-by-step process of DOI...



How to choose the best journal management software for academic publishing?

I need guidance on selecting the most suitable journal management software for handling the peer review process, manuscript submissions, editorial workflow, DOI integration, and indexing. The answer should include a comparison of open-source solutions like OJS (Open Journal Systems) and Janeway, as well as paid platforms such as Scholastica and...



How do I ensure smooth integration of payment systems for article submission fees on OJS?

My journal will likely charge submission fees. I need to understand how to properly integrate payment gateways into OJS to accept payments securely and efficiently. What steps should be taken to make this process user-friendly for authors?

