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PHP HTML CSS datascience AI cloud computing research expert Computer Network Web Development Technology Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things Database Blockchain Augmented Reality Virtual Reality AK-47 Graned Loncher Pinaca Bhramhos T-90 T-70 AR-15 M-16 MP-5 M200 Berrate Business Management frontend dancing guns iot cn ASA Income Tax GST Direct Taxes laravel git Farming devops DOS Web Technology Ecommerce system architecture product design product market fit Production Engineering Supply Chain Management Operations Management ML&AI IoT Robotics Magento Power System Node.js React.js Wordpress javascript Cybersecurity Parallel Programming AI-ML Cloud-Native Immersive OpenSource Enthusiast OJS Programming Express.js c++ C Programing microbial ecology extremophiles ERP Consulting Odoo Implementation Odoo e-Commerce Open Journal System Lignocellulosic Biomass Pretreatment Biomaterials Cellulose Wireless sensor Network Orthopedics Accupressure accupuncture C DBMS OS VLSI Machine Learning Image Processing Communication Research Communication Process History of Print Media Hindi Journalism Statistical Inferences Optimization Human-AI interaction AI for social goods Advanced manufacturing Psychotherapy Psychiatric illnesses Psychological Assessment Forensic Psychology & Criminal Behaviour Geoinformatics Applications for Natural Resource Management Rural Development Disaster Management Plant anatomy Phytochemistry Pharmacognosy Environmental science Taxonomy Economic Administration Financial Management Economics fog - cloud environment bigdata access control security Mechanical Engineering Finance Human Resource Management Entrepreneurship Teaching UG-PG Level Computer Science Students IOT MACHINE LEARNING Green Chemistry Nanobiotechnology Biocatalysis Biochemistry Applied Microbiology Nanobiosensors Services Marketing Tourism Management Marketing Management EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIVE TEACHING PEDOGOGY CONTGENT CREATING spectral characterization Zoology Ecology Myrmecology Genetics Molecular Biology Disaster Management Professional Remote Sensing Specialist Rural Development Professional Heterocyclic molecule nanotechnology Six Sigma ISO 27001 Auditing Six Sigma Author Civil Engineering traffic Engineering graph theory general topology queue theory analysis operation research Refrigeration and HVAC IAQ Design FM Electrical Power System Renewable Energy Technology Energy Efficiency and Management Deep Learning Entomology Nanotechnology Vector Control Toxicology Teching Physics At All levels Question paper setting preapring scheme Guiding Research students preparing new syllabus for new subjects in physics depends on the requirement of the program preparing notes for old and new topics in physics doing reaearch projects Ergonomics consumerism Computer Science & Engineering Information Technology Information Security Research Methodology Statistical Data Analysis SMARTPLS4.0 Survey Methodology and Data Analysis Financial Technology Digital Financial Inclusion Green Finance DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM Reinforcement Learning Medical Imaging Technology Ayurved Yoga Metabolic healtj Lifestyle disorders Geology and mining Hydrogeology MICRO NANO SENSORS VLSI MICRO ELECTRONICS MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION Women Studies Banking Developmental Economics Cloud Computing Networking Parallel and High-Performance Computing Blockchain Technology Fluorescence Dtudy Organic Chemistry Synthesis Molecular docking Nanochemistry Expertise in Research Analysis Teaching Research Tools Organizing Seminars Organizing Conferences Ecotoxicology criminal intellectual property corporate laws labour laws civil laws Expert in Counselling and Treatment of Mental Health Problem Human & Child Psychology Fear of Failure Addiction Rehabilitation Senior Consultant Homoeopathic Physician Professor and HOD- Human Anatomy Ethical Hacking Cryptography and Networksecurity Computer science and Engineering Digital marketing Culinary Heritage Food Tourism Recipe Documentation Political Science International Relations Policy Making Governance Public Administration Innovation & Entrepreneurship Strategic Management Brand Management Media Planning and Strategy Advertising and Public Relation Healthcare Telehealth Telecommunication Healthcare Technology Social Studies Mobile Communications Networks Soft Computing Entrepreneurship. Operations Research Econometrics Sentiment Analysis Text Mining soil ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATION Web security Digital Transformaiton Human Resources microbiology Fashion Design Textiles Textile Testing Oral Pathology Data analysis Research Papers IPR Contract Matrimonial Laws Criminal Law Diabetes Endocrinology Neurology Oncology Cardiology Orthopaedics management arts commerce yoga Applied Technology Business Technology HRD & HRM General Mgt English Literature Translation Studies Indian writing in English Historiography Critical Theory Cultural Studies Laws Mathematics Information and Communication Technology Computer Programming Educational Management Bookkeeping Training Specialist Training Design Specialist Biotechnology Genetic Engineering Bacteriology Enzymology Kuldeep Kumar Choudhary is a Versatile Personality with Proven Credentials Working as Assistant Professor with Chandigarh College of Hotel Management Landran Mohali India. He has over 21 of work experience out of which 13 years with leading academic Institutions and 08 years with Renowned International Hotel brands like ITDC and Best Western. He is Ph.d in Tourism and Hospitality Management (Pursuing) from Chandigarh University and Masters in Tourism Management from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Diploma in Hotel Management from Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management affiliated from National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT NOIDA) Bachelor in Tourism Studies (IGNOU) Certificate Programme in Food and Nutrition(IGNOU).His specializations include Hospitality Management and Strategic Management. hotel management hospitality psychology Organic Synthesis Medicinal Chemistry Click Chemistry RCM Heterocyclics Computer Engineering jainism Jaina Biology Samthara Mahabharata Counseling Psychology Cognitive Psychology School Psychology Java .NET Privacy Preserving Data Mining Data Security Criminologist Dactyloscopy Security Management Safety and Security Forensic Dactyloscopy Forensic Polygraphy Cyber Security digital Marketing data analytics Criminology Criminal Justice Education Criminological Research HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ETHICS IN BUSINESS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT LABOR LAW STRATEGIC PLANNING Data Analyst Power BI Tableau developer Bioengineering power electronics c programming Data Structure Delay Tolerant Network Microbiology Microbial Technology Environmental Biotechnology Animation Comics quadrinhos 3D animation Embedded Systems Sensor Networks Business and Management Financial Accounting General management Computer Sciences C++ Botany Plant Cell Cell Biology Molecular Cell Biology Immunology Infection and Immunity Biology of Diseases talking Virology Cancer Biology Ayurveda Panchakarma Music Therapy Computer Sciences and Engineering nonlinear dynamics vibrations Theoretical and Experimental Vibration Testing Chemistry Chemical Engineering Biomedical Sciences Medical physiology medical laboratory science Pharmacy Pharmaceutics Microservices Event Driven Services FinTech Electric Vehicle Data Interpretation Reasoning Research Paper Writing Software Developer education Science Education Nursing Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Science experiments Phenomenological research Community Health Nursing Action Research Correlational research Quantitative research Qualitative research Mixed-method research Building Automation Energy Efficiency HVAC Controls DDC Controls Science and Technology Engineering Applied Science Technology Mathematical Science Life Sciences Physical Science Chemical Science Medical Science Health Science Ayurvedic Science Agriculture Science Earth science Veterinary Sciences Biological Science Pharmaceutical science Natural Sciences Dental Science Human Sciences Computational Science Community Science Formal science Empirical sciences Plant tissue culture Computer Science Evolutionary Algorithms Tourism hotel management Tourism Marketing Data Structures Remote Sensing Opthamology Drug Discovery Extracelluar Vesicle Cornea Wound Healing Academic drug delivery systems Transdermal Drug Delivery Nasal Drug Delivery Herbal formulation development Psychiatric Nursing Medical science health Inorganic Chemistry Quantum Chemistry Academic Writings PHYSIOTHERAPY Heat Transfer Thermodynamics Refrigeration Engineering Graphics Material Science Biophysics Mathematical Biology Classical Physics Quantum Mechanics Project management Applied Economics LL.B Research methodology Biosensors Molecular biology Entrepreneur Strategy & Innovation Biology Bio-informatics Vaccine development Mechanical Multi Generation Mixing Network coding Electrical Energy Computer Vision Statistics Data Science SAP Data Mining process Software Engineering Data Visualization Recombinant DNA Technology Airway epithelial biology Environmental pollutants Human Health Physics Modern Algebra ECE Electronics Management Nursing research Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing Nursing Education Nursing administration Chemical Data Warehousing and data Mining Green Computing Management Information Systems Chemical Sciences Plant Biotechnology Plant Genetic Engineering biostaitics obstetrical & Gynaecology Nursing Life Science Tumor Virology Bioinformatics Bio Electronics Optoelectronics Nano-Chemistry Forensic Nanotechnology English language FRACTIONAL CALCULUS SPECIAL FUNCTIONS INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS Clinical research Scientific Writing Pharmnacology Medicine cost accounting msme research methodology corporate law and management statistical analysis and interpretation Mass Transfer LEGAL RESEARCH Operating System ML Distributed Computing Operational Efficiency Mortgages lecturer Communite server Software Architecture Advanced Computing banking and finance HR International Business General Management International Marketing bioprospecting clinical toxicology 1. Head of Department Examination from year 2011 to June 2018 at Dr. Vedprakash Patil Pharmacy College Aurangabad. 2.Member Local Inspection Committe (LIC) of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad. 3.Co-ordinator National Service Scheme 4. Nodal officer for AISHE (All India Survey on Higher Education) 5. Worked as Chief Superintendent of Examination Dr BAMU 6. Member of Paper setting committee at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad. 7. Examiner for B. Pharm. Examinations conducted by Dr. BAMU Aurangabad and Sant Gadge Baba University Amaravati MSBTE Mumbai. 8. External Institute monitoring committee (EIMC) Chairman. (MSBTE) 9. Chief Officer InCharge in Summer/Winter Theory Exam. 10. Reassessment in Summer/Winter Theory Exam. 11. Vigilance squad member in Summer/Winter Theory Exam. 12. Admission process (FC) incharge Sustained release formulations Regional planning and Development Remote Sensing and GIS Political Geography Urban Planning Population Geography Geographical Thought Agricultural Geography Agricultural development Agricultural Policy Antenna Design Signal signal image and video processing Strategic Planning Technical Architecture Global AI Strategist Organizational Development Application Development FDA Market Research Market Analysis HPLC New Business Development Dossier Preparation Ancient Kannada literature Modern Kannada Literature Jain Philosopy indian Philosopy The second stage of kannada language with literature DevSecOps AppSec MLSecOps ICT Leadership Strategic Vision Business Planning Product Marketing Executive Management Multi-level Communication Google Cloud SQL Google Compute Engine Data Management Microsoft Azure Google BigQuery Linux MySQL GCP Python NoSQL Web Services IntelliJ Microsoft Office Pega Doing PhD in biosciences master in botany bechlor in Samskrit foundation course in Adhyatam Vidya spoken Sanskrit from NPTEL diploma in EYTP from IIT rurkee Research and Development (R&D) Research Projects critical thinking Electronics and Telecommunication Eduaction Project Management Quality Management Maintenance Management Training and development Data Analysis Data Integration Reaserch Thermal Engineering Energy Engineering STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING EARTHQUAKE AND SOIL ENGINEERING Disintegration Machine Franz Diffusion Cell Formulation Design Pharmaceutical ENGLISH pharmacotherapy PHARMACOLOGY HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Communication Digital communication Quality Assurance Software Quality E-Commerce Pharmacist MANAGEMENT Structural Engineering Electronics Engineering Marketing Behavioural Sciences Organizational Behaviour Biomarker Discovery Metabolomics Neuroscience Financial Accounting Marketing Analytics Forecasting CoE Market Assessments Electrical Engineering Haematology Blood Banking Educational Psychology Inclusive Education Teacher Education Special Education Clinical Pharmacist Freelancing Assistance Professor Product Engineering Research Analysis Environmental Engineering Transportation Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Pharmacology Geotechnical Engineering Engineering Design Microcontroller Embedded System Information Technolgy Structural design Digital Communication Teaching and Research Digital Electronics Management Studies IT Industrial Drives Expert in Ocular Health including Clinical Refraction Low vision Contact lens Transportation Engineering and Management Protein Biochemistry Electrical Power Engineering Machines Drives Computer & Information Science Renewable Energy Design Engineering WiMC ITS&NS HPC Machine Design Food Science Plastic Technology Applied Mechanics Vibration Buckling Composites Natural fibers composites Sandwich Structures Nano Composites and Nano Coating CIVIL ENGINEERING HRM Research and Development System Engineer Mechanical engineering Electrical and Electronics Eng Computational Learning Theory Process Control System Error Control Analysis of Algorithms Environmental Sciences Consumer Behavior Communication Systems Electronics and Communications Engineering Multiband and Wideband Applications Wireless pressure monitoring POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Petrochemical Engineering Design Manager Innovator Mechanical Engineer Aerospace Engineering French Linguistics Mechanical in Machine Design Power Electronics Commerce Cryptology Number Theory Social Science Groundwater Management Climate Change Water Resources Groundwater Protein Expression Cell Culture Development of Organic Catalysis Business/Commerce Fluid Mechanics Thermochemical Conversion Renewable energy Polymer Chemistry Language and Literature Python Developer System Design Data Structure & Algorithm Telecommunication Engineering Engineering & Technology Management Accounting Software Engineer Computer Aided Design (CAD) Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Automation Geography Fluvial Geomorphology Geo-Environmental Agriculture Agronomy Applied Electronics Electronics and Communication Engineering English Computer Application Counselor Physiotherapy Football Medicine Hindi Literature PHARMACY Prosthetics Orthotics Public Health Optical Fiber Communication Database Management System SDLC Agile Methodology Psychology Information and Communication Technology (ICT Philosophy Sanskrit Philosophy of Religion SOCIAL WORK Hematological profiling Bonemarrow chromosome preparation Women Entrepreneurships Indian Philosophy Vedic Astrology Dharmashastra Indian Religion and Culture Business Operations Integral Transforms Astronomy Astrophysics Waste water Technology Seed dormancy Solid waste management Economic Maths Energy Energize Unambiguous American Literature Child Health Nursing Physiotherapist Health Sciences Horticulture Forestry Plant biotechnology Econometric Process Dynamics and Control Electrical Drives and Control Assistant Professor Medical Sciences Metallurgical Engineering Automobile Engineering Synthetic Organic Chemistry Costing Mathematician Researcher Geoscientist Geospatial technology Computer Applications Heat & Mass Transfer Computational Fluid Dynamics Journalism Livestock Production and Management Economic History Tribal history Modern Indian History Medical Surgical Nursing Pharmaceutical Chemistry Agricultural Economics Industrial Economics Labour Economics Research Gender Issues Electrical and Electronics Engineering ZOOLOGY Embedded System Technologies Sports Education EEE Vocational Engineering Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Physical Chemistry Bio-Physics Media Studies Pharmaceutical Analysis MSN Library Managemt career Guidance 17 years of experience Social Work Co-operation Special Geography Sociology Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Microfinance Plant Science Retailing management Garment manufacturing Fashion Forecasting Quality Fashion theories Luxury Apparel Brand Management COMPUTER SCIENCE Sustainable Development Control Systems Electrical & Electronics Engineering TEFL Business Administration and Management Materials Science Energy & Fuels Federated Learning Software Testing Vedic yoga Psychoneurobic Environmental Studies Natural Resources Management Cyber Crimes Cyber Law NEUROLOGY Engineering and Technology Office Administrator Ecosystem analysis RETROSPECTIVE Communication Engineering Communicative Librarian History Dairy Technology RESEARCH Content Writer Technical Research Analysis THERMAL Industrial effluents nanocomposites Psychologist Gas and Energy Management Nuclear Physics Social Geography Law Military Law Constitutional Law Physical Education Materials Management Human Resource Development Pharmaceutical chemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences CRM Enterprise Softwares Generative AI Technical Education Python Programming Computer NETWORKS Java Lab Drug standardization ASU Drugs Herbomineral drugs Financial accounting Direct and Indirect Tax Accountancy Sports Physiology Basketball Physical Sciences Training and Coaching Credit Management Risk Management Administration Veterinary Pathology Microwave Engineering Tally Combinatorics Network Analysis Quality Control Operation Dr.Mallela Ramaiah College of Nursing Nellore AP Information Systems International Trade America Analytical nuclear policy Robotic Engineering Cascading Style Sheets EDUCATION Public Health Nurse Nephrology Gynecology Fisheries Science MATERIALS ENGINEERING PHYSICS Logistics Electronics & Communication Engineer Faculty of Management Studies NAND Flash Memory CMOS VLSI Quantum dot Cellular Automata Functional Verification Formal Verification Logic Designs Non-volatile Memory System Verilog System Verilog Assertions Verilog HDL ASIC SOC Hardware Security Mass Communication Forensic Nursing Psychiatric nursing Electrical And Electronics Engineering Applied Linguistics Industrial Pollution Control Engineering Project and Construction Management Manufacturing Industrial Engineering Power Systems critical thinking conducting research CSE Network Security Internetworking International Politics Western Political Thought Indian Government & Politics Geo-environmental Engineer MS Office Wireless Communication Systems Fashion Designing Information Technologies Polymer Science Microbial Color Development Non-Newtonian Fluids Nanofluids Peristaltic Fluid Flow Public Policy and Governance Systems Technology Political Studies Development Studies Administrative Studies Management Science Computers Mental Health Nursing Gynaecological Nursing Obstetrics Nursing Branding Production Planning Alternative-fuels (Bio-Diesel applications) Composite Materials Industrial Management Metallurgy Environmental Management Architecture E-waste Management Food Science and Technology Science & Technology Geology Mineralogy Igneous Petrology Hydeogeology COMMERCE HRD Air Pollution Environmental Chemistry Chemodynamics INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Environmental Science Organic indexing Radiologist Surgery Humanities Digital Marketing Parenting style Social Psychology English Communication Marketing Strategy Communication Studies Fashion Management Fashion Management Studies Subaltern Study STRUCTRAL ENGINEERING Numerical Methods Audiologist Pathologist Physiology Virological Immunological Proteomics Information Management Web Development Logo Design Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Midwifery Cyber-crime Jurisprudence MS-Access SSIS DB Visualizer Leadership Development Space Engineering Aerospace Astronautica Engineering Aeronautical Electronics & Communication MECHANICAL ENGINEER Thermal Science Clinical Research Life Skill lessons Education Management Article writing Patent filing nano refrigerants Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health Veterinary Microbiology Epidemiology Computer Practice Soil Science Agricultural Engineering ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERNG Logical Reasoning Data Mapping Engineering Management Electronics and Communication Homoeopathic Homoeopathy Obstetrics Business Administration Management Information System Windows XP Clinical Chemistry Web Designing Financial Planing Stenography COMPUTER OPERATIONS ECONOMICS Earthquake Engineering Industrial Pharmacy Women Empowerment Social Issues Machine learning Analytics Microstrip Antenna Human Resources Analytics Riccati Differential Equations CIVIL Engineering Project Planning Management Dental Surgery Endodontics Information & Communication Engineering Computer and Information Technology Information Science Agricultural Research Computational Data science Digital Marketer 14 Years EXPERT IN TEACHING MATERIA MEDICA Environmental Technology Environmental Engineering Technology Agriculture Chemistry Agricultural Science Commerce and Management Mechatronics Engineering Educational Supervision Chemistry Education Agriculture Business Management AGRICULTURE Quantity Survey Inorganic Chemistry & Analytical Chemistry Endocrinologist Diabetologist Corporate Secretaryship Aquaculture Management Fisheries Urology Para-surgical SPORT SCIENCE ATHLETICS Biochemstry research journal editing java Nano-technology Bio-pharmaceutics Medical Geography Population geography settlement geography transport geography medical geography human geography leadership motivated Developing curricula Delivering course material Assisting with student recruitment Academic counseling Publishing journals Research projects Patents Entrepreneur Development Cell Innovation and Incubation Industry Interaction Value Added Courses Performance Analysis Fuzzy Logic MATLAB Solar Tracking System Wireless Communication Digital Filter Genetic Algorithms Array Processor FPGA DC Motor Control CAD/CAM/CAE communication knowledge working with group learning adapting Time management Interpersonal Skills Multitasking Problem Solving Critical Thinking Flexibility Team Collaboration Organization Creativity Innovative Improve Create Challenging Engaging Scholar Learner Thinking QC &QA Production Teaching listening music Reading Books Adaptability Affordability Achievability Innovation Team Building Administrative Mentoring Learner Assessment Standardized Testing Monitoring Evaluation Learning Research & Development Space Science Environment Chemical & Life sc. Teaching/Education Agriculture Sector Fertilizers Industry Human Resource Management & Administration teaching research analytical Speaking Teamwork Public Speaking Time Management Presentation Analytical Skills Collaboration Interested to work in new fields Ready to take Challenges Positive attitude willing to learn believe in hard work Good communication skills convincing Good at team work Counselling Health Awareness Focused Driven Results Oriented Research Oriented Presentation Skills Mentorship Community Development Stage leading management Dedicated Honest Team spirit/work Co-operative Tolerant Analytical omnivorous reader Disciplined Proficiency in spoken and written English IT proficiency in teaching various subjects Administration as HOD Competency in English Language Proficiency in Computer Operation Communication Skills problem solving collaboration presentation analytics stakeholder management Graphic Designing Digital Design Fashion Communication Visual Communication Design Fashion Photography Social Media Networking Management Academician Mentor Guide Fluency (English) Mother tongue Hindi Conflict Resolution Self-Motivation Ability to work under pressure Hard working Consistency in work Adaptable Flexible Team working Interacting with people Playing chess Presentation skills Decision making Communication skills Problem-Solving Documentation Product Development Document Interpretation Mathematics Proficiency Attention to Detail Budget Preparation Performance Tuning Problem-solving Troubleshooting Collaborative Skills Creative Challenging Environment hard work dedication perseverance dependability ability to work well with others flexible adaptable pick up ideas quickly take action meet project objectives deliverables Organizing Supervising Self-management interpersonal skills Quick and adaptability of new system Self-confident self-motivated self-organizer Highly committed to achieving organizational goals Training & Collaboration Requirements Analysis Disaster Recovery Installation Tools DIVERSE TEACHING MODALITIES COMMITTED TO CULTIVATING STUDENT LEADERSHIP SKILLED ACADEMIC ADVISOR INNOVATIVE THINKER EXAM CONTROLLER Excellent Communication Organizational Interpersonal Problem -Solving Collaborative PLC and Automation Network Theory Electric Drive Effective communication skill Effective leadership quality Time management skills Teamwork and collobor ation Continous learning attention to detail accuracy interpersonal abilities critical evaluation insightful feedback collaborative work training consultancy team working coordination interpersonal Quick Learner Hard Working Team Player interpersonal relationship verbal skills written skills Dynamic Sincere Enthusiastic Adaptive Team self-assured ambitious communication skills leadership skills teamwork Good qualitative aptitude excellent grasping power eagerness to learn passion to succeed sincerity coordination skills Typewriting in English Computer on Office Automation Latex Academic Administration Budgeting & Cost Control Audits & Statutory Compliances Profit Center Operations Finance and Accounts Sales & Marketing Product Rollout / Management Risk Mitigation & Control Funds Management Regional Administration Portfolio Management Liaising & Coordination Promotions Planning Resources Optimization Training & Career Development Alliances / Tie-Ups Branch Administration Teaching Management and Banking subjects Banking Operations Business & Executive Leadership Stress Management problem-solving organization time management decision making motivation guidance support awareness Prospecting Cold Calling Relationship Building Meeting Planning Proposal Development Pricing Negotiation Persuasion Client Relationship Management Online Teaching Coding hard worker Motivated Committed to learning Eagerness to grow Planning Initiative Interaction Action Based Learning Follow Up Guidance Communication skill Human values Data Entry Application Internet Handling SPSS SATA E - Views Package CHARISM ATIC LEADERSHIP FOCUSED STRATEGIC MOTIVATIVE ENER GETIC CREA TIVE Site Reliability Engineering System Architecture and Design Cloud Infrastructure Management Cloud Security DevOps Cloud Operations Building Managing Architecting Designing Implementing Leveraging Root cause analysis Decision-making Coaching Knowledge transfer Technical guidance Project deliverables Team management Examination Department Coordinator Research Guidance Lead Auditor Lead Implementer Peer Reviewer Editorial Board Member Consultancy Continuing Education Organized Faculty Development Programme Organized Conferences Innovation Ambassador Internet awareness Academic Consultant Good organizing quality Dynamic and having flair to learn resourceful innovative Curious Organized Detail-Oriented Lab Skills Precision Honesty Hardworking Determined Punctual Quick learner Optimist Curriculum Development Team Management Technical Expertise Customer Engagement Salesforce CREATIVE TEAMWORK CONFIDENT INNOVATIVE SKILLS PROFESSIONAL Decision Making Excellent time management skills Computer skills Good leadership quality Data entry skills Team work Hard work Commitment Confidence Self-motivation Positive Thinking Patience To make others happy Helping Nature Instructional Planning Strategies Learning Chemistry Gap Analysis Competence-related Learning Outcomes Knowledge-related Learning Outcomes Career Counselling Supervision E-Learning Research Project Supervision Syllabus Designing Testing Shared Leadership Taking Charge Behaviors friendly professional excellent high standard team Self-Disciplined Strong Will -Power Creative Intelligence Caring Nature Optimistic Approach Team Spirit Hard Work Learning Attitude Writing Team Leader Proactive Affable High Pressure Pleasant Behavior Team spirit Self confidence Politeness Knowledge Skills Resource Optimization Experience Critical thinking Analytical skills Team player Cloud enthusiast Build/Release Engineering Software development Highly available Fault tolerant Continuous Learning reliability ambitiousness honesty efficiency result Interpersonal relationship Effective communication Conflict management Goal setting and work planning Student oriented Expertise in handling student queries Proficient in developing skills in students Good at teaching Conceptual Physics Lesson Planning Self-disciplined Right Attitude Positive Approach Fond of Teaching Organizational Skills Polite Optimistic Self Driven Goal-oriented Managerial Efficient Leading from Front work under pressure Practice Academics Cosmetology Training Determination Dedication Self starter Best student motivator Strong determination and dedication Good team spirit Easily adaptive quick in learning Observation Multi-tasking Assessment Consulting Learning new skills Sales strategies Product knowledge Customer relationship management Market analysis Social worker Postgraduate teaching Learning management interfaces Business Communication Stock market investment Motivating Talented continuous learning leading academic institution expertise Reading Listening Facilitation Community Service Experienced Committed Adept Specialize Passionate Critical thinking & Innovation Leadership quality professionalism highly motivated good communication skills positive attitude individual work responsibility commitment Communication and presentation skills Organization and management skills Adaptability and flexibility Display Advertising Email Marketing Customer Loyalty Customer Outreach Website Structure Customer Awareness Creative Ideation Ability to access situation Good communication Good Understanding ability Result Oriented Leaders hip Results-driven Seasoned Quality Assurance Professional Certified Scrum Master Adept at leading cross-functional teams Developing effective testing strategies Facilitating scrum ceremonies Strategic thinking development data analysis data mining machine learning deep learning natural language processing computer vision software engineering project management Scientific Experimental Drug discovery General pharmacology Systemic pharmacology Clinical pharmacology Statistical Package for Social Sciences Applicant assessment Self improvement Hard Worker Customer Focused Self-starting Highly Motivated Detail Oriented Project Planning Implementation Vendor Management Process Improvement Problem Resolution Work ethic Strong teaching ability Research expertise Interpersonal skill Excellent presentation skills Handling Pressure Strong Communication Computer Literacy Team Work relation analytical Self motivated Patience in work Financial analysis forecasting cost-saving measures revenue growth analysing financial data identifying trends actionable strategies short-term profitability Government-Corporate connections Client Relationship management Multitasker Mentally strong Assistance Coordination In-charge Assisting Handling Administrative activities Organizing guest lectures Organizing seminars Customer Service Editing Proofreading Personal abilities Excellent verbal and written communication skills fast learning group work willingness to learn team facilitator administration UGC inspection NBA Accreditation NAAC process skill development NSDC Pattern Recognition Data Analytics Data Analytical Tools R Programming SQL JSP Big Data WEKA Tool Informatica Tool Web Technologies Emotional Intelligence Alumni Leadership Software Development Internal Quality Auditor Member of Board of Studies Scheme and Syllabus Preparation IQAC Member Member of Discipline Committee Organizing International Conferences Guest Lectures Seminars Debates Webinars Alumni talk Industry Institution Interaction Programmes Executive Interaction Programmes Industrial visits Question Paper Setter Coordinator for Sankara Academy of Excellence Coaching classes for CA Foundation Course Orientation programmes for competitive examinations Awareness programmes for professional courses Course designer for MCom Programme Designed Blended mode for MCom Courses Admission Coordinator for MCom Coursera coordinator for MCom AMPLE Coordinator for MCom Conservation Biodiversity Conservation Immunomodulation Initiator Presentations Assessment and Evaluation Teaching Assistant Academic Record Effective Communication Active Listening Creative Thinking Product Management Solutions Architecture Cloud Engineering Strategic Initiatives Scalable Solutions Operational Excellence Compliance Reliability Business Value Customer Success Technical Excellence Customer Needs Product Execution Innovative Solutions Market Trends Customer Feedback Competitive Landscape Product Strategy Requirements Gathering Prioritization Technical Specifications Customer Understanding Pain Points Use Cases Competitive Analysis Customer Interviews Go-to-Market Strategy New Product Launches Feature Enhancements Positioning Messaging Adoption Revenue Growth Cross-Functional Collaboration Product Delivery Technical Feasibility Customer Requirements Product Messaging Product Performance Product Metrics Success Criteria Customer Usage Patterns Data-Driven Insights Product Roadmapping Team Mentoring Technical Writing Customer Presentations Thought Leadership Procient in English Skilled in operating Pharmaceutical Analytical Equipments Effeciency in various pharmaceutical formulations Strong communication skills Comparative Politics Political Theory and Thoughts Indian Administration Democratic Decentralization Panchayati Raj Institutions Subaltern Studies Democracy and Peace Studies Comparative Study of Major World Religions Guiding Advocating Traveling Exploring Learning attitude Positive nature Results-oriented Business development Effective marketing Organisational capacity Operability and Commitment Resistance to stress Good manners Cooperative and Friendly Nature ability to deal people diplomatically quick and self learner flexible for changing as per requirements HARD WORKING FLEXIBILITY PUNCTUALITY HONESTY CONFIDENCE Guest Lecturer Project Consultant Fault analyser Guest Lecturing Legal Consulting Sports Management enthusiastic consecrated ready to acquire knowledge passionate creative spirit bilingual good in drawing Advocacy Eager to learn Agile Scrum Kanban Waterfall Jira Confluence Asana Google Suites Stakeholder Management People Management Performance Management Hiring Resource Allocation Trouble-shooting Quick Learning Technical Skills Research Orientation Publishing Guiding Projects Influencer Adaptive Leadership Project Analysis Digital Creator Content Creator Self Motivated Integrity Counsellor Canva Managing Events Syllabus Design Exam Committee Culture Empathy Career Counseling Inquisitive Eagerness to Learn Researching Foot balling Progress Reports Record Keeping Problem solving Leadership skills Creative thinking Docs & Excel (basics) Share market (beginner) HTML & CSS (beginner) Effective Communicator Analytical ability creativity Hardcore negotiator Excellent Command over client network business channels Teamworking Social Skills IT Skills Desire reviewing self-motivation augmentation of core skills goal oriented persuasion skills Judgment Development Counseling Ambitious Trustworthy Positive Attitude Concern for People Friendly Sociable Calm Frank Faith in Human Beings Library automation Bar-coding for Books software installation Downloading Scanning Library House Keeping Acquisition Shelving the books cataloguing classification Circulation Library management Inter library loan User training Budget allocation access to e-journals CD Rom search Online search Microfiche database search SDI & CAS services Abstracting and Indexing Alerting service totally Digital Library initiative Technical Modeling Control Theoretic Concepts Drug Adherences Microbiological Techniques Phytochemical Analysis Chromatography Techniques Biochemical Analysis Plant Tissue Culture Synthesis of Nanoparticles Good communication skill Good listener Good interpersonal skill energetic team player proactive results driven professional quantities good listener meticulous calm down-to-earth honest amiable resolute sincere logical thinker straight-forward sensitive soft-spoken introversion reserved slow starter fast worker hard working Strategic Thinking Sincerity ability to work as a team co-operation with others strong work ethics innovativeness initiative positive approach Knowledge Gaining good inter personal relations Ability to take on responsibility work as team member Technical Lead Ability to learn the things fastly make the solutions Patient Carrier Oriented Fast Learner Self-motivated good work ethics inter-personal skills A quick learner Can do attitude Positive thinking Self Confidence determination to complete the allotted work Good leadership qualities Highly motivated smart working ability Willing to learn new technologies implementation Corporate Governance Hardworking with positive attitude Punctuality Calibre to handle difficulties Strong will power Good learning capacity Systematic and well confidence Kinship Community Studies Folk Arts Aesthetics Willing to take challenges adapt to any situation Time and people management skills Determined and Hardworking Team worker Building kind relations Excellent communication Highly interactive Empathic Principled Religious Candid Hard-working Literature Survey team player quick learner cope up with failures learn from mistakes Adjustable Self Discipline Hard worker content writing evaluation placement public speaking writing Human Rights Case Studies Teaching Methodologies Financial Inclusion SME Sector Digital Economy fresh thoughts assertive behavior Confident Concrete Technology Eco friendly concrete Alternate material for concrete making Self Confident Leadership qualities Excellent interpersonal skills Volunteerism Ability to understand with the team Ability to handle crisis Team Building Skills Leadership Skills Development Soft Skills Development Employee relations management Training and Development Resourceful Smart work Creative Nature Punctual Creative Willing Shoulder the responsibilities Client Management Relationship Management Sales relationship management organizational Excellent presentation and communication skills Superior creative and critical thinking abilities Performance and target oriented approach Conflict resolution skills Perform root cause analysis Ability to work under high pressure Hardwork Goal oriented Prioritize Self confident Team facilitator Learn new things Ability to perform under pressure managerial team leading Focus Proactive Approach Responsibility Sense of Responsibility Learning Environment Knowledge of research methodologies Writing and presenting reports Passion Writing & analysis Safety WCM Planning and Organization skill Mature, patient and responsible communicator Motivating and approachable committed dedicated affectionate supervision planning Time Table Coordinator Project Coordinator Event Coordinator Volunteer Time Table Incharge Course Coordinator Curiosity to learn Imaginative & Creative Innovative Teaching Interactive skills problem solving capability Self-learner Quality Assessement Acceditation and Assurence E-resouces Skill development Academic and Examination Reform Academic Reforms New Education Policy 'kSf{kd xq.koRrk esa lq/kkj gsrq pqVdqyk How to Write Research Paper Ekknd nzO;ksa dk LokLF; ij izHkko fgUnh vkSj yksd Hkk"kk,alaca/k ,oa laidZ NRrhlx<+h yksdxhr esa izd`fr psruk NAAC : Evaluation & Challenges fgUnh Hkk"kk vkSj orZeku ifjn`'; izse dh vuqHkwfr vkSj vfHkO;fDr lkfgR; vkSj ehfM;k dk var%laca/k Hkkjrh; jkVh; ,drk vkSj ledkyhu pqukSfr;kWa tSo fofo/krk jfgeu ikuh jkf[k,----------fcu ikuh lc lwu loZ lekt tufodkl lfefr Ykk;al Dyc vkWQ jk;x<+ flVh NRrhlx<+h jktHkk"kk vk;ksx 'kkldh; ih Mh egkfo|ky; ftyk&jk;x<+ varjkZ"Vh; fgUnh 'kks/k if=dk Administrative task Documentary procedure Maintaining quality standards Participating Preparing Introducing Ensuring Providing information Giving training Resolving Customer care Smart Worker Convincing Attitude practical pleasing outgoing Programming language Operating Systems Software tools Assembley Language System Programming Kernal Development Strong multitasking Detail oriented Commitment to work Transformative leadership skills Analysis System Testing Support documentation Proficiency Data Handling Web Browsing Public Relations Customer Care Good teaching and supervising skills Good organizational and co-ordinating skills Cooperative Adjustable to work conditions instantly Control Protection Transmission Lines Bus Bars Transformers Generators New Ideas Personal Growth Professional Growth Team builder Interpersonal skills Clinical Patient assessment and management Event Management Finance & Accounts Clinical knowledge Administrative skills Maintaining records Maintaining confidentiality Soil testing water quality assessment biochemical assessment Statistical analysis Food Technology Product development Analytical Testing Aquaculture R&D Alumni Personality development Challenge Handling Self Motivation Stress management Customer Experience Soft Skills Professionalism Values Vision Attitude Social Media Content Writing Photography Goal Driven Motivational Skills Leader Trouble Shooting IEC Data Compression Personality Development Procurement Operations Internal Audits Client servicing Strategy Management Market research Analysis Competitive analysis Market Watch& Forecast Pricing Trends Market and Product Segmentation Business Analysis Literary Educational Strategies People Skills Performance Interface real world Microprocessors Microcontrollers Personal Computers Good tempered leader Fast-learning Workaholic Zealtolearnnewthings Comprehensiveproblemsolvingability GoodCommunicationSkills Abilitytodealwithpeoplediplomatically Expert Panel Member Faculty coordinator Member Teacher Open to new and implementable ideas Highly approachable and self guided Data Acquisition Vibration Analysis Statistical Analysis Design of Experiments Stability Analysis Rolling element bearing stiffness design Control System Mechatronics Condition Monitoring Mathematical modelling Camping Officiating Requirement Gathering System Analysis Technical Guidance multiple tasks prioritize coordinate work independently confidently Logical Approach Efficiently Maturity Effective communication skills Obedient Responsible Quickly adjustable to new environments Absolute devotion extreme sincerity analytical skills Easy learner Professional Artist Professional Actor Professional Stage Actor Professional Director Professional Choreographer Professional Script Writer Professional Actors Trainer Professional Television Actor Professional Modern Drama Stage Actor Professional Creative Director Subject Expert Judge Communication Officer Public Information Officer Creative Consultant Deputy Director Excellent analytical capabilities Willingness to learn new technology Comprehensive Problem Solving Ability to deal with people diplomatically Basic knowledge of computer Analytical Techniques Teamwork Skills Problem Solving Skills Listening and Learning Skills Comprehension Analytical Thinking Academic co -coordinator NCSC (National Children Science Congress) Helping Managing capability Positive attitude towards problems risk assessment risk management Sportiveness Dedicative to work professional attitude challenging environment Motivation systematic approach punctuality team work Passion to learn Innovation in Lecture Delivery Excellent Knowledge of Structural Design Target Achiever Positive Thinker Publication Logical thinking Quick decision Perfection Positive approach in nature Phyto-chemistry Environmental chemistry Conservation Biology Tea Management Forest Management Operations & Maintenance Management Telecom Systems Operations Manpower Management Motivator Go-getter Academic Management Commercial Acumen Budgeting Financing Independent Work Persuasive Professional Networking Strong analytical, logical and accounting skills Excellent communication skills Ability in clarifying the doubts Communicating skill Financial planning expert Insurance planning expert Security analyst Methodology Educational Statistics Educational Technology Method development Validation Goal Oriented Micromanagement Persistence Future Focused Long Term Thinking Ability to work in team Ability to make decision communication skill learning new skills Ability and willingness to work Learning new concepts quickly Communicating ideas effectively Ability to work in a group Motivating students with positive thinking Technical Training Self directed Administrator Organizer enthusiastic educator Self Challenging enriching team member Quick in work cooperative Reviewer Committee Member Technical Committee Member Conference Chair Ability to work in groups Effective communicator at a ll levels excellent IPR skills Pragmatic and flexible approach to change Strong organizational skills Hardworking and professional Cordial Rapport Building Classroom Management Student Supervision Performance Evaluation Academic Responsibilities Knowledge Management Student Development Concentration Work Excellence Quick Adaptability New Technology Leadership Skills Proactive & Industrious Willingness to learn Motivational Feedback Spatial Analysis Fuzzy Mathematics Environmental Modeling Challenging projects Real enthusiasm design synthesis understand rheological demonstrated reading Ability to work independently Proactive attitude Mentoring skills Quality of Service Excellent knowledge of subject Practical knowledge Image processing Neural Networks Pragmatic Organisation Time bound and managing Decis ion Making and Leadership skill Easily adaptable according to situation Dedicated and hard working Self motivated and result oriented principles of management Total quality management Analytical abilities drawing Research in automobile engines Amiable and Amicable by nature. Good Communication Skills. Inquisitive in learning new technologies. public relations multicultural Competitive Vibrant Generating relationships Delivering performance Developing educational strategies Preparing individuals to success Passion to teach Building teams Critical decisions Trainer Developing individuals Malleable Transformational leader Work independently Developing opportunities Organizational goals Loyalty Determination and Persistence Good Typing Skills Effective interpersonal skills Career counseling Preparing assignments Working together well Good Handwriting Devoted Self-confidence self reliant good moral character Interactive Learning Process Excellent Communication Skills Carrier counselling Loyal Literacy Empathetic listener Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Content Development Guidance & Counseling Internship Supervision Database Management Confident and determined Facilitator Goal -oriented Highly effective communicator Analytical thought processes Interpreting research outcome leading research assignments BLAST ,FAST Ability to handle large datasets conduct expert data analysis Analytical thinker critical problem solver A leader skilled in interpersonal communication medicinal activity biological activities single-step strategy cyclization anti-cancer Computer knowledge Good Teaching skills Strong values and ethics Vision Oriented Sensitive to needs of others Open to ideas and views Editorial board member Exam Coordinator Editor ISTE Coordinator IEEE Coordinator Organizing workshops Excellent knowledge Project Guide OIC member EPESA Committee member Professional Public speaking University teaching Individual counseling Postcolonial Writing Media & Publication Quantitative Techniques Managerial Statistics Business Mathematics HRM subjects Directing group behavior and Projects Curriculum Construction Examination Reforms Teaching Methodology Smart Strategies Ethics and Duties Man Making Education Examination Cell Faculty Enrichment Council Innovations in Banking Online Purchaser Behaviour E-banking Impact Social Science Research Methodology Synergies Harmony Indian Values Modern Science Government Measures Institutions Support Woman Entrepreneurship Financial Innovation Emerging Markets IT Champion Training Construction Speaker Visiting Faculty Strong Determination Organizational Growth Training & Placement Curriculum Design Faculty Development Institutional Brand Promotion Soft Skill Training Orientation Corporate Tie ups listening skills lateral thinking adaptability of changes learning quickly Relationship building Policy Analysis Quantitative Methods GIS Rural Appraisal Group Formation Inspiring Designing Information Materials Awareness Generation goal driven Good Mentor Soft Spoken Attractive Behavior Result oriented Team Facilitator Comprehensive Problem Solving Ability Solid Interest Towards Innovation Excellent Written Communication Skills Ability To Deal With People Diplomatically Willingness To Learn Streamlining Modernizing Automating Independent research Highly organized Creative flair Adaptive learning Continuous knowledge enhancement Keen observer Multi Tasking Introspection Self-refinement Result Driven Team leader Organizational skill Pressure handling Simplification Open minded like to accept any challenge technical ethical Poised Exceptionally well organized self motivation People management responsive Fast Learning prompt high level of energy inspire comfort build self-esteem listen to students with patience developmental theory practice of education Stress and time management Business analysis Fundraising Psychological counselling energetic Professional Attitude Coordinating Agreement Goal Setting Result Accomplishment Student Success Ability to manage stress Adjustable by nature Discipline Professional growth Increasing responsibility Quick learning Process improvement Reviewing Case study development Event coordination Encouragement Academic progress evaluation Advising Leading Maintaining Conducting Delivering Evaluating Revising Facilitating Moderating Utilizing Assigning Completing Presenting Briefing Defending Framing Attending Assessing Quick learning ability Amicable Cordial Team Worker Goal Setter Prioritizing Tasks Work under pressure Grasping new technical concepts Continuous learning Innovative approach Flexible to any environment Dedicated for work Believe in Positive thinking Good Communication Skill Hardworking and Honest Committed and Competent Organized and Flexible Communicational Good Interpersonal Explanation Skill Client Liaison Report Generation Willingness to learn new things. Making Friends Smart worker Fast learner Proficient in Small Business Management Excellent in Ms-Word Ms-PPT Ms-Excel Working Knowledge in Internet / E-mail SPSS Comparative Study Financial Education Self-directed passionate commitment student development learning experience challenging diverse interests needs of students Business acumen Negotiation skills Analytical Skill Presentation Skill Energetic Communication Skill Focused group discussion Knowledge Sharing Team Leading Receptive to Environment Teaching aptitude Lecturing Professional Training Project Guidance academic activities administrative activities Song Writing Story Writing Students Monitoring Lectures Learning Strategies Conference Participation Managemen t of material resources Service on Faculty committees Advanced Oxidation Processes Photodegradation Photocatalysis Electro -Fenton Oxidation Catalyst Synthesis Characterization Kinetics Kinetic Modeling Heterogeneous Catalysis Association Global Perspective Good team player Taxation Technical report writing Educating Training programs Handling scientific and technical literature Carrying analysis using scientific databases Compiling research methodologies for scientific publications Media Management Advertising Brand Building Marketing Strategies identification characterization biodegradation oxidative stress mechanisms gene expression protein purification Systematic approach to find solutions Positive attitude in work Penchant for teamwork Good learning ability Pay careful attention to detail Work with precision Attentive competitive organized Competent Integrative Update Viable Quality Work Minded Good Grasping Power Gujarati Focused & goal driven strong work ethic excellent administrative aptitude eye for detail commitment to offer quality work coordinate and consolidate tasks Drive and passion for results. Publications Academic Contributions Social Co-curricular Refresher Courses Professional Development Professional Attachments Awards Honors Multimedia Video Conferencing IT Tools E-waste Energy Conservation National Interest Objectives Threats Opportunities Cashless Banking National Integration Digital Literacy Assistance during Natural/ Other Calamities Latest Trends And Development Application of IT Tools in Education E-waste: The Global Issue National Interest, Objectives, Threats and Opportunities Explore MS Office Carrier Opportunities for NCC Cadets Collection and Distribution of Aid Material How to prepare for Cashless Banking Problems/Challenges of National Integration Good Interpersonal skill Good confidence convincing power politeness Ability to Motivate People result driven Continuous Improvement Learn and apply new Technologies quickly Highly interested in research work Tutoring Nurturing Character Personality Effective Professional communication Personality Development Program Creative Spirit Reliable Effective Management Positive Technology Management Growth of start-up companies Corporate strategy Growth management Ownership strategy Growth strategies in turbulent environments Technology innovation Organizational learning Capabilities Designing new ways to search talents Updating current trends in teaching methods Desire to learn Ability to communicate well Positive attitude and self-confidence Preparation Multi Task Determination to learn Innovating thinking Logical Mathematical Written Verbal Management Skills problem Solving communications determination integrity compassion originality analyzing identifying developing Student mentoring Conference participation Curriculum development Commended speaker. Acclaimed stage-show anchor. Acclaimed soft-skilled trainer. Selective yet voracious reader. Organizing and planning. High working standards. flexibility and adaptability Personality grooming Interview Mocks Service on faculty committees Learning strategies Management of material resources Behavior Management Creative Questioning Student Focused Knowledgeable about all areas of teaching Data mining Drug Repurposing NGS analyses Cheminformatics Computational systems-biology and network modeling Database and prediction algorithm-development Drug and Biomarker discovery Social development Chess Trekking Science Communication Media Practice Identify Organize Develop Attended seminars Work with minimal supervision Verbal Communication Consideration Inspiration Calmness Assimilation Designing skills Positive attitude and behavior Strong sense of responsibility Simple and Hard working Effective Oral and Written Communication Skills Effective Use of Initiative Physical and Mental Alertness Integrity and Honesty molecular biology biochemistry enzymology biotechnology molecular characterization microbial community gene regulation cancer cell targeting anti-cancer drug development scientific poster presentation oral presentation slogan writing science and technology Positive thoughts Aptitude Class Management MIS/ Reporting Curriculum Design & Development Liaison/Coordination Admission & Examination Co-curricular Activities Strong Interpersonal Skills Discipline & Time Management Professional Motivation Organizational Behavior/Leadership Student Assessment Capability Building Staff Management Progress Monitoring Soft Skills & English Training Analytical & Communication Skills verbal willing to work hard ability to learn quickly goal-oriented organization skills Motivational Speech Soft Skill Project Planning & Execution Total Quality Management (TQM) Eager to learn new Technologies Action Oriented Good Learner Listener Independent worker Excellent co mmunication skills Good Etiquette Diplomatic Good Speaking Skills Classroom management Interactive teaching and learning Transparency good etiquette Good speaking skills Systematic Review Structured Career Guidance Motivational programmes Poetry Content Management Career oriented innovative thinker quickly adaptable good team member Tenacity to learn new things Excellent communication and organization skills active learner listener observer Ability to motivate colleagues maintain a sound work environment presentation skills Execution Speaking skills Creative writing Assertive Work hard under pressure Social Cause Good Communication Skills Hard-Working Versatile Adventurous Interpersonal Skill Clarifying doubts Conversational Utilize skills and knowledge Lean Transformation Knowledge-based Economy Game Theory Business Enterprise Decision Making Customer Relationships Restructuring Education Emerging Needs Attractive writing skills People-oriented Courteous demeanor Detail-oriented Peachy work ethics Telecommunication skills Excellent knowledge of Grammer articulate methodological confident leading progressive growth Strategic Thinker Risk Taker Forward Thinking Flexible to work Sincere at work Problem solving skills Legal Aid Seminar Organization Legal Literacy Awareness Research Writing Resource Person Faculty Content-Writing Team Motivation Econometric Analysis E-Waste Management Positive energy Ability to energize others responsible Analytical approach Able to direct lead others to produce desired results Seminar Group discussions Role plays Case studies Paper setting Paper evaluation Moderation Invigilator Examination Subject wise well typed notes Surprise tests Home assignments Evaluating home assignments Suggestions Genetic Algorithm Comprehensive problem solving abilities Quick and faster learning skills Arranging Organising Tactful Signal & Image Processing Good organizer Effective social & interpersonal skills Responsible & reliable Excellent Fluency in English Excellent written communication Data structures and Algorithms Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Cyber Safety and Security and Standards Entrepreneurship Awarness Big Data and Bussiness Analyst observing delivery technical expertise soft skills Personnel Growth patience Motivating colloquies Strong mind Team motivation Group work skill building Research activities Community mental health Rehabilitation of chronic mentally ill De- addiction psychiatry Adolescent psycho -social issues Academic and research activities Children, adolescent and their issues Clinical Work Psychosocial interventions Rehabilitation initiatives Group therapy Home visits Therapies Family interventions Supportive counseling Case work up Psycho -education Awareness programs Workshops Pre and post counseling Awareness sessions Coordination of workshops Supportive therapy Psychosocial management Therapeutic interventions Medical camp Awareness programmes Psychoso cial & Psychometric Assessment Community and vocational counseling Effective Participation lively enthusiasm administrative institutional academically administratively qualified nurses professionally talented reliable pressure Civic International Studies Politics Social Mobility Social Integrity Civics Problems Racial Discriminations Panchyat Raj South Asian Affairs Indo Afghanistan Relations Youth Development International Peace Social Security Cross border violations E-Governance power Politics Political Economy Diplomacy Foreign policy public administration Establishing an active society Prematurity mortality Aggraraiyan issues Child labour issues Mitigating peoples controversial Establishing amicable society Friendly world countries Anti -terrorism issues Corruptions Resolving religious discrepancies Eradicating Alleviation of Poverty Disequilibrium social issues Training need Analysis fast learner problem solving abilities written communication skills dealing with people diplomatically Customer Focus Independent Self-Confident Competitive environment Work Conference Centre Operations Student Management Passing percentile Growth YoY Competency Development Discipline Management monitoring Ragging Computer Skills skills commitment to excellence professional growth personnel growth keen interest in continuous learning Travelling good written & communication skills high degree of flexibility resource fullness optimism relationship building detail oriented Data Collection Report Writing Simulation inter -personal skills Great motivating power advertising Clint servicing marketing public relation market research Media Planning Work Planning People & Team Management Corporate Performance Management Set-up & Start-up Operations Organizational Strategy, Design, Structure & Turnaround Administration Management Knowledge of office Work AICTE Work PSBTE Work Knowledge of SDI/PMSRY Building up of ITI polytechnic college TPO Yoga Camp Technical Session FDP Maintenance Planning Industrial Training Keen interest dynamic versatile Good at administration counselling mentoring organizing Excellent at creativity innovations Able to Inspire Build Self-esteem Comfort Strong interpersonal presentation skill Good experiences in scientific paper writing Skilled in lab safety Good hands in documentation Good hands in analytical works Lateral thinker Ability to adapt different environments English Speaking Social Activities NSS Programmes College administration Improve Surface Properties Plasma Treatment Synthesis Nanoparticles Materials Development Data Warehouse Website Deployment Project Coordination Analytical Approach Strategic & Creative Thinking Legal drafting Legal interpretation Preparation of legal briefs Drafting of business contracts Presentation of cases Court cases Multi-cultural Research Practices Innovative Teaching Methodology Journal Paper Writing MS Word MS Excel Laboratory Handling SELF MOTIVATING ADOPTABILITY ABILITY OF SMART WORKING Sincerely Eagerness to learn Organizing Secretary Organizing Committee Member Chairman Co-convener Good Knowledge in English Good Knowledge in Tamil Encouraging Stimulating Optimism Realistic Meeting Challenges Policy Formulation Asset Management Recovery Credit Appraisal Project Monitoring Conscientious Methodical Deligent Eloquent Mastery of subject matter Ability to identify students weak areas Visual Communication Strong organization Good grasping power Accepting challenges Self motivation High level of energy Social Science Research Ethical managing Program-Planning Organizing Seminar Events Workshop Curriculum design and development Communication Technology Basic Electronics Enginee ring Principle of Communication Fiber Optics Scheduling Fluency Theatre arts Analytical perspectives Storyteller Active listener Skilled researcher Narrator Technical expertise Leadership Qualities Placement motivational networking collaborations results-oriented willingness to take on challenges learning new tools and technologies knowledge transfer collating status reports reporting progress attending Scrum calls Scheduling meetings Ethical Values Systematic thinking OB Gregarious fluency in English aptitude to learn things quickly Analyzing and problem solving skills Readily Accepts Challenge Person with Sound Technical Knowledge Writing Proposals to various Funding Agenciees Excellent explanation skills Computer savvy Awareness about the various teaching techniques In depth knowledge of the subjects Can speak for long time Responsibilities Group activities Practical hardworking positive good timekeeper intrapersonal skills commanding power Hard work er Good team worker grammatical knowledge Fluency in English stylistic handwriting trainer Ability to teach Love to accept challenges Good Listener Research Work Reasoning Skills grasping power challenge listening singing Committee Work Program Delivery Budget Planning Developing Strategies Operation Research Customer Relations Employable skills Syllabus design English Language Teaching AutoCAD Catia V 5 R16 Ansys Solid Edge V 20 Exhaustive Competitive Attitude Team-work Supportive Active Trainer/Facilitator Problem Solver Change Management Skills Building Planner Consultant Group Discussion Smart-working Task oriented Good Communication skills Curious to Learn Prefer to work with Team Ready to Shoulder Responsibilities Work hard with Commitment and Determination Inter-activeness with Students personal approach Teaching/Sharing Re-engineering the things Implement new technology Business Development Fund Raising Monitoring and Evaluation Socio-economic studies Evaluation Studies Baseline survey Physical Verification Social Impact Assessment Reporting Business Implementation Programme Management Support Time Series Analysis Financial Economics Model Building Simulation in Economics Multimedia Forensics Cyber Crime Forensic Speaker Identification Forensic Audio-Video Analysis Network Forensics Organization Budget Evaluation in Community Health Nursing Shared Governance Social Entrepreneurship ICT Application Issues & Criteria Strengthening Midwifery Practice Contemporary & Evolving Paradigms in Chemotherapy Advanced Signal Processing Content Based Image Retrieval Empathetic Extroverted Analytic Straight Forward Excellent Interpersonal Skill Solid Time Management Multi-Tasking Abilities Strong Problem Solving Skill Solution Oriented Demonstrate Professionalism and Maturity Comfort with Ambiguity Working Nature Teaching with full Dedication Concept Clearance Supporter Leadership development Team building Soft skills Keen learner Good Inter-Personal Good presentation skills Good team working ability Ability to rapidly build relationship set up trust Cross Cultural Communication Managing ability good learner Better planning co-ordination strong will power result oriented easily adaptable nature obedient patient punctual team worker practical skills Ability to adapt to people work in team self confidence Friendly in Nature Passion for students and learning Strong work ethic Research skills Institution Building Interdisciplinary Research Examination Section Administrative Experience Administrative work Project Works Good interpersonal relationship capable of handling responsibilities individually taking challenges Course planning Creative instruction style E-learning programs Clear communicator of complex ideas Easy Understanding Simplicity Creative writing skill Excellent teaching skill Linguistic Financial Markets Financial Services Financial Statements Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility Emerging Issues in Accounting and Finance Commercially wise results driven people management Change management personal integrity Mental Health Positive Psychology Systematic Time punctual Pranic Healing Statistical Consultancy Self-motivated, initiator, convincing skills Counselling & Guidance Income Generation Activity urgency Fast Learning Ability Professional Expertise Connectivity Microsoft office Work Field Research Teaching aid preparation Excellent Interaction Skills Self-Motivator confidential information self-management adaptability multi-dimensional activities problem solve identify solutions resource management Persistent Soil physics Water Resources Management Integrated Watershed Management Aquifer Management Participatory Approach Environmental Vulnerability Evaluation Agricultural Machinery Project Designing Technical Staff Natural Resource Management Solving problems Listening music creative Professional Etiquette Group Dynamics Non -verbal Communication Time Management Skills Secretarial Skill and Teamwork Drafting Skills Vocabulary Enhancement Relevance of Rhetoric Importance of Paralanguage Use of Moodle Mobile phones an aid Smart classrooms Conflict Management Managing Change Professional Skills ASK Paralanguage Learning Opportunities Classroom Discussions Work Ethic Excellence Technical Leadership Operational Management Workload Management Employee Relationship Management Continuous improvement Incident/Problem/Change Management Financial Metrics Compliance Management Decision-making Skills Cross culture training Email etiquettes skills smart working persevering social worker client management prioritization Courageous Inter personal Communication Digital Signal Processing Control Systems Theory Optimization algorithms Renewable Energy Technologies Cost Benefit analysis Passionate about learning new scientific skills. Social Service Financial Crisis Moral Education Commitment towards the task Target oriented Mind contribute to the growth of organization Excellent team player Grasping new concepts Adapting to new situations Orator Cost Accounting Meticulous Working under Pressure Technically Savvy Challenging environment team spirit Task Oriented Willingness to Learn Strong Work Ethics Good influencing skills persuasive assertive resilient team leader maturity to challenge ideas balance opportunities and threats Drafting Pleading Conveyancing Legal Opinion Creative approach to solve problem work enthusiastically with teams manage things effectively inquisitive to learn new concepts Desire to grow organizational skills Ionic Liquids Aqueous Mediated Organic synthesis Heterocyclic Chemistry Synthetic Methodology Multi-component Reactions Good motivator Authoring persistent tolerant Active participation Designing syllabus Students Counseling Students Evaluation Maintaining passing percentage Improving teaching aids Modification of teaching methods loyalty Customer service Social Participation Planning and Scheduling Strategic planning & work Management Managing of out-sourced services Personal Management Conceptual Understanding Engagement Team Builder Change Agent Programming logic Adaptive to new technology Adaptive to new work culture Leadership abilities controlling guiding motivating coaching Knowledge Imparting Classroom Environment Stimulating Learning Skill Development Student Motivation Goal Achievement Curriculum & Syllabus Design Event Organizing Compering Regional Development Regional Disparities Geopolitics Conferences Confident to work Willing to learn more gn i s s a P y t i sr ev inU s s a l C Surfing in net Playing Chess listening to music writing verses Explorer able to work Under stressful conditions Cross -functional Multi -dimensional Synergistic professional Communicative skills interact with people Exploring new ideas Crisis Management Innovative and Challenging Strategies in Management GST in India Lean and Agile Management Financial inclusion Global Mobility E-commerce Tourism Entrepreneurial Excellence Global Issues Lean Management Management Education Innovations in Teaching Methods Case Study Analysis Quality Development Women at Work Place Leadership Landscape Media Impact Parents attitude Students Behaviour Secret of Success for Students Life Lean Manufacturing Business Research Methods Role and Responsibilities of Teachers Understanding Human Psychology Use of ICT tools in Teaching Choice Based Credit System Internal Quality Assurance Cell Industry- Institution Interaction International Yoga Day Social Media Marketing Effective Initiatives for a Successful Career Technology Driven Society Plagiarism Cognitive Growth Strategic Direction Operational Plan Resource Planning Publicity Media Advertisement Performance Reporting Project Formulation Distance Education Broacher and Information Bulletin Development Advertisement Development Maintaining Performance Report Health Camps and Health Awareness Camps Computer Awareness Hospital Information System Office Automation Hospital Waste Management Office Management Risk Analysis Habits Transformation Art of Negotiations Management of Municipal Plastic and Bio-Medical Waste Management NABH Standard for Hospital Accreditation Municipal Waste Management GIS and Zoning Atlas Right to Information State Level Watershed Management Rainwater Harvesting Perseverance Growth Self-development expertise in pre-clinical research methodology aseptic handling techniques expertise in microbiological assays expertise in Animal Tissue culture techniques in vitro bioassays efficiency to use digital media, ICT Reading of Books Playing Indoor Game Social Works Inter-personal skills Professional Practices OBE / Accreditation Interview Skills Goal achiever Smart hard working adaptive active collaborative Achievement Driven Forward Focused Thorough understanding of the subject continuous growth practice Flexible & Adaptable Dedicated & Hardworking Working under pressure Friendly approach Intelligence Skills & Behaviour Training Needs Analysis Business Strategy Sales Coaching Induction Program Sales Management Recruitment Product Launches Business Impact Student Welfare Professional attitude Self Starter Decent communication skills Expertise Cultural In-charge Individual Work Work Ethics Software Development Life Cycle Maintenance Delving into New Technologies Report Preparation excellence qualitative quantitative Convincing client relationship building efficient women empowerment environment conservation competence for planning academics installation Client Handling Detailing Financial Planning Debate Poster Making Quiz Confidential A good team player Strive to learn new faster Rapport building capacity Dedication towards work assigned Good knowledge about technology quick learning Academic committees MRP Evaluation & Exam organizing committee Workshops & FDPs Honest and hardworking Service Academic project guidance Technical paper contests Annual Social Gathering Admission and Career Counseling Training and Placement Cell Tutor Local Guardian Computing Meeting people Content Analysis TQM Personnel Management Management Principles Security Analysis Merchant Banking Financial services Change Management Group Behavior innovative idea technical skill Report writing Conflict resolution Materials preparation Process implementation Strong verbal communication Interpersonal and written communication Powerful negotiator Document scanning Team leadership Extremely organized Being non-judgmental and remain neutral Ethical Dilemmas Bioethics Public Health Ethics Quality of life Infectious Disease Moral Shift Ancient Indian concept of non-violence Beneficence Comparative Analysis Mill's Utilitarian Approach Beauchamp and Childress's Principlist Approach Swamiji o Yathartha Manuser Swarup Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Fast learning ability Self-motive Hard working and focus minded Determined person and commitment towards work Lifelong Learning Accepting challenging tasks Punjabi Modesty Constructive Approach Activeness Synthesis of bioactive compounds Multicomponent reactions Green synthesis Photo physical and binding studies Heterogeneous catalysed organic reactions Corrosion inhibition Result orientation self-confidence Good analytical skill Team building ability Excellent interpersonal communication skills willingness learns discipline Hardworking nature Work efficiency Online Search Automation of the Library Activities Circulation of Books and Journals Subscription of books and Journals Bar-coding of Books Electronic Resource Management Subscription of Online Journals Library Broacher DELNET membership Photocopy service Stationary service OPAC services Good Debater Good interpersonal skills Academic advisor Supervise laboratories Independent study activities Member of Athletics Committee Member of Examination Committee problem -solving Self Development High level of confidence Adaptability to different environments Quick learning capabilities Interest to Learn New Things Co-Chaired Rapporteur Global Collaborative Methods Health & Nutrition Management Rural Health Development Training & Development Family Welfare Consultancy & Advisory Services Process Enhancements Liaison & Co-ordination Building Relationships Recruiting teaching skills positive thinker peaceful Positive Contribution examination Team Member Fluent English Financial Analysis Desired to learn Team Orientation CAN-DO attitude Self-driven Cooperativeness Willingness for learning new things Deadline driven Oral and written communication Intercultural Quantitative Self-starter Independent work Teaching Culture Teachers and Student Relationship Conceptual Knowledge Visualizing Identifying Weak Points Extracurricular Activities Minor Project Guidance Support for Weak Students Aptitude Effective Classes Diligent Multilingual Language Skills Finance Management implementing quality education Institution building Democratic leadership Formulation Development Drug Product Manufacturing Scale-up Analytical Method Development Process Method Development Modern synthetic and analytic methodology Purification Techniques HPLC Method Development Pharmaceutical Drug Development Production Process Invitro Studies of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms activities in Iranian Journals In Charge international relations event management business ethics change management cultural diversity supply chain management workforce diversity performance quality management rural insurance social banking economic progress talent management digital literacy insurance MOOCs Insistent Surfing the Net Listening Music Gardening optimistic tactful Goal-Oriented Sensitive Excellent problem solving and practical skills Teaching skills Research Skills Team Management Skills Mentorship Skills CAD Modelling Blow Mould Design Calculation for circumferential cutter Proficient in MS Office Good Governance Community Organizing Peace and Security Democracy Environmental Protection Violence Prevention Social Justice Transitional Justice Federalism Corruption Clanism Security Sector Reform Activity Theory Semantic web e-Learning Ubiquitous Computing Instruct Motivate Positive Learning Outcomes Statistical Expert Coached Recommended for Implementation Class Tutor Designing Time Table Proposing Library Books Maintain Class Attendance Student Record Maintanance Library Indent Preparation Time Table Scheduling Organising Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Research Progression Organisational Behaviour Excellence in Research Case Writing, Presentation and Analysis Statistical Tools and Techniques Quantitative Social Research Methods Basic Concepts on Management Industrial Visit Speech of Honourable Prime Minister Absorption Think in optional manner Aggressive Conceptualization Public Awareness communication/presentation skills synthesizing information technology skills Autonomous adaptability Management and organization people skills passion for teaching problem solvers strong in oral and written communication creative skills lifelong productive careers communication professions corporate leadership Higher-order thinking simple Leadership Management Study Material Preparation Effective Lesson Planning Research Management Course Assessment Teaching and Administration Classroom Supervision Learning & Development Multidisciplinary Lesson Plans Performance Assessments Creative Learning Environment Strategic Councilor Detailed Oriented Performing Arts Social Ventures organisational System management Expressive Human resource management Employee welfare Industrial relations Women Welfare Urban & Rural development Well being Counselling skills Labour Welfare Professional & communication Development Mental health Women empowerment Legal Awareness Solid Waste Management Community based Assessment Disability Management Professional Social Work Approaches to Social Sciences Research Writing and Publishing articles Labour Laws Skill Enhancement Counselling Skill Skill India Movement Apprentice Protosyan Yojana Scheme Capacity Building Exposure to New Ideas Personal and Professional Growth Willingness to learn new things Ability to adapt to situations/environments Leadership Quality Systematic Approach Emotional Condent Expertise in Botany Learning & Exploring Teaching Methodologies. Adjustable nature & Positive thinking Work in a team very well. Literature Research Thermal Conductivity Studies Acoustical Studies Dielectric Study Molecular Interaction Study Heat Transfer Measurement feedback inquisitive good organization skills Influential dedicated to work Interactive Discussions Hands-on Approaches Organizing Events Activities Co-curricular Exercises Smart Work Keen to learn Idealism positive atmosphere learn implement new skills technologies betterment of the organization Micro Economics Macro economics Public Economics Poverty issues Social & Economic Policies Student development and counseling Has experience in guiding research scholars Experience in handling consultancy projects Capable of writing and developing curriculum Verbal communication Written communication Teaching English Pleasant Follow Directions Complete Tasks Effectively Courteously Independently Organize Academic Organize Cultural Organize Sports Excellent English language familiar with using computers Excellent internet use Business correspondence High performance even under work pressure Playing Cricket Knowledgeable Proficient in giving conceptual knowledge Strong team Collaboration skills Keen observer and avid learner Formal/Technical Writing Elegant Clinical Pharma cy Services ClinicalResearch agile learner flexible and adjustable emotionally stable enthusiastic with patience News reading Scripting Packaging Outdoor Anchoring Video Editing Direction Sketching Singing Acting Inter-personal Legal Time-management work through intellectual approach Inter-cultural competence Professional judgment Cross-Cultural Resource Room Teaching IEP Development Group Teaching Intervention Cognitive Behavior Modification Practical Knowledge Games Nature Camping Caretaker for Children with Disabilities AnalyticalSkills Projects Innovations Active Learning Group Conversation Reviewing Research Articles Administrative Obligations Open House Coordination Industry Oriented Mini Projects Individual work Proven track record Social Exclusion Health Ethics Respectful Puzzle Solving Resilience Enthusiasm Result-Oriented Resource Management Community Engagement Social Responsibility Sustainability Environmental Awareness Project Mentor Examiner Effort Seminar Coordination Intercollegiate Competition Organization Organizational skills Lesson planning Laboratory skills Materials Tribology Stress Analysis Mechanical Vibrations Competency leadership skill Flexible in nature Team member Sincere Dedication Friendly Nature Liaison Cricket ability to work with people Environment adaptability goal oriented person problem-solving abilities Comfortable with teamwork good coordination Good language skills Good learner and listener Good organization skills Receptive to new ideas Decisive Duty conscious Negotiating programming Challenging assignments Hone skills Enjoy work Contribute to the success Good grasping analyzing skill Eagerness to explore and learn Co-operative nature exploration coordinating presentations serving different languages cultural groups Quizmaster Cultural Activities Positive thinker Laborious Verbal and written communication skills Multiple assignments Oral Process Re-engineering Positive Mental Attitude Planning and organization Motivation and enthusiasm Showing initiative and being self-starting, G. & C. Self-Starter Marketing of Financial Services Banking Service and Operation Principal and Practices of Management Money Banking and Financial System Business Ethics Women's Entrepreneurship Non-Violence Nationalism Competition Law Creative Mind Education and Training Complex Problem Solving Communications & Media Therapy and Counseling Skilled Researcher Administration and Management Public Health Activism Firm Determined Qualitative Collaborative Environment Correspondence Initiation Process Paper Setter Supervisor Introduction new challenges Delivering Knowledge Working in Challenging Environment Moral Responsibility Cultural Development professional dexterity assiduous reticent constant reading dedication to work Marker assisted selection Backcrossing In silico applications Job Satisfaction Curiosity Globalization science communication nanomaterials materials science optical properties spectroscopy biodiversity conservation innovation Talent Academic Leadership Conducted NAAC Accreditation Infrastructure Development creative abilities readiness to take up new challenges good time management Co Editor Life member Cheif Editor Associate Editor Central chief Secretary Presedent Involved Performed Developed Collected Established Provided Re-evaluated Dispensed Monitored Oversee Ensure Assign Direct Assess Review Compile Assist Provide Perform Use Initiate Thorough Clear Participant Program Undergone Advisor Languages Attended Participated District State National Symposium Capacity Advanced Project Advisory Diploma Rendered Award President Highly Interactive Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Tissue Engineering Cancer Research Medicinal Plants and Herbs Gene Expression Gene Regulation Biomedical Science Pharmaceutical Biology Phytochemicals Secondary Metabolites Antimicrobial Assay Antimicrobials Antibacterial Activity Pseudomonas aeruginosa Antioxidant Activity DPPH Free Radical Scavengers SOD Catalase FLUENCY IN ENGLISH OUTREACH PROGRAMME Thinking through first principle Future oriented Outcome Based Education Curriculum design Industry interaction Research promotion Teaching learning activities Faculty development Strategic planning Written Skills Delivery Promotion Choreography Skit Preparing Dialogue Writing diligent community service Evidence Based Practice Multi-faceted Highly gifted teaching aptitude Consistent academic records throughout my education Multi-Tasking Lateral Thinking Computer Knowledge of Computer Basic Knowledge about library software Basic knowledge of Data Analysis Software Water Harvesting Food Security Extension problem solving skills Industry-Ready Pedagogy Global Strategic Management Integrated Marketing Communications Sales & Distribution Management Role-Plays Placement Coordination Interview Processes Dissertation Guidance Event Organization Social Media Promotions Content Creation Venue Branding Employability Skills Skillset Building Workshop Design Convocation Valedictory Ceremonies Marketing Seminars Alumni Interaction Paper Presentation Case Writing FDP Participation Marketing Automation Sales Funnel 5S Standard Work Practice Toyota Production System Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) Event Planning Student Evaluation Academic Consultancy Result-oriented Interpersonal interaction skills Lateral thinking Interpersonal Relationship Independent Working Ability Grasping Ability Tolerance Capability Ability, Interest and willingness to learn Self-analyzing prodigy Adaptability to change Accountable Consultation Knowledge Transfer Web design and development Microsoft office Class management Motivating pupils Maintaining discipline Organiz ing activities Marking coursework Subject matter knowledge Project planning Identifying key issues Diversity issues Budgetary control Behavior management Information gathering Listening skills Influencing skills Communicating Caring approach High levels of integrity Negotiating skills Supply chain Management Lean manufacturing Marketing & Sales Marketing Strategy development pressure handling written communication verbal communication trustworthy motivator administrative duties Self-motivated team player Ability to develop technical training courseware Efficient leader Open Minded Straight forward Progressive Open to new technologies Easy adaptability to work environment High Leadership Quality Waste Water Treatment and Analysis Air Pollution Control EIA Handling Electronic Total Station Theodolite and GPS Devices Effective Technical Skills Good Organizer QA/QC Construction Safety Research oriented Academic integrity Multi tasking Requirement analysis design the code for checking conditions Construction Management Social awareness Drama Short plays Preparing specifications Self Disciplined Good Presentation skills lesson planning preparation and research Inter-personal communication Self- Motivation Quality improvement plans ISO 9000 standards Inspection methods Work Management Advanced critical thinking Documentation. team efforts career advancement development of pharmacy education and research HoD Admission In charge Lab In charge Class advisor Critical Writing Management Consultancy Easily adaptable to any environment Strong Commitment to Career Always keen to Learn Good Inter-Personal Skills Like to take Leadership Educational Guidance & Counseling Competitive spirit Adjustability Skilled leadership qualities Good command in English language. Consumer Behaviour Service Marketing Group Work Result Oriented Hard Work Leadership capability Decision maker Social activities Motivational speech Traditional medicine Organizational Behavior Retail Management Entrepreneurial Development Managerial Skills Developing Positive Assertiveness Adopting ability Mentoring for Success Computer Networking Creative mind Thirst For Knowledge Corporate Communication International Communication New Media Editorial Experimental Skills Cell culture Animal handling Business understanding classroom management Client Servicing Public Relation Team Activities Curricular Careers Anti-Ragging Press & Publicity Poster Design Film Making Rural Market Challenges Opportunity Customer Relationship Sales Promotion Consumer Buying Decision Retail Stores Image Impulsive Buying Self-Efficacy Employee Commitment Employer Branding Talent Retention Reforms Data bases e-content Textbook Reviewing diligently Academic Counselor Hospitality Operations & Management Tourism Administration & Management Relationship Marketing Online Marketing Good Team Management Good Organization Good Time Management Interpretation Student Assessments Evaluations Paper Setting Class Coordinator Project Supervision Examination Work NSS Coordinator Carrier Orientation Program Information and Resource Center Spoken Tutorial Invited Speech Special Lecture Customer Relationship Management Self-Motivating Team Worker ability to learn new things love challenges Media Coordination News Packaging Camera Handling and Editing Media Research Grasping Comprehending Adaptation Posses positive attitude Framing of syllabus Updating syllabus Resource person Development of study modules Self-awareness work ethic Grievance Management Promotional Activities Customer Handling Labour Relations Municipal Matters Quick decision making High Level of Initiative ISO 9001: 2008 NAAC & NBA Implement technological approaches to subject material. Research educational resources on the internet. Assist with information retrievals Experienced computer educator Grading Directing Determining Calculating handling equipments and instruments WRITING PROOF READING CHARITY TRANSLATION Music Drawing Internet surfing Swimming Cooking strategic planning HR management negotiation Balancing Health Conscious Motivation to learn Sense of competition Regularity Lead Speaker Descriptive Statistics Skit Writing Skit Directing Skit Enacting Smart City Light Music Programme Career Planning Prospects Co-Ordinated State Level Businesses Quiz QUESTIVA National Level Conference Enabling Teacher's Excellence Short Term Course Executive Development Programmes Student Orientation Programmes Business Research Advanced Financial Management International Financial Management Tax Management International Business Management Performance-oriented Able to work under pressure Good attitude Strong work ethics Good judgement Maintain confidentiality Keen Observational Skills Strong Analytic & Problem Solving Skills Good Interpersonal Skills Curious to Learn New Things Training & Placement Cell Academic Section First year Cell Cultural Committee Extra Curricular Activities Cultural Technical Activities Performance Driven character Acquired Experience Full Potential Quality Environment Shared Enriched Grow Public Policy Industrial Visit co-coordinator Outdoor Educational Tour co-coordinator Admission committee member Gathering Committee member Vice president Gymkhana Inplat Training Incharge distinction Multisubject expertise International experience in Teaching and Research Handle multiple work questioning updating Value Workshop Coordination Training Coordination Translation Feminist Analysis Gender Studies Hindi Language Urdu Language English Language Sustainable development Migration -Studies Life Skill Career Building Research Abilities Data Compilation Project Report Preparation Caring Compassionate Attention to detail Accuracy Desire to succeed Fast-paced environment key player Community Health Skill Ability Program Management Teaching/Training Coaching/Mentoring Flexible team player Exceptional listener Result Oriented thinking Fluent Communication Ability to explain with ease Planning and execution Assessments Simplycity Self Motivating Public Relationship Willing and Determined Punctual and Responsible patient care Interpersonal Psychotherapy Psychoeducation Psychotherapeutic Work Therapy Interactive Research Activities Seminar/Workshop Documentations Banking Law and Regulations Working Capital Management Capital Management Capital Structure Financial Reporting Investment Analysis Principle of Management Volunteer Activities Financial Institutions and Market E-governance Peer Reviewed Research Editorial Responsibilities Thesis/Project Work Supervision Research Work Publications Blood Donation Anchoring Playing Musical Instruments Health Camp Football Effective Business Communication Full Stack Development Blockchain Developer Diplomatically Comfortable to work in group Focused in my efforts CREATIVITY UNIQUENESS QUICK LEARNING HARD WORK ADAPTIVE PROMPT Competitive Examination Ethnographic Research Soft Minded Cooperative Nature fast -learning capable research fellow MEP Management Tendering Planning & Coordination Site Management Design & design review Engineering Psycho-Social Willing to learn Adapt to new technologies Speed self-monitoring career focused zeal learning new technologies Good organizing skills Good in presentations Ability to perform well under pressure diplomatically Ability to learn. Have good inter-personal skills. Adaptable, efficient and proactive Team-oriented Logical Attitude Good verbal and writing communication skill Sincere towards my work Fluency in spoken and written English Value teamwork. Social Welfare Jolly nature Smiling workaholic Resourceful Person Communication Skills in English Project report advisor Excellent advising skills Quality control analysis Good research skills Good Interactive Power Work Smartly Multi-tasking and result oriented Good Communication and Analytical Skills Good Interpersonal and Administrative Skills numerical conflict resolution Research and development Pre-placement planning and execution Career guidance & counselling programs Career advancement programs Ability to take decision GLP Phytoproduct Drug Discovery Laboratory Animal Handling Disease Control Clinical Virology Scientific Research Effective planning Efficient Group planning Proficiency in Finance Expertise in Finance Considering everything as an experience Educator Thinking out of the box Analytical Research and Development Regulatory Affairs Good Documentation Trouble shooting Preparation and review of SOPs Organized and detailed Innovative Teaching Methods Keen to learn new things Critical Thinking Abilities Personable and approachable Best practices in on-line instruction Conceptual AUTOCAD ANSYS-FLUENT CATIA CNC-MACHINING UNIGRAPHICS HYPERWORKS Research Methods Algorithm designing R-Programming Sentimental Analysis Problem analysis ability to work under pressure Active member in WOMEN EMPOWERMENT ACTIVITIES skilled meeting goals Legal Advice Contract Drafting Parallel and Distributed Computing Internet of Things (IoT) Familiar with using computers Well adjusted to cross cultural influences Explanatory skills Mentoring & Counseling Willing to listen & learn Multidimensional analysis Motivate the students Develop and support the students Lectures/Seminars Management and leadership Proficiency in English speaking Technical skills Telugu motivating person Willing to work under challenging environment confident person Effective communicator coordinator adoptability Zeal to learn new things Comprehensive problem solving ablity Teaching Skills Planning and Execution Skills Data Handling for Research Purposes Psychometrics result focused alert resist pressure Excellent theoretical knowledge Adaptable and flexible Extremely motivated towards career Programming Languages known Packages Excellent communication and written skills Problem solving ability and elaborative approach Excellent interpersonal relationship Ability in Teaching Creative and Innovative Proficient in administration and organization Excellent Interpersonal skills Good communication both written and verbal Exceptional skills in project/ time management prioritizing Tasks Excellent Decision skill and problem solving Proficient in writing technical papers Expert in MS- Excel/Word/Outlook Office excellent team player ability to meet tight deadline creative problem solver Literary Theory Prose Fiction Philosophy of Literature Psychology of Literature Creative Writing Influence Trust Eager to learn new technologies Strong willingness to take new responsibilities Being responsible to the task given Dean COMMITMENT TIME MANAGEMENT SKILL HARDWORKING DISCPLINED Library Books Purchasing and Processing New Book Accession Work Classification and Cataloguing Work Reference Books Register Entry Work Bar-Coding Work Circulation Section Books Issue and Return Library Membership Card Preparations Journal, Magazine Register Entry Work Periodical Register Entry Work Back Volumes Preparations &Register Entry Work CD Register Entry Work Dissertation Register Entry Work Books Data Entry in Library Database Accessing E Journals Rack Arrangement in Order (Brach wise) Student Guidance for Information Needs All Routine Jobs of the Library Product marketing Formulation development Quality Services Motivating others Creating and applying ideas and solutions Computational Skills Smart & Planned work Learning new technologies Quantitative aptitude Learning new concepts and technology Resourcefulness Exceptional knowledge and learning ability passion ability to work independently passion for the subject appreciation to active thinking advanced learning managing large class sizes effective teaching approach articulated communicator Beneficial Aptitude training Understand student's needs can create a comfortable learning environment Good explanation skills Tourism Planning Tourism Principles and Practices Tourism Products & Services Tourism Policy and Planning Destination Development and Management Tourism Business Environment Travel Agency Management Hospitality Management Services Watershed Hydrology Hydrodynamics Landscape Evolution Numerical Modelling Network Science Audit MIS ERP Implementation Co-ordination Enthusiastic to learn new things Creative and innovative thinking Good leadership skills Intuition Process Development Strong will Power Clinical Reasoning Analysis and interpretation of data Excellent Leadership Quality Ability to manage interpersonal relationship Keen strategist innovative strategies formulating team building manage & motivate team visioning Pro-active confidence profitability cost minimization interpretation Self-Motivated Target Oriented Good Analyzing Skill Good Team Player highly responsible co-operative Sessions Chaired Electrical Machines SVM Techniques Exposure to new ideas Personal growth Software localization Typing Generating Reports Field Work Team Lead Module Lead Credit Risk Management Corporate Finance General secretary of "PEDON" Founder and President of "FOND" Playing Cricket, Football, Chess Gardening, Cycling National Security International Relation Full Commitment Education strategy design Project design and implementation Education program evaluation Education program improvement Education program monitoring Teacher Professional Development standards development performance assessment tools development Strategy planning Training of teachers eat different cuisines Playing games Production Planning and Control Recognizing Respecting Fostering Responding Diagnostic Ability Spiritual Fast working Self -monitoring People -oriented Lead ership Customer relations Emergency response Quality management potential organizational goals entrepreneurship data handling and analysis preparation of project reports and manuscripts Verbal Communication Skills Tolerance Explanation skills Convincing skills Enthusiastic and hard working Artistic self-starting prolific adoptable managing multiple priorities Fighting Disposition Ethical and moral principles Passion for Learning Interacting Updating Maintain Current Knowledge Demonstrating a Commitment to the Profession Coordinated various event with TCS Subject knowledge on Capital Market Papers Analtico Organizado Comunicativo Trabajo bajo Presin Emprendedor Creativo Autenticidad Innovador Proactivo Colaborativo Competitivo Facilidad de Trabajo en Equipo Habilidad para el clculo matemtico. Estructura de pensamiento lgico -deductivo. Technical Management Strategic Project Planning Problem Assessment Regulatory Compliance Excellent Multitasker Outstanding Communication Intellectual Property Management Strategy Development Aware of human values oral and written English Communicating with new people Quantitative survey design Primary Research Secondary Research Predictive modelling Multivariate analysis Flexible to work in any shifts explaining grasping assessing speaking stamina Guidance and Counseling self-confident Self-dependent audacious Advertising & Public Relations Governance Issues and Administration Marketing/Market Analysis Intercultural Communication Field Reporting News anchoring /News Analysis Research oriented writings Smart working Playing cricket Badminton Writing and editing skills Willingness to enrich Good etiquette Well Subject knowledge Coordinator in research cultural counseling cell ability Debating Industrious consistent Ability to learn open-mindedness perceptiveness capacity to deal with stress Networking skills Career advancement Learning Skill Listening Power Grasping Power total dedication Maintaining interpersonal relations Working with innovation keen to achieve the targets decisive Efficiency helping tendency Dedication towards work Good Speaker auditing resource person remedial teaching teaching skill language skill positive environment promote self-esteem personality development creative writing acting writing poems craft works Technical Specialization comprehension abilities Outstanding ability to handle syllabus Exceptional training skills Pleasant personality to connect with students Voracious appetite for increased knowledge QA QC Risk Assessment Man Power Training Line Balancing Controlling Predicative Modeling Personal Interview Good effort analytical thinking Productivity Flexibility and Adaptability Good Presentation Skill Good follower Sales and Marketing Accounting and Finance preparation assessment quality assurance standardization Adaptive Nature Self -Motivated Fuzzy Systems Data Clustering Data Stream Clustering Consistency Attentive to details Resource planning Tribal Development Political Analysis Social Change Inclusive Growth Political Modernization Voluntary Organizations Excellent oral and written communication skills Good analytical skills Ready to learn Technology-aided teaching Helpful to colleagues Design and fabrication Material characterization Device characterization Numerical simulation Solid modelling Mentored and tutored Academic Excellence Quality Education Effective Implementation Professional Life Oral Communication Financial management Calm & Cool Quick and keen learner Good experimental skills Sound knowledge Good touch Successfully prepared Worked as a Project Fellow Drug Regulatory Affairs Organization Skills Critical-thinking Innovative minded Ready to work under pressure Regional Planning Applied Geography Quality Enhancement Analytical Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude Optimistic Thinking Humanitarian REIKI healer GlobalCareerCounseling QAI/CAHSC/PSFH/ASSESSOR LEAN SIX SIGMA NABH BIOSTATISTICS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RNRM MBA PGDHA Human Values Moral Conduct Modelling Counseling of weak students encourage learning teaching strategies learn from more experienced people Logical and critical thinking Perfect Dependable Determinant Even Temperament Strategic Decision Making Policy Initiatives Routine Administration Academic Success Process Management Allied Subjects Policy and Strategic Decision Making Admissions Management Outbound Communications Official Records Management Financial Records Audit Academic Advisory Committee Supervision Institute Level Committees Scholarly Activities AICTE Coordination University Coordination Industry-Institute Cell Coordination Central Stores Management Industry Visits Corporate Situation Analysis Student Industry Placement Computer Lab Management Teachers Orientation Program Teachers Training Program Doctoral Research Supervision Expert Committee Editorial Board Vision Document Writing Research and Marketing Activities Extempore Rangoli Flower Arrangement Pedagogy Ability to handle different situations Quality Assessment Employee Development Motivational Lectures Admission Guidance Coordination with the faculties & students Harmoniously managing Team performance Specialization in American fiction Business Controlling Internal Audit Customer Relation GAP Analysis Reflective Practice Therapeutic Communication Patient First Training Social service Organisational / managerial skills Job-related skills Action oriented optimist strive to help destitute Mathematics Education Secret of Success Power of Motivation Smarter Faster Better Talent Management Efficacy of learning and development Work-life balance Coping Strategies Hidden force work environment stress Employee engagement Career choice Fund Flow Statement Empowerment of Women Investors perception Work life Balance Brand preference Loyalty and Satisfaction Network Topology Hybric System Emerging Technologies in Sales and Marketing Soft Skill Development Business Quiz Competency Mapping Global Business Foundation Skills TINY Entrepreneurs Campus to Corporate Youth Leadership Gender violence Talent Acquisition Challenges and Stress Open source software Recent Trends in Higher Education Stress Management Strategy Strategic Innovation Using Blended MOOCs Status of Women Occupational Stress Intellectual in Nation Building Effectiveness teaching Indias Foreign policy Managing HR Advanced Research Methodology Intellectual Property Rights Role of Management Education Fostering Scientific Temper India-Pakistan Changing role of governance Eminent Management Practices Emotional Intelligence Skills Business Management and Social Innovations Start-up India Economic Development Rural Immersion & Community Engagement Academic Writing Technique and Tools Contemporary trends in Capital Market Placement trainer Admission committee Member University Examination Committee Confident public speaker Meet deadlines Strong time management Organisational skills Exceptional team spirit Positive perspective towards life Never quit attitude Very responsible Self - motivated Construction Technology and Management Low cost Housing Public Participation Urban Development Teaching & Research Methodology Green Buildings Passive Building Systems Management of Energy in Buildings Computer Applications in Architecture Architecture Education Passive Building Concepts in Architecture Curriculum The City Environment Sustainable Strategies for a Changing Earth Third Party Quality Assurance (TPQA) Environmental Impact Assessment Designing and supervision of Interior Furnishing Housing lay out Landscape design water harvesting overall development Physical Survey hydraulic design Architectural and Structural Design and Drawing Architectural and Landscape Design Drawing Designing, estimating and supervision Low cost innovative technology Project report Lay out plan Architectural design and drawings Architectural and structural design Development of approach provision of ublic conveniences landscaping Building blocks Computer Aided Architectural Design Laboratory Assessment & Training skills Public Presentation and speaking Entrepreneurial skills Writing skills Gene isolation Cloning Construct preparation Recombinant protein expression Genetic manipulation Heterologous expression Prokaryotic system Recombinant protein isolation Genetic transformation Agrobacterium mediated transformation Transcriptome analysis RNA-Seq Real Time expression profiling Genes expression analysis Good At Time Management Active Listener self-driven good written and spoken communication skills writing academic contents ICT in classrooms organizing programs secretary avid member Formulation Science Personnel Administration Facilitties Management Keen Strategist Planner Man Management Timely Accurate Reporter Committed to deadlines and schedules Team Player and Leadership Sharp learning curve Seasonal Labour Migration Advanced Indian Economy Docking QBD based HPLC method development Preservance intelligence Sheer talent Writing Essays Hosting Supervisory Inspection Banking Regulations Co-operative Banking Clearing House Vigilance Social Innovation Public Services NBFC Insurance Sharing knowledge System Administration Network Administration Steering committee Managing all academic related activity Green catalysis Cellulose isolation Extreme ultraviolet lithography Electron beam lithography Organic chemistry Bio-organic chemistry Heterocyclic chemistry Green chemistry Medicinal chemistry Industrial chemistry Spectroscopy Synthesis of benz [d] oxazolone Synthesis of polyacrylic acid Patterning of polymer Fabrication of Photosensitive polymer resists materials Intel Project Proficient Counselor Speaking Skills Stage Dynamics Phonetics Teaching Etiquettes Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication Skills Campus Recruitment Training Functional English Communicative English Attention to details Good Communication skill High degree of consistency Councelling Standardisation Statistical Demonstration convincing skills Good verbal and written communication Ability to handle pressure Statistical Package Forex Market Technical Analysis Working drawing multi-disciplinary Architecture Graphic Skills researching Programming languages Concepts Technologies Teaching & Mentoring English Literature & Business Communication Faculty Management Module/ Course Design, Curriculum Development Cross-functional Coordination Team Building & Leadership Entrepreneurship Development Negotiation Skills Pharmacovegilance Pharmaceutical Industry Drug Design Skillful Intermediate Beginner Cultural Conflicts Multicultural Teams Green Marketing Employability Perform better under pressure Readiness to take work independently Welcomes to shoulder additional responsibilities Hard working nature Challenge Internal Auditor Relational Mix-n-Match Profile Organizational design & development Business transformation & change management Conduct &behaviour management Industrial & Employee relations Technical Analysis Lead the corporate study group Business Strategist Executive Member of Employee Welfare Group Versification Watching movies Working as a Reviewer Editing documents Translating Academic Coordination Client Acquisition Creative Desktop Publishing ICT Aid inter-personal Critical Care Nursing Nursing Research Nursing Management Advance Nursing Practice Conduction Dedicated & Hard worker Team Worker & Adjustable Maid Set Creative mind & Quick Learner Flexible & Fast Worker Clinical handling of patients Laboratory procedures Professional approach Dedication for work Teacher-trainer Manpower planning Institutional Management Economic Analysis Time Series Panel Data Modeling Forecasting Excellent verbal and written communication Decision making ability Social Media Management PR Skills Strong Verbal Communication initiating handling student faculty Comprehensive Problem Solving Abilities Strategic Negotiation Public Procurement Diligence Research Guide Delivering lectures Good relationship with staff Process Optimization Business Etiquette Statistical data analysis Connecting Organ ising Meetings Discussions Training Programme Working knowledge of structure-based drug design. Good group dynamics leadership quality Well-versed in English and Hindi Clinical research Methodology Infection Control Patient Management Research Coordination Data Evaluation Clinical Diagnosis THINKING USING COMPUTER SPEAKING TWO LANGUAGES Interactive teaching Grooming students augmentation delivering goods selective focused result-oriented multi-tasking thriving in challenging environment taking initiative team management Digital Forensics Ability to work as team Documentation Analysis clinical Expert Systems Web Data Mining System Analysis and Design Multimedia System Object Oriented Analysis & Design Big Data Analytics Professional Communication Indian Writing in English fiction Spoken English Industrial waste and Environment management practice Quality Improvement Programme Student Counseling Admissions Counseling Student Mentorship Examination Activities Dance Safety management Productivity Improvement Cost Management Informative Multitalented Excellent Presentation Handling Students Quality Knowledge Commitment towards work Honesty and Integrity Workaholic nature Ability to continuous learning Good interpersonal and communication skills Good at computer skills Good Communication Following Cooperation Environmental report writing grasping new concepts conceptualizing quality control root cause analysis intellectual property analysis curriculum development student-centered learning facilitating promoting administrative tasks ability to acquire new skills sociability mathematical knowledge transparency community living rational decision making management of human resources project development and implementation research and training consultant and advisory voluntary work community services front office housekeeping hotel supervision food and beverage control Friendly communicative Good convincing power physiotherapist Health and Hygiene Peace Education Training in Non Violence Women Health Issues Restoration Deadline Oriented Behavioural Psychological executing Health Education Health Management stress management strenuous conditions Exposure Diversity background staff psychology counseling absorbing new concepts adapting highly demanding situations teamwork skills Effective inter-personal English Remedial Laboratory CRT modules Active member of Literary committee Mentor of HINDU e-plus club NSS Program Officer Inter Personal Skills Developing Soft skills and Personality Enhancing Interpersonal Skills for Organisational Excellence Youth and Civic Engagement Right to Education Empowering Women Through Education Women Empowernent Vs Domestic Violence Achieving Goals Placement & Training Extrovert High task orientation Developing Principal Investigator Co-Investigator inventive Typesetting Quality control assessment Lab work skills Revision Specimen handling Electrophoresis DNA extraction Study design Photoshop Science research writing Serological tests Blood film analysis Microbial identification Medicinal plants extraction Test result interpretation Cultivation of microorganisms Body fluids analysis Extraction of plants bioactive compounds Etiquette Analytics Tools Machine Learning Tools Platforms familiar Software Web Designing Tools DTP Tools Legal Writing poetry writing Teaching and training Scientific and technical writing Analytical process development Commendable leadership quality Excellent team worker Work hard in a smarter way Willingness to learn & team facilitator music designing cooking Interpersonal Communication diligence Workers in the Un-Organized Sector First Aid Constitutional law Procedural law law of Torts Family laws Interactive Teaching Hard work ing Sense of responsibility Logical and Analytical thinking Grasping new things quickly Keen Learner Smart Working Mechanics Building Structure Quantity Surveying Human Psychology Future Projections Willing to Relocate Active listening Reliability Engineering Sustainable Manufacturing Process parameters optimization Quality engineering in Manufacturing Additive manufacturing Medical Education Patient and Public awareness campaigns Research Neurology Regulatory affairs Pharmacovigilance Pharmaceuticals Multi lingual willing to take initiative creative mind committed to bring changes Learning and Development Corporate Point of Sales Retail Leadership HRIS Gender Sensitivity TNA TTT learning new concepts quickly working well under pressure communicating ideas clearly and effectively Excellent decision making skills Decision making Skills Optimistic approach clinical field exposure admission of nursing students academic works organize nursing workshops Good teaching skills Good presentation Good understanding capacity hard-working growth-oriented Digital payments Capital market mathematics Basic Research Skills Management skills career oriented Mentoring Students Guidance and counseling verbal and written Excellent Team player Good organizational and Management skills Good problem solving skills Technical administration Assessment & Evaluation Organizationa l skills Communication & Pre sentation ski lls Knowled ge Transfer Curriculu m planning Student Developmen t Multi cultur al cross functional Coordination Human Resource M anaging Organizationa l Development Activities Strong Will Power Dedicated to student success Man-management Training & Coaching Understanding of eLearning and blended learning Leadership Skill Service -focused Project/Event Management Eagerness to Explore and Learn Planning skills Active team player Analytical skill Inter personal Skill Strong working experience in COMMERCE ExcellentCommunication Industrial automation Hardware Clinical reasoning Bioactive compounds Bioprocess Technology Environmental Microbiology Food Microbiology Teaching & Research calm under stress approachable Planning and Working Solutions focused Articulate patient handling report generation literature search proforma designing independent research group research Expert Demonstrated time management Ability to meet frequently occurring deadlines Performance-driven enthusiastic team player Friendly with others books readings Creative new things Playing drums Good Presenter Well organized High-end presentation skills Delivering quality Intellectual curiosity Integrity of business data Leadership ability scientific research devotional openness to new ideas eagerness to learn new things Self - confidence good learning skills Decision-Making Mobile Application Development Clinical Experience Teaching Experience Research Experience Developmental Biology Bio-Techniques Cell and Tissue culture Chordates Invertebrates Animal physiology Environmental Biology Herbal technology Thesis Writing Microbiology Staining Biochemical analysis Isolation of microorganisms characterization and maintenance Antimicrobial testing Micro algal technology culturing large-scale cultivation biochemical analyses lipid extraction biodiesel production Nano-biotechnology Synthesis of nanoparticles silver and Ag-NPs biological and chemical Nanoparticle characterization UV Visible Spectroscopical FTIR SEM analysis Polymerase Chain Reaction Blotting techniques protein expression & purification gene sequencing MTT assay Animal cell culture Anti-Stress activity Albino Rats Dosing Oral and IP injection 3T3-L1 Cell line Adipocytes mouse cell line Blood collection Wound healing activity Anti-inflammatory activity In vivo Histopathology cytotoxicity analysis maintaining and preserving cell lines In vitro of plants Antioxidant activity Physicochemical analysis ash values moisture content minerals content extractive values Fluorescence analysis Histochemical analysis Inorganic element analysis Homogenize Vitamins analysis Gene expression studies RNA interference assay Reporter assay Western Blotting Microarray RFLP Cell cycle Cell proliferation Apoptosis ROS production FACS Problem Solving Abilities Teaching Aptitude Resilient Open to new ideas Team Leadership Liaison & Coordination Performance Assessment Emergency & Back up Mgmt Safety & Aviation Protocols Inspection & Assessment Management Reporting Guidance and Counselling Environmental Education Advanced Methodology of teaching Hindi Methodology and Pedagogy of teaching Hindi Value Education Life skills preparing teaching-learning materials designing e-content Passion for Work Analytical thinking Production Management service Extra Curricular activities Critical and Creative thinking skills Obedience Story writing Snooker English Enhancement Course Level -1 Product Design Academic Research Need based teaching Bringing research into classroom Written Communication Product Innovations Customer Technical Support New Product Developments Early Intervention Mental Health Promotion Molecular Genetics Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Next genome sequencing Differential gene expression Scholarly Research Publications Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Advanced Characterization Techniques Writing Styles of Bibliography Protein Engineering Biostatistics IT skills organizational abilities branding research funding grants qualitative and quantitative database management data inputting positive personality target-driven environment fast paced environment Adminstr ation work adaptive to dynamic environment dedicated work efforts learning behaviour Ability to learn and implement Fully dedicated towards responsibilities Willing to learn to mistake Ready to accept new challenge goal setting creative thinking Critical Evaluation Model Theoretic Framework Monetary Policies Banking System Short-Term Economic Conditions Financial System Amplification Propagation Short-Term Shocks Trade Policies Unemployment Informalization of the Economy Structural Shift Wage Inequality Joblessness Macroeconomic Variables Economic Crisis Consumption GFC Core Committee Member School Prefect Admission Recruitment of Faculty Faculty Training Adoption of Pedagogy TQM Approach Day-to-day academic administration Representative of University Advertisement Channels Admission strategy Visualization playing Game Positive approach towards every problem believing myself result oriented attitude Pressure Handling Political Strategy Tenacity courses planning verbal and written communication Professionally & technically competent Planning and organizing production schedules Assessing project and resources requirements Analytical and deductive thinking Overseeing production processes Ensuring Product compliance with regulatory bodies Development of new product Sound judgement Deadline intensive environment Plant Breeding Seed Science & Technology Seed Quality Seed Storage Abiotic Stress Biotic Stress Seed Enhancement for Stress Mitigation Genomics Pense critique comptences analytiques organis ouverture d'esprit Initiateur disciplin travail d'quipe rsultats Aptitudes la communication relations interpersonnelles communication crite communication verbale Raisonnement abstrait adaptabilit rsolution de problmes Prise en charge accompagnement psychosociaux dveloppement humain psychothrapies Horizontal and Vertical Communication details Mathematical Programming Idea Development Motivator & Leader High adaptability in work Security Biometric Security Forensic Science Digital Image Processing Scientific report writing Sharp Well directed Wildlife Biology Conservation Outcome based Education Water quality regulations Geographical Information System Global Navigation Satellite System Optimization techniques Emotional intelligence highly organized communicative language photography building page social media TEAM ORIENTED LEADER EFFECTIVE TEACHER STUDENT ORIENTED Instrumentation and Sensor Electronic Component & circuit Computer Languages Quality Improvement Keen Observer Capability in clarifying doubts Working utilizing enhance capacity ELT A People-Person Excellent Inter-personal & Communication skills Counselling and Management Skills Coordinator Grievance Cell Team Person Organizing skills National Fests Student Clubs Several Workshops Training Programs Cultural Festivals well focused passionate learner Handling General Management Friendly nature Fast Grasping Multi-skilled Good planned Readiness to face challenges Highly motivated and self driven Strong organizational capabilities Capable of working in a group Corporate Relations Service Delivery Transition Management Transformation Management ITIL PRINCE2 Lean IT Leadership skill Rapport establishment skill Reporting and management skills Critical and creative thinking skill productive utilization Good Decision Maker Administrative Responsibilities Project Proposal Development Consulting Periodontist Lecturer Dedication to work. Adapting to the situations. Willingness to learn more. Better time management capability Group discussion anchoring Racing Painting Copyediting Curating Brainstorming Taking Initiatives Interviewing Sourcing Pushing Live Blogging SEO Body Language Self Image Study Skills Self Development Skills Parent Students Relations Assertive Communication Assertive Intervi ew Skills Manners and Etiquettes Get Organised for Success Teacher Training Instructional Design Public Affairs football quiz reading books supervising Strong determination Eager to learn new things Observational Organisational Investment Project Management Decision taking ability Positive approach Adaptive ready to learn contribute and deliver consistently under pressure Good typing speed customer oriented bent of mind good analytical skill Well developed and effective commutation skill endurance management practices Higher Education Organisation Behaviour Developing innovative and engaging teaching-learning pedagogy Imparting soft skills training Life skill workshops management qualities quick and easy adaptation enhance practical and theoretical skills target oriented create friendly environment helping people quick adaptation Problem-Solving Skills Ability to Work on a Team Adaptable to any situation Dedicated to job independent working stability Ability to learn new Technologies Enhanced Performance Varied Instructional Experience Excellent accomplished educator Demonstrated ability to teach Direct and motivate students Higher interest and achievement Articulate communicator Effectively interact with students Handled different papers in English Completed the syllabus during semesters Arranged debate sessions Organized expert meets Improved communication skills Provided students counseling Future prospects Competitive exams Ability to adapt to the situations Ability to take Initiation Responsive sociable modest serious generating ideas writing essays intelligent communicator procedures practices Teaching methods expertise Student Research Guidance Technology-Based Curriculum Classroom administration Performance improvement Team Work ability Quick Learning capability social work social work educator action-based research development studies empowerment course writer peer review Instructional Body language Event Coordination pro-active Motivational Speaker Counseling skills devotion Cooperative with team members Patient-friendly medico An able orator An efficient counselor A tireless administrator A fearless social crusader A bold writer problem solving approach Aim is clear Excellent people Skill Strong Ethical Decision Ability to take quick decision Social research Effective technical skills Team working skills The ability to work under pressure Commercial awareness Multi -tasking creating opportunities zeal to explore imagination and skills member instrumental broadening coordinated supporting engaging trained certified acted advisor primary imparting honing entrepreneurship skills social projects maintaining customer relations identifying sustainable businesses ethical business practices judge youth for sustainable development Performer Choreographer Nattuvanar Director Voluntary work helping peoples Terrific Delivery to Timescales Good Attention to Detail Customer Support Camp Website Question paper setter Internal & external examiner Control Techniques MATLAB Simulation DC Motor Speed Control Power factor improvement Boost converter Electrical software PSIM Control Technique STATCOM Power System Analysis Measurement and Instrumentation Electrical Machine Biological samples preparation for Spectroscopic characterization Animal handle Spectroscopic analysis of various animal organs UV-Vis Spectrometer Fluorescence Microscope Near Infrared Raman Spectrometer Devotion Congenial Outcome based Assisting students Technical paper presentation Technical model contest Project coordinator Remotely Sensed Data Analysis GIS Techniques Groundwater Potential Zone Delineation Engineering Geology Morphometric Analysis Drainage Network Development Socializing Microbiology related laboratory skills Operating system: MS Windows English (fluent) Bengali (Mother tongue) Dedication and commitment towards work Enthusiastic and pleasing personality Innovations in pedagogy Creative and research oriented work Strong and effective leadership skills Individualism Can concentrate for long hours High creativeness Humble Community Mobilization STRONG COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION SKILLS INTERPERSONAL SKILLS ADAPTABILITY MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION Desire to learn new stuff Adaptable to work environment Augment Knowledge volleyball cricket Literature Review worked sports co-ordinator internship Arabic Linguistic Semantics of Arabic Language Curriculum of Arabic Learning Strategies of Arabic Language Learning Islamic Education helpful care and loving open minded co -operative interactive Clinical Supervision Friendly with an upbeat attitude Good administration skill Positive personality with good talking style Positive Communication capacity analytical approach Introduction on NanoBijective Soft Topological Spaces On Multigranular Rough Soft Set Rough Soft Closure Spaces Neighbourhood Rough Set in Decision Making A New Notion of Soft Multiset NanoMultiset Topological Spaces Fuzzy Binary Soft set theory Binary Bitopological Spaces Effective clinical reasoning Placement Coordinator Technical Events HACKATHON EDC Secure 2nd Position CHEM-COUPE Active member INSPIRE Internship Camp workshop on "Integrated Management System" Faulty Enrichment Program Community Focused Service Learning Concept wise explanation including Basics Logical Ability hardworking nature self-motivated to work independently Affection Committed towards works Good command of English language Good interpersonal communication Business skills Social skills Punctual at work Time conscious Effective Planning Strong communication and interpersonal skills Research and analysis Policy recommendations Strategic Alliance Growth Hacking Negotiations Proposals pressure management deadline management Financial Advisor Career Counsellor Flexible nature Winning spirit Patient Safety Critical Care Adoptable Self - Learner problem solver Willing to take Higher responsibility Commitment adherence Workshop Facilitation Cloud based Customer Relationship Management Students Results Analysis Object Detection and Recognition work oriented self disciplined motivate Good organizational skills Focused thinking Decision -making Problem -solving Change based on assessment discovery Portrait and natures photography Travelling and trekking Cooking of traditional dishes Volunteering Data abstr action Supervising PhD students ability to work to strict deadlines ability to bear work pressure Strong interpersonal skills self motivated dependable positive thinking honestly good learning ability Financial Derivatives Research Analyst enhancement Evaluation of parameters using Plethymometer. Proctor Chief Prot Henorary Fellowship Gold Medal Learn quickly Good interpersonal Management Research Performance management Rural Marketing Good Leadership skills Responsible attitude Face challenging problems Flexible to changes hard and smart worker Can work individually Passion to Succeed Truth Worthy attentive Easy in adapting new environment data collection seminar M S Office Adobe Indesign Digital Media Computer Aided Design Advance Mechanics of solids Industrial Robotics Mathematical Methods for Engineers Finite E lement Methods Advanced Dynamics of Machine Scientific research Microprocessor and Microcontroller Skilled in organizing Training Skilled in organizing Kisan Mela Skilled in organizing Kisan Chaupal Skilled in organizing extra-curricular events Scientific paper & poster presentation Review of Literature Prevention & Control of HIV/AIDS Kangaroo Mother Care Role of Nurse in Emergency Care Training of Teachers Bio-Hazards Positive Approaching Nature Sincerity, Hard Working My Courage & Self Confidence Self Motivated, Punctuality Have good inter-personal skills Have Optimistic attitude Possess quality of adaptability student skill development Familiar with legal research databases Legal Research Corporate Law Antioxidant Antimicrobial DNA Barcoding Quick to adapt Lab Management Technical Talk Work under NAAC accreditation team withstands long working hours and pressure fiery personality arduous situation handle pressuring situation failures love for law English proficiency (written) latest trends and techniques quantitative aptitude comprehensive knowledge logical bent of mind summarizing research findings analyzing data results perceiving patterns Adjusting Nature Professional Responsibility Ability to organize various programs Event Handling Legal Analysis Very good Grasping Capacity Ability to Accept Challenges Strong Belief in Creating Ideas Alive Crazy for Practical Work Interested in Smart Work Strong Belief in Loyalty Curious about New trends & Techniques Ethics in Clinical Research Teaching & Learning Health sciences education technology Basic Practical Guidelines for Healthcare provider Basic life support Motivational books Project Manager eye to details Patient counselling drug information and query handling Adverse drug reaction monitoring and reporting medication storage units dispensing practices and prescription analysis ICT Education Cognitive Education scientific presentation independent study Strong Interpersonalskills Sincere & Hardworking Conducting Lecture Paper Publishing Active Committee member Sincerity in doing work Work efficiency in competitive environment Diligent worker self-starter consistent performer counselor External Deputy Chief Superintendent Smart performer trust worthy good attitude towards others willing to help team works skills motivating spirit Goal conscious Kisan Mela Kisan Chaupal Skilled in organizing extra-curricular events International Collaboration Sustainable Design GreenBuilding BuildingMaterials EnergyEfficiency EnergySimulation EnvironmentalSustainability ArchitecturalDesign BuildingInformationModelingsoftwares BuildingEnergyModelingsoftwares DaylightSimulation&Analysissoftwares RemoteSensing FreeandopensourceSoftware GreenUrbanDesign BuildingInformationModelling BuildingEnergyModelling DaylightSimulation&Analysis Graphic Dancing Surfing Release Engineering Lean Continuous Integration Configuration Management Self-learning Analytic Ability leadership capabilities innovative ideas community programmes problem identification research question development Performing Artist Fast adaptability Strong Willingness Can work independently contributes to a team ROS Matlab P-Spice Distribution Ward Management overcoming complex business challenges operational initiatives infrastructure development manufacturing improvements turnaround management process reengineering Strategy Deep learning In Plant Training Program Policy A.I. NADRS Liasioning Imaginative thinking Innovative learning principles Learning outcomes Business research methods Management thinking Effective dissemination Instructional Excellence Computational Fluid dynamics Nanoboundarylayer f lows Heat and Mass Transfer Flow through porous media Natural convec tion Magnetohydrodynamics Entropy generation Slip flow models Inter-Personal skills Class Mentor Workshop Organization Conference Organization Open mindedness Trustworthiness Mindfulness Teaching and learning Planning and organizing Entrepreneurial skill Project writing Socialization Helping nature PGDCA MS - Office Internet Explorer Demonstrate Clearly Highly Self Motivated Ability to Work under Pressure Teaching methodologies Positive learning experience Human behavior Individual differences Conveying information Monitoring/ assessing/ remediating students performance General Awareness Neurorehabilitation Rehabilitation Gait and Balance Rehabilitation Task Oriented Movement Therapy Strength Training Cognitive Rehabilitation Sports Medicine and Fitness Manual Therapy reviewer record keeper project coordinator tutoring planning and implementation Policy Planning Listening to music Strong Willpower Good Absorbing Power Willing to Learn Teaching & Research Aptitude Ability to work without supervision Bilingual (English and Guajarati) Demonstrated managerial abilities Outreach Podcast Development Online Learning Project organization Relationship development Business operations Problem resolution Good communications skills logical ability communicating skills active listening skills Phytoremediation Bioremediation Results driven Eager Potential Technical abilities Encourages knowledge sharing Great listener Sound commercial judgement Financial and Management Accounting Business Analytics in Finance Extensive reading Managerial skills Maternal and Child Health Healthcare Administration Communicable Diseases Inventive thinker Hasty learner Cycle r Softwares Scientific journals and projects writing Consensus building Goal setting Results attainment Policy Development effective utilization of skills gaining experience professional atmosphere strategy peacebuilding dialogue debate translation Feedbacks writing Compiling best practices Changeable Working on arduino Diversity Teaching English Language skills Teaching English Grammar Teaching English literature Teaching courses in translation Teaching IT Willingness to accept responsibilities Problem solving skill Fluorescent Studies Stability Studies Clinical Physiology Computer Assisted Learning Clinical Practice Autonomic Functions Neurobiology Clinical Psychiatry Citation Consent Good Clinical Practice Dengue Alzheimer's Classical Music Therapy Depression Anxiety Stress Levels Health Research Fundamentals ECG Clinical skills Symposiums Anchoring Administrative Qualities Media Liasonning Placement Activities Training Program Good communication and interpersonal skills Honest, hardworking and optimist Eagerness to learn new objectives Adopting to new Environment devoted Analyze Data management Scientific information retrieval Scientific referencing interacting with different kinds of people learning new books Athletics Data Scienc e Courteous soft spoken Resolving problems Improving customer satisfaction Driving operational improvements Cost saving Profit increase instruction Leading Capacity Stamina Decency technology good understanding capability Inter personal relationship adjust to situations Work oriented Pharmaco vigilance Software Management UI Design Technology Research Automation Testing Device to Device Communication Evidence based dentistry Clinical acumen Managing dental emergency cases Performing dental procedures Acquiring new knowledge Upgrading to the recent developments Convener Editorial Advisory Board Member Board of Studies Member proactive attitude Projects Management Game Theory Simulation Tax Administration Business Engineering Electrical Design Academic Writing Author Tax Auditor Journal Reviewer Resource Speaker Management Consultant Public Servant Data Presentation Entrepreneurial Management Teaching Assistance skills Excellent With students Art presented poster conferences Certificate Courses Online Courses Content and Language Integrated Learning ESOL Experts in Language Assessment examinations dedicative Preventive Curative Promotive Geriatric Care Community Awareness Programs Sports Medicine Straightforward Commitment to Life-long learning scholarship Ability to work in a team Adaptive to changing environment Interdisciplinary Traditional Teaching Methodologies Modern Teaching Methodologies Multimedia Presentations PowerPoint Presentations Innovative ideas never dying confidence keen observation humble optimum functioning Effectiveness Response Application Prediction Study Improvement Strength Properties Compaction Behaviour Positive Work Ethics Good Motivating & Mentoring skills Strong problem solving capacity Research project management Research methodologies Modification of electrodes Data and information collection Data-Driven decision making Group Facilitation Independent Judgement Records Management Technical Knowledge Value-based growth Contributing Determined to learn Medical Homeopathic Naturopathy Medical Camps Fund-raising Liaising Research Design Program Evaluation Software proficiency Shoe Master & Pro-Cam Academic excellence Quality education Effective implementation Problem rectification Privacy Distributed Databases Data Storage High Performance Computing Mature Reasonable Treatment Student Engagement Lesson Plan Creation Academic Publication Distance Learning Micro Teaching Business Etiquettes Manners Global Warming HR Challenges Disaster Rehabilitation Sustainable Management Terrorism Digital Empowerment Excellent writing skills Strong Knowledge Ability to handle Expertise in using Constructing Documenting Clinical Oriented Discussion Self-Development Strong experience of handling college academics University AICTE administration and financial duties Coordinating with the College Governing Council AICTE & UGC Performance Appraisal Out of Box Thinking Enterpreneurship Market Awareness Excel Modeling GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILL STRONG MANAGEMENT STRONG LEADERSHIP PROJECT PLANNER TRAINER FASILITATOR GOOD LOBBYING GOOD WRITINGEXPERIENCE Legal Investigation Case Study Case Analysis Mediation ADR Brand Ambassador loyal down to earth straightforward Historical Analysis Team Participation Confidence Building Strong written and verbal communication skills Dedication and Commitment Zeal to learn Social interaction Design Thinking Product & Process Design Consumer products Rocket Science Finite Element Analysis Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Internal Combustion Engines Self-Driving Cars Multilingualism Self Learning grasping new technical concepts quickly utilizing them in effective manner HardWorking Help-full PeacefulNature Ability to identify student interpersonal communications program leadership Biodiversity Education Resource Development Script Writing Quality Circle Learning Management System Art Integrated Learning Community Involvement Personal Development empathy quick learning skills encouraging teaching strategies and techniques proficient with MS Office tools handling hospitality events and conferences motivational skills well-groomed expressive outspoken Spectroscopic predication Liquid Crystal Molecules organizational ability Excellent planning negotiation strengths Ability to prepare assignments delivering lectures Ability to maintain records organizing educational programmes Co-ordinator Expert Talk Modeling and Designing positive impact Information sharing Attending seminars Adaptive to the situation Learn and grasp subjects quickly Legal Expertise Lecturer of Law Free Legal Aid Continuing and Distance Education Program Coordinator Management Strategies for People and Resources Servant Leadership Understanding Human Rights Workforce Collaboration and Development Design Driven Entrepreneurship Understanding Renewable Energy Pleasing Personility Participatory methods techniques of rural development participatory rural appraisal rapid rural appraisal resource appraisal economic development holistic livelihoods security framework sustainable livelihoods people-centered approaches legal and institutional instrument environment and climate change management field days meetings workshops Sustainable Livelihoods Agricultural Extension environmental impact assessment Local Environmental Action Plan Environmental Management System Cleaner Production Life Cycle Assessment Climate Change Mitigation Adaptation Process Reading books newspaper listening the Radio TV program Browsing an Internet Application Peace and Justice Comparative Religion Tasawwuf Islamic Da'wah Islam and Women Diagnosis Prevention Oral Cancer Hereditary Focus on Work Creative-thinker Problem-solver Interdisciplinary researcher Supervison Mathematical Modelling Food Categorization Sensory Analysis Microbial Growth Dynamics Bio Processing self-learning learner Cytogenetics Clinical Expertise Histopathology IHC Molecular Techniques Professional Summary Team Playing Professional Swimming Deep Diving Preparing syllabus Study material Deliver lecture Group conversation Logical Thinking improve skills & experience beneficial Admin work Estimating Medical record management Hospital administration Forensic Odontology Age estimation Bite marks analysis Advance Agro -Technology Farm Management Landscaping and Gardening Post harvest management Thermal Biomechanics Workers Handling Group Working Purity Good communicator Good control over time management Gain knowledge every day Initiatives Inclination towards Academic Research computational skills Organization skills Quality Oriented Societal Outreach Relationships Translatory Skills Human Relation Skills Global Ambassador Peer Review Statistical Approach Meeting Management Idea Generation Long Working Hours effective learning environment academic skills Pathology Laboratory animal handling Molecular Serological Syllabus Framing Industry-Institute Partnership Object Oriented Theory of Computation Cryptography Professional Ethics Customer Satisfaction Presentation skill Receptive Cool headed Self-Confidence Information Dissemination Project Evaluation Resource Centre Development Internship Continuing Studies Additional Controller of Examination Member- Board of Studies in Commerce Department Placement Co-Ordinater Member - EDC Cell Staff adviser Working Smart Ability to work with minimal supervision. Excellent Oral and Written skills Well-developed inter-personal skills Customer Service Excellence Industry Institute Interaction Performing Marketing Communication Localization Copywriting Copy-editing Content editing and analysis Interpreting Scriptwriting Subtitle Making Branding Management Start-up Entrepreneurship Peace and Conflict Resolution Public Communication Strategic Environment Conflict Prevention successful Ontology Text mining Volunteer work Web development Cloud computing HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Spring Boot WordPress Google spreadsheets legal writing legal research legal aid Bengali Odia Business Reengineering Process Analysis Solution Implementation Process Adherence Customer Retention Persuasive Communication Client Relationship Cross Selling NLTK Regression NLP SciPy Predicting Trends Clustering Pandas Decision Tree Numpy Django Predictive Analysis imaginative caring work with students Capable of Working in Challenging Atmosphere Employee Welfare Adapt well to change Cool Excellent teaching and communication skills Excellent organizational, management, and multitasking skills Proficient in MS Word Efficient in time management Proactive in Nature Self-starter, quick learner and highly motivated. Module Development Calendar Development efficient manager Considerate Classification Mobility IOT People Assiduous Highly innovative traditional methods Staff Development Consensus Building Event management Interpersonal efficacy Teamwork initiative Verbal and non-verbal communication skills Self learning QuickLearner Effective tutor Motivating students Learning style assessment problem-solver Decisive leader passion for innovation Program/Project Management Conceptual Skills Wide regional exposure in teaching Excellent student feedback rating Co-ordinating Handled academic seminars and conferences Planning and organizing curriculum Steering various meetings Strategies and execute academic programmes Guide in academic administration An incessant learner organizational and negotiation strengths Ability to lead reach consensus establish goals and attain results Good verbal and written communication skills Instructional Assistance Student Progress Monitoring Information and Documentation Academic Program Completion Reading, Writing, Study Skills Workshop Development and Conduct Academic and Administrative Committees Department and College Management Instructional Methodologies Student Performance Improvement Homework and Assignments Lesson Plan Preparation and Revision Undergraduate, Graduate and School Lectures Student Examinations Feedback Provision Student Goal Achievement Class Discussions Corporate Culture Professional Identity Organizational Leadership Effective Influence Mind Management Team Development Understanding Human Behavior Habits for Success Unlock Your Potential Ability to stay focused & motivated. Hard working & reliable. Time & Quality conscious Family Counseling active listening psychological assessments General Administration Module/Course Design Positive Reinforcement Paper Publications Creative Learning Strategies Classroom discipline Positive learning environment Teaching/tutoring/Mentoring Behavioral Sciences Quantitative methods Cost accounting Derivatives market Security analysis and portfolio management Data driven decision making Explanation Problem solving approach Comprehensive problems solving good verbal and written communication skills Score Card System Development Extra-curricular Activities Participation English Teaching Involvement & Commitment to learn Self- Motivator Self- Confidence Adoptable to New Environment Value addition Participation in community Programs Social works Risk Restructuring Media Accessibility Solving puzzles Ready to adopt the change Worthful Excel Conveying Suitable Inspiring Lecturer Event Handler Innovative Thinker Student Counselor Personable Approachable Trained Classical Dancer Target Orientated Good Communicator Taking responsibility of task contribute share upgrade RESEARCH AND ACADEMICS ADMINISTRATION COMPETITIVE EXAM COACHING Team bonding Adjusting Respectable Psychotherapies Sex Therapy Case History Interventions Group Therapy Positive outlook Quest Undertaking challenging tasks Insight Risk Taking Team Management skills Content Developer Technological Savvy Effective Classroom Management Creative spirit Collaborative nature Team work spirit Good social skills Leadership & organizational skills Student Advisement Field Studies Traditional Knowledge Systems Rural Sociology Eco -feminism Village Study Folk Culture Audio -Visual documentation Folklore Human Trafficking Sociology of Health Research Presentation Algorithm interpretation Qualitative and quantitative research Analysis and evaluation Critical and Creative Thinking Contract Management Self-Initiated Evolution Computer graphics Prefer quick decisions Enjoying with nature Coordination Chemistry Bio-Chemistry Professional ability Financial duties Student relations Teaching experience Network development Fund raising Imagination Power and Creativity Continuous effort Contacts with Experts/ Industry Professional Caliber Professional Competency Presentational Skills Organisation Behavior Employment Enhancement Programme CV Building Group Discussions Extempore speaking Self Management Oral Communication in Business Business Correspondence & Report Writing Written Analysis and Communication Communications for Managers Student Mentoring Placement activities International Business Relations Business Policy Public Relation Practices Gender Sensitization Cartography Playwriting Dramatics critical thinker relationship builder due diligence compliance Positive and Supportive Decision making skills Flexibility and adaptability A flexible and adaptable person Student Program Coordination Student Resource promotion Guiding Students Student Advisory Student Research guidance Motivating Students Student Empowerment Dynamic Learning Environment Case Method of Teaching Examination Setting wellbeing aggression prejudice paranormal spirituality quality of life addiction mental health discrimination body image self esteem educational aspiration mindfulness executive function cognitive functioning emotional stability relapse prevention morbidities stigma psychological distress meditation concentration attention islamophobia guided imagery tension type headache social psychology result oriented approach Consistency in performance Effective Communication skill verbal and written communication skills Business hospital management Medication Dispensing Scientific Acumen Complex problem solving Power point presentations Classroom seminars horizontal caring relationships with students Solving objective type questions Clarifying historical changes in theory Gamification Monthly Mentoring and Solving Problems Acknowledging and rewarding deeper thinking Feedbacks highly -motivated results orientated Expertise in Online teaching platforms Administrative Management Research Journal Indexing Journal Organizing International Conference Value Added Course Curriculum UGC Bar Council AISHE Portal NBA NAAC IQAC CII FICCI ASSOCHAM PHD MHRD Applied Mathematics Control Design Stochastic Systems Markovian Jump Systems Persuasiveness curiosity strong will action oriented multitasking self starter Positive Thinking Attitude Planning and organizing. Ability to take responsibilities. Thirst to learn new thing. Excellent team Spirit. Social Commitment Basic Science Library Science Digital Libraries Academic Libraries Library Automation Library Management Collection Development Library Services E-Library Services Ecotourism Conservation Mechanism Good verbal and written communication skill Institutional Abilities Self-belief Innovative thinking Analytical Thinker Constantly upgrade knowledge and skills Making a difference Clinical judgment Management of critical situation Implementation of nursing process Knowledge of legal and ethical issues Updating knowledge Program organization continuous improvement Will to grow Financial Understanding Project Documentation Good Research abiiities Data Visualisation Planning and Organizing ICT Competence Reporting Skills Work Under Pressure Meet Deadlines academic research developing new lessons teaching methods conceptual knowledge academic curriculum learning styles student's comprehension community based sustainable development integration of Agriculture Animal husbandry Women Technology Park University Nominees University Observer examination paper setting Faculty induction programme Orientation programme Career oriented academic counselor Placements coordinator Information and communication technologies in Education ICT tools Google Class Room Online lectures Participation of Faculty induction programme N AAC Work participation leading edge conversational skills documentation skills critical thinking abilities Statistical Pattern Recognition Structural Health Monitoring Control Theory Open-minded High Achiever Helping Others Challenging Jobs Truth & Ability English speaking making students comfortable speaking up problems assessing strength and weakness time-management computer skills General Knowledge Quiz Contests Event Organizer Subeditor Contributor Enthusiasm towards work Responsible behavior mathematics education inferential statistics Networking expert Reliable and professional Growth Oriented Handling UV Spectrophotometer Microscopic instruments Plant Phytochemical Analysis Soil Nutrients and Microbes analysis Cryotome Microtome Techniques Plant Breeding Experiments Hard-worker First aid Problem Discussions Clinical Medicine Gyn & Obs Study Tour Project Proposal Writing Book Writing Hand Book Preparation Clinical Record Book Preparation Syllabus Preparation Action Plan Preparation Zoom Timetable Preparation Online Evaluation Foam Preparation Hospital Management Newspaper Article Writing Curriculum Review Faculty Proposal Preparation Departmental Proposal Preparation Inventory Student Guide Book Preparation Exam Assessments Methods Annual Report Preparation Proposal Submission Ambassadorship statistical analysis computer handling knowledge ability to write manuscripts research projects Excellent project management skills encompassing planning implementation and budget accountability Strong work ethic with professional attitude emphasizing reliability willingness to work as necessary Self-motivated with excellent time management multiple task/project coordination skills problem -solving abilities Web Site development Human Resource Mgt. Debate Competition Quiz Competition Inter Collegiate Technical fair Flood Relief Entrepreneurship Educators Course Modules Convincing ability Regular & Respectful Paper Editting Veterinary Animal Science Positive attitude towards life and people. Story/Poem Writing Script writing for Film and Play Social Good Business Growth Ability to learn new technologies quick Maintaining High Interest Achievements Preparing Timetable Preparing Lesson Plan Managing Social Media Website Maintenance Participating Training & Placement Activities Admission Team Exam Department Mtech Coordinator Minor & Major Project Incharge AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards Web Administration QA Testing Teachers Training Education Fiction Trendsetter Result -Oriented Comprehensive problem solving ability analytical ability Openness to learn something new Quick Learning ability Working with strategy practical knowledge hand-on work experience OOPs Concepts IOT Domain self motivator Human Right Modern Teaching Pedagogy Internships Exposure to NBA & NAAC filings Group Cordiality Enjoy performing innovative, challenging tasks Hone st and determine Ability to communicate & convince People Stage daring grasping new technical concepts utilizing technical concepts effectively handling pressure WRITER ORATOR ORGANISER adapts to situations work efficiently individual Handle Pressure understand the students strengths & Weaknesses mutual enrichment Professional competency Implementation of strategies Meeting Deadlines Political Communication Media Technology Society News Public Opinion Social Media Surveillance Critical Discourse Analysis Social Media Strategy Delivering Effective Lectures Banking & Finance Indian Economy Policy & Issues Entreprenuership Development Trust Building Connect with industry and student community Lifelong learner Strong Work Ethic Histological an d Biochemical analysis Animal Wound healing assay Human Cancer cell culture techniques Tumour bearing mice model Positivity Deadline-driven Library science Advance electronics Condensed Matter candid Awareness Lectures Work ethics Performance Improvement Accountability Project In charge Core member of Department publication club Core member of industrial connect program Industrial Interaction In charge Member of MSME funded project B.Tech project coordinator Co-principal Co-coordinator of various events Edited Exam cell coordinator Outcome based mission coordinator Drawing work Site in-charge Member of Exam Committee coordinator of sport activity Coordinator of Annual function Project Guiding Research Paper Publication Present Well explanation Analyzing Making Decisions Writing Skills Industry Membership Evidence-based Reporting Staff Mobilization Technical Proficiency Basic & translational research Immune components Cancer progression Immuno-oncology Cancer stem cell biology Metastasis Computational cancer genomics Transcriptomics Research Study Designing Writing Research Papers Coordinating Research Developing study tools Indicator Mapping Documents compilation Administration related work Artificial intelligence Mobile Cloud Computing Formal Software architecture cyber physical systems Professional research ability Peacekeeping Website Management Photo Editing Desktop Publishing Family Planning Child Protection International Humanitarian Law Law of Armed Conflict Peace Support Operations Ethics in UN Peacekeeping Security Measures for United Nations Peacekeepers Operational logistical support Mine Action Humanitarian Impact Technical Aspects Global Initiatives Ebola Virus Disease Awareness and Precautions for Peacekeeping Personnel HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Malaria Youth Reproductive Health Logistic for Health Commodities Standard Days Method Antenatal care Essential Newborn Care Postpartum Care Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage Family Planning Legislative & Policy Requirements Fostering Change in Health Services Or ganised Determined to Succeed Responsive to the Assigned Work Efficient in Communication Ability to Create Working Environment Information Tailoring Involvement Achievement Social aspect Gender equity Organic Farming Assertiveness Exploring students learning styles Extensive communication skills Listening webinars Electronic devices & circuitry building good relationships Good Leadership & Managerial skills Supplier Development New Product Development Knowledge sharing Employee motivation Can-do approach music management interviewing Team Communication Knowledge of NBA accreditation documentationwork Knowledge of NAAC accreditation documentationwork Knowledge of ISO Certification documentation work Knowledge of Autonomous Status documentation work Proactive Orientation Activity Based Learning Psychological Testing Child Sexual Abuse, Prevention & Intervention Gender Discrimination Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Basic Counseling Skills Policy development and enforcement Student achievement Relationship building and networking Multitasking ability Student and parent relations Community engagement Verbal and written communication Training and mentoring Team Bonding Process improvements Continuous improvements Subjective meet deadlines Traffic Simulation Socially Adjustable Very Disciplined Reliable Worker Creative Ability Adjustment and Helpful Nature Pleasing personality Excellent adaptability skills Good logical reasoning Rational committed to professional development acquisition of continual knowledge clear in my thoughts determined task oriented Grooming Learning by teaching Observing Efforts Transforming personality Giving respect to others Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Insurance and banking Managerial Economics Financial Market and Financia l Service Risk taking Organizing events Organizing and attending Seminars Meeting New People Health Psychology Psychological Counseling Child Psychology Educational Workshop Behavioral Event Interviewing Mental Health Trainings Strong Organizational skills Understanding of advance mathematics and physics Prototype Budget planning HR Management Problem -solving skills Teamwork and collaboration culture manuscriptology paleography lexicography vedic studies Marrketing Englsih Literature Humanities and Science Multi Disciplinary Product Information Management Digital Asset Management Source Code Management Accounts Data Scientist Business Leadership Business Analytics Computer Systems and Software HRMS CyberEngineering Electronics & Instrumentation Data scientists Nano Catalyst Modelling scripts Digital Techniques computer application Security Informatics Accountant Chemisty Micro Electronics Communications Engineering Residential energy Consumption User Research Phonology ELT and Sociolinguistics machine Vision Metal Complexes Metal Organic Framework Physicochemical analysis of water Ferrite Sampling Theory Distribution Theory sericulture fishery science Robotic Process Automation HANA Data Engineer Finances Hydropower Project development for sustainability and efficiency in energy solutions within the hydropower sector. Solar Energy Fungal Degradation Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics Technology acceptance Adoption Thoeries Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working on Gaps Resources optimizations business and executive Management AYURVEDA/PHYSIOLOGY Hydropower Project Planning Hydropower Project Design Quantity Surveying and Measurement Contract Administration Cost Control Construction Materials Sustainable Infrastructure Water Resources Engineering Smart Cities journal publication HR MARKETING & FINANCE CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY Software engineering Software Design EDI Migaration Specialist Oracle 11g Data Engineering Finance and Technology Technical Product Management AWS data science Farmer Producer Organizations social sanitationsanitation social anthropology social problems in india social movements in india principles of sociology Manufacturing Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Telecom products AV Streaming Server on CDN VLSI System Cloud Migration HTTP/HTTPS Machine Learning Engineer MSSQL Server T-SQL Enterprise Architecture Domain Architecture General Science Python (Programming Language) • Scala • Hadoop • Apache Oozie • Apache Kafka MATHEMATICS Diophantine Analysis and Mathematical Analysis Low temperature combustion engine Non-conventional energy sources Fuel Cell Computer systems and computational processes Computer Architecture and Organization Data Oprating Performance Qualification information sciences Migration Projects MERN Theory and Methods Industrial ManagementMaster's Archana Todupunuri is a Senior Full Stack Developer whose technical expertise has significantly shaped the Digital One Banker framework. By designing the front-end architecture with Angular and Java she created a robust user-friendly interface that meets the complex needs of modern banking applications. Her commitment to excellence is evident in her rigorous code review processes and collaboration with the quality assurance team ensuring that all application flows function seamlessly and meet high standards of reliability. Leading a team of four Archana played a crucial role in integrating banking services through RESTful APIs contributing to major business use cases and technical enhancements. Her leadership was instrumental in deploying the Digital One Banker Sales and Service on the AWS cloud platform facilitating shared code and the benefits of a SaaS model. Under Archana’s guidance the Digital One project has redefined digital banking introducing significant features in the 9.5 release including Call Tracking Foreign Exchange Transaction Management and Customer Relationship Management. Her strategic direction in migrating to the AWS cloud marked a pivotal shift from traditional deployments to a more flexible scalable model showcasing her innovative mindset and commitment to advancing technology in the financial sector. Computational Physics Molecular Dynamics Simulations Nanobubbles and Cavitation Effects Systems Engineering soil and water engineering Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering water resource management Hydraulic and water resources Engineering Dam Engineering Irrigation structure soil erosion and land degradetion hydrology hydrologic modelling GIS and Remote sensing hydraulic structure plannning design and construction of hydraulic structure Network design problems optimization in telecommunications e-commerce biomedical applications massive computing Telecommunications Supply Chain Financial Engineering Information Theory Cataloging and classification integrated Library system Information services and instruction Publisher statistics control science Neurosciences Biomedical engineering Applications in life sciences Applied computing Biological Sciences Biomedical and Clinical Sciences Cardiovascular medicine Clinical sciences Cognitive and computational psychology Computer vision and multimedia computation Cybersecurity and privacy Distributed computing systems software Human-centred computing Information and Computing Sciences Informetrics Library and information studies Medical biotechnology Mobile computing Sports science and exercise Analytical Chemistry DATA MANAGEMENT WEB PROGRAMMING JOB TRAINING Medical Technology Biomedical Informatics Complex networks Information System Complex Systems AI methodology Geometric deep learning Graph Neural Networks Hypergraphs Neural ODE PDE Latent force models Neural execution of algorithms multimodality Bio-statistics Mathematical Sciences Convolutional Neural Network F1 Score Signal processing Wireless Communications Psychiatry Clinical Trials Cognition Psychiatric Disorders Psychiatrist Epidemiological Imaging Neuroscience Eduction Pharmaceutical Chemisty Cancer Cognitive Neuroscience Human Brain Network Organization Neuroimaging Graph Theory in Neuroscience Brain Network Topology Dementia Neuroimmunology Immune Mechanisms in Mental Health Alzheimer's Disease Research Mood Disorders Biological Basis of Schizophrenia Small World Networks in Brain Anatomy Brain Wiring Inflammatory Mechanisms in Mental Health Anti-inflammatory Drugs for Psychiatry Academic Leadership in Psychiatry Energy Systems Healthcare Systems Artificial Intelligence in Business Social Goods Human Trafficking Disruption Illicit Market Analysis Smart Manufacturing Stochastic Modeling Production Economics Industry 4.0 Society 5.0 Large-Scale Optimization Global Optimization Combinatorial Optimization Network Design Problems Optimization in Telecommunications E-commerce Optimization Biomedical Applications Massive Computing Applied Optimization Industrial and Systems Engineering Computer and Information Science Informatics Multi-Robot Systems Precision Medicine Patient Risk Assessment Agricultural Robotics Acute Kidney Injury Brain Informatics High-Performance Computing Mental Health Epidemiology Early Life Determinants of Mental Illness Early Intervention in Psychosis Mental Health Policy Suicide Prevention Applied Health Research Intervention Evaluation Health Services Research NIHR Leadership Academic Psychiatry Psychosis Management Public Health Interventions Mental Health Charity Early Intervention Services Psychiatry Education Health Research Collaboration Computational Biology Personalised Medicine Disease Complexity Modeling Explainable AI Mechanistic Modeling Systems Medicine Multi-Omics Data Integration Medical Digital Twin Decision Support Systems Human Body Communication Theoretical Genetics Nonlinear Dynamics AI in Medicine Predictive Modeling Digital Health Health Informatics Stroke MRI Analysis Real-Time Cancer Imaging Feature Visualization Clinical Decision Support Systems Chronic Disease Prediction Translational Data Science Data Science Algorithms EEG and ECG Analysis Secondary Data Utilization Automated Disease Diagnosis Interpretable Machine Learning Cell and Molecular Biology cognitive dopamine psychopharmacology Neuroimaging Sciences Meat processing Hybrid meat products Electrospinning nanofiber Active packaging cuCultured meat Alternative meat Energy Biosciences Energy Physics Clinical Biochemistry Hematology Penetration Testing and Bug Hunting Cybersecurity Instructor Founder & CEO of HACKTECH Public Speaker Industrial Biotechnology Biofuels Biomass Conversion Waste-to-Wealth Technologies Industrial Enzymes Biotechnology Research Sustainable Energy Solutions Microbial Processes Scientific Publishing Citations Global Collaborations Translational Research Bioprocess Development Interdisciplinary Science Sustainable Technologies Innovation in Energy and Environment Alternative Fuels Combustion Emission Control Hydrogen Methanol Engines Fuel Sprays Optical Diagnostics in Combustion Laser Ignition Technology HCCI Engines Particulate Emission Reduction Locomotive Engine Development Methanol DME Fueled Vehicles Energy Sustainability Automotive Fuel Innovations Energy Research Laser-Fired Engines IC Engine Research and Development Automotive Sector Innovations Advanced Combustion Technologies Elementary Particle Physics High-Energy Physics Experiments CMS Experiment ATLAS Experiment Higgs Boson Research Future Particle Colliders Fundamental Science Research High-Energy Physics Contributions to Theoretical Experimental Physics Regulated/ Unregulated Emissions Particulate Characterization and Control Exhaust Gas After-Treatment using DOC/ DPF Emission Toxicology Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engines Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) Engines Low-Temperature Combustion (HCCI/PCCI/RCCI) Engines CNG HCNG Biodiesel Ethanol Butanol Dimethyl Ether (DME) Diethyl Ether (DEE) Laser Ignition of Combustible Mixtures Combustion Visualization Using Schlieren/ Shadowgraphy Optical Diagnostics of Engine Combustion Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for In-Cylinder Flow Visualization Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI) for Dense Spray Characterization Lubricating Oil Characterization and Tribology Engine Simulation (1-D and 3-D) Total Cost of Ownership Analysis Microbial Enzyme Technology Food & Fermentation Technology Bioprocesses products development Solid-state fermentation industrial enzymes biopolymers organic acids amino acids Energy & environment Biomass to fuels and chemicals biorefinery microbial biodiversity Health & nutrition Probiotics and nutraceuticals Medtech Innovation Bioprocess Engineering Biochemical Engineering I focus on helping students to understand the nuances of interconnected fields in this globalized world. My aim is to foster critical thinking Microbial enzymes Metagenomics Membrane Technology Pervaporation Modelling and Simulation Corrosion Engineering Fermentation Biomass Pretreatment Technologies Biomass to Bio products Fermentation Technology Probiotics nutraceuticals bioethanol cellulase beta glucosidase aspergillus penicillium Large Scale Gene Expression Data Analyses DOE concepts in bioprocess optimization IC engine combustion Homogeneous charge compression ignition biofuels hydrogen hythane gaseous Laser diagnostic techniques Laser ignition of fuel-air mixtures Particle Imaging Velocimetry for flow visualization in IC engines Phase Doppler Interferrometry for spray characterization Lubricating oil tribology Micro-sensors Automotive emissions Regulated and unregulated emissions Particulates secondary aerosols and toxicology Mathematical Modeling in inventory control Engine Emission Control Biogas Engine Management Combustion Diagnostics Long Term Engine Wear Durability Particulate characterization Engine emission measurement Advanced low temperature combustion Optical diagnostics with special reference to engine endoscopy and PIV Release Management Continuous Delivery Agile Practices medical scribe electronic health record medical terminology medical writing clinical research coordinator clinical research assoicate ICH-GCP Biochemistry Fundamentals Physiological Chemistry Experimental Biochemistry Protein Chemistry Internal medicine Enzyme physician endocrinologist Health Study Women's health chronic diseases Algal Biotechlogy cancer cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular Trial Genetic Risk CVD Vitamin D Omega-3 Trial COSMOS trial Women's Health Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Preventive Medicine Nutritional and Lifestyle Factors in Chronic Disease Biomarker Predictors of Chronic Disease Hormonal Influences on Chronic Diseases Clinical Trials and Research Methodology Mentorship in Academic Medicine Gender Disparities in Healthcare Exercise and Lifestyle Interventions for Health Health Policy and Advocacy for Women Editing in Medical Research MD-PhD Program Public Health Research Physiological chemistry Electrolyte metabolism Microanalytical methods Vitamin deficiency screening Collagen elastin measurement Freeze-drying tissue techniques Microbalance invention enzyme analysis Metabolite Fluorescence-based NADH NADPH detection Enzymatic cycling for amplification particularly cancer public health research Cancer prevention breast cancer and multiple myeloma Tobacco use cancer and stroke risk Obesity diabetes and cancer Risk assessment statistical modeling for cancer Validating self-report data large-scale epidemiologic studies Development of dietary assessment tools Translation of epidemiological data actionable prevention messages Cancer prevention programs Implementation science for cancer control health science research methods Leadership roles Public health leadership advisory roles cancer disparities health information Disease Risk Nutrition Microbial Health breast cancer risk Dietary Assessment Cancer Prevention Heart Disease Risk Lifestyle Risk Factors Nutritional Epidemiology Insulin Regulation Gut Microbiome Breast Cancer Research Dietary Patterns Inflammation Chronic Disease Prevention Chronic Disease Plant-based Diets Planetary Health Diet Dietary Influences Estrogen Metabolism Dietary Questionnaires Development Weight Management Nutrition Education Health Behavior Change Cancer Survival and Diet Epidemiological Studies Cardiovascular Disease Descriptive and Analytic Studies Treatment of Chronic Acute Diseases Chronic diseases Prospective study methods Population Science Environmental Health Visual Analytics Human-Computer Interaction Optimization Theory Algorithms Agents Multi-Agent Systems Self-Organizing Systems Autonomous Systems Natural Language and Speech VLSI DESIGN DIGITAL DESIGN AI Consultant Audio Analytics AI Researcher Tool Engineering Applied AI Women’s Heart Health Public Health Leadership Data Safety Monitoring Clinical Research Design Heart Disease Awareness Gender-Specific Cardiovascular Research Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women Nuclear Cardiology Clinical Cardiology Rehabilitative Cardiac Care Cardiovascular Event Prediction Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Cholesterol Nutrition Management Heart Disease Disease Reversal Mental Stress Ischemic Heart Disease Women Disease cardiologist atrial fibrillation vascular function cardiovascular prevention Cardiovascular Medicine Cardiomyopathy Coronary heart disease Essential hypertension health sciences Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventional Cardiology Emeritus and Retired Women's Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Research Initiatives Fellowship Training in Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Atherosclerosis Research Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis Heart Disease in Women Preventive Cardiology Women’s Cardiovascular Health Coronary Artery Disease Lipid Management Cardiometabolic Health Education Health Care Management Medical Decision Making Assessment of Medical Interventions Clinical Efficacy Assessment Health Policies Public Health Systems Cultural Impacts on Health Care Health Economics Institutions Editorial Work Managed Care Health Institutions National Health Policy Advisory Cross-Cultural Health Studies Health Policy Implementation Health Economics Evidence-Based Medicine Risk Estimation Cardiovascular Health Promotion Healthy Aging Clinical and Translational Research Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Subclinical Atherosclerosis Imaging Hypertension Epidemiology Dyslipidemia Research Clinical Practice Guidelines National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Research NHLBI Research Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Disease Framingham Heart Study Cardiovascular Disease Lifetime Risks AHA Strategic Goals Translational Sciences Medical Research Leadership Framingham Center for Population Health Policy Leadership Cardiovascular Disease Treatment Guidelines Autophagy Cell Biologist Yeast Research Molecular Mechanisms Protein Kinase Complex Ubiquitin-like Conjugation Systems ATG Gene Research Membrane Dynamics Structural Biology Neurodegeneration Research Starvation-induced Autophagy Disease Mechanisms Alzheimer's Infections Biomedical Research Biomedical Award Recipient Genetic Screening Cellular Maintenance Molecular Pathology Protein Complexes in Cells Vacuolar Membrane Research Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Comorbidities Evidence-Based Treatment Epidemiological Research Public Health Surveillance Diabetes Research Randomized Clinical Trials Health Effects of Herbicides Clinical Data Analysis Electronic Health Records (EHR) Research Mentorship Large Dataset Analysis Public Health Policy Veterans Health Studies Health Research Funding Clinical Research Governance Observational study follow-up Epidemiological methods Preventive medicine Cancer prevention studies Risk-benefit analysis Evidence-based health practices Cancer epidemiology Clinical trial design Population Health Sciences Health Policy Medicare claims data Clinical outcomes research National data quality Epidemiological cohort studies Pragmatic trials Evidence generation Health equity Population health teaching Research design FDA policy advisory health care delivery Health Services Heart Study Cardiovascular Health Study Drug Administration health services Large-scale research studies Clinical research infrastructure Women's Heart Health Cardiovascular Prevention Exercise Stress Testing Chest Pain Guidelines Heart Health Education Cardiovascular Disease Management Women’s Health Advocacy Cardiovascular Research Pediatrics Pediatric Radiology Pediatric Neurology Cerebrovascular Vascular Neurology Sickle Cell Disease Cerebral Physiology Research Neuroimaging Methods Cognitive Dysfunction in Children Brain Health in Chronic Illness Sickle Cell Disease Research Type 1 Diabetes & Brain Health Health Disparities Cardiovascular Care Women’s Health Research Reproductive Science Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Women's Health Specialist women’s heart disease Stress Echocardiography medicine cardiovascular diseases atherosclerosis microvascular dysfunction persistent chest pain cardiology internal medicine Cardiologist Clinical Psychology researcher Interventional cardiologist Heart Specialist Chest medicine Cardiovascular Science applied biostatistician Pediatric Critical Care psychologist Cardiometabolic Diseases Social Determinants of Health Cardiac Rehabilitation Coronary Heart Disease Internal Medicine cardiovascular behavioral medicine Revenue Growth Strategies Anomaly Detection Advanced Algorithms Fraud Analytics Optimization Methods ETL Processes Social Impact Initiatives Cardiovascular Epidemiology Atrial Fibrillation Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease Cardio-Oncology Research Chronic Pain Research Mentoring in Medicine NIH-Funded Research Vascular Function Systemic Inflammation Translational Genomics Clinical Leadership Development Atrial fibrillation Vascular function Cardiovascular Immunotherapy Innovative Therapies Colorectal Cancer Liver Cancer Cancer Genetics Tumor Pathogenesis Molecular Biology Techniques Genetic Instability Oncogenes Tumor Suppressor Genes Cancer Genomics Early Cancer Detection Personalized Genomic Sequencing Colorectal Cancer Research Clonal Evolution in Tumors DNA Sequencing Innovation Cancer Therapeutics Stem Cell Research Applications Environmental Factors in Cancer molecular geneticist Medical Genetics Genetic Medicine pathology human genetics Colon cancer Rectal cancer Liquid Biopsy Hereditary cancers Bile duct cancer Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors Medical Oncology oncology Cancer Biomarkers Molecular Oncology Immunohistochemical Staining Human Sexuality Research Entomology Studies Sexology Foundations Evolutionary Biology Gall Wasp Research Biological Methodologies Sexology Wildlife Studies Phylogenetics Sexual Behavior Gall Wasp Morphology Biostatistical Methods Youth Behavioral Dynamics Sonochemistry Physical processing chemical processing cavitation phenomena environmental sustainability industrial wastewater reuse biochar applications enzymatic processes for textiles renewable energy sources development of novel materials from waste Oil Gas and Energy Management HSE Hydrodynamic Cavitation Process Intensification Water and Wastewater Treatment Enzymatic Reactions Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering Material Energy Balance Calculations Separation Processes Engineering Applications of Digital Computers Renewable Energy Resources Polymer & Surface Engineering Nanoparticles Computer Software 2. Artificial Intelligence Web and Frontend Development Database Systems Agile and Scrum Methodologies Microsoft Technologies Scalable Enterprise Solutions Business Requirement Analysis Architecture Design and Development Front-End Frameworks Serverless Computing Database Optimization Techniques Web Application Development Psychopathology Sexologist Sex Research Forensic Psychiatry Psychosocial Medicine Psychiatric Epidemiology Eating Disorders Psychopharmacology Psychoanalyst Sexual Medicine Sexual Offender Treatment Hypersexuality Research Juvenile Delinquency Pharmacological Treatment DSM-5 Advisory Psychotherapy in Sexual Disorders Court Report Analysis Sexual Health LGBTIQA+ Sexuality Power waste management Recycling Catalytic Scienc GreenChemistry & Technology Behavioral Neuroscience Human Behavior Law Enforcement Sexual Offenders Cardiac Surgery Clinical social work Sexual abuse of children Legal Psychology Diagnostics psychotherapy Sexual Dysfunctions Vaginismus Female Sexual Dysfunction Sexual Therapy Network Control Plane Data Migration Auto-Scaling Solutions Service Fabric Orchestration Display Ads Engineering Fault Tolerance Graph Databases (Neo4j) Intelligent Systems Hadoop Distributed Systems Curve Fitting Electrostatics Mathematical Modeling Research and writing Linux os Ansible Automation/windows Virtualization Datacenter admin Storage Backups Cosmology Sexual Violence Research Media Effects Psychology of Aggression Sexual Aggression Studies Mass Media Behavior Pornography Studies Confluence Model Development conflict mass media effects evolutionary social science Prediction and Causes of Sexual Aggression Evolutionary Psychology Sexually Explicit Media (Pornography) Sex Conflict Aggression Against Women Honors Proseminar in Communication Restorative Justice Bystander Intervention Victim Advocacy Trauma-Informed Care Sexual Assault Prevention Survey Development Feminist Psychology Policy Consultation Academic Publishing Workforce Development Power Electronics and Drives Solar PV Systems MPPT controllers Multilevel Inverters Induction Machine Video streaming content delivery networks (CDN) System-on-Chip (SoC) modeling Virtual platform SystemC modeling Embedded systems real-time operating systems AWS services EC2 S3 RDS Lambda VPC TensorFlow Keras scikit-learn Big data technologies Spark Databases DevOps practices CI/CD pipelines Network protocols SIP-based solutions NoC architecture exploration Digital design RTL performance modeling Multi-controller telecom infrastructure Authorization authentication AI-driven search recommendation systems SAP Ariba consulting Celonis analysis End-to-end testing Healthcare claims adjudication Retail architecture Business process managemen requirements gathering Onshore and offshore team management Debugging Counterparty Risk Pricing Strategies Emerging Financial Technologies Economic Thought Leadership Investment Banking Solutions CDS Index Options Clearing International Swaps and Derivatives Business Case Preparation Cross-functional Team Leadership Risk Analytics Stakeholder Engagement ETL solutions Cloud-based data platforms Business intelligence Data modeling Data transformation OLTP OLAP and ODS systems Azure Data Bricks Azure Data Lake Azure Blob Storage Azure SQL Azure Data Factory Microsoft SQL Server Power BI reports and dashboards Row-level security implementation DAX measures optimization Data quality rules Database design and migration T-SQL and stored procedures Performance tuning OLAP cubes development Data governance strategies Google Analytics Agile development Interior Design Network Architecture Data Engineering Leadership Big Data Processing Databricks Apache Spark Data Pipeline Development Real-Time Data Processing Query Optimization Data Visualization (Tableau) Data System Optimization Machine Learning Algorithms AI Frameworks IoT Systems Data Pipeline Design Real-Time Monitoring NLP Techniques Process Automation Marketing Mix Modeling Statistical Testing Predictive Analytics Cloud Services ETL Automation User Experience Design (UED) Custom Software Development Cloud Application Development SaaS Development Market Mix Modeling (MMM) Bayesian Data Integration Causal Impact Analysis Multi-Touch Attribution Modeling Digital Activation Models Revenue Optimization Business Solutions Data Product Development Large-Scale Data Processing Experimental Analysis Pipelines Campaign Reporting Systems Standardized Data Frameworks Hybrid Advertising Models Attribution Metrics Optimization Statistical Analysis and Modeling Data Science Projects Data-Driven Marketing Strategies Cloud-Based Data Solutions Data Science Hackathon Innovations Data Modelling SAP Project Systems (PS) SAP Commercial Project Management (CPM) SAP S/4 HANA 1909 Configuration Global SAP Business Process Redesign Integration with Legacy Systems Primavera Concur Order-to-Cash Utility Program Development Client-Specific SAP Solutions Production Support and Testing Business Requirement Documentation (BRD) User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Cross-Functional Team Management Product Information Management (PIM) Cloud Solutions Cloud Deployment Azure App Services Cosmos DB API Development Real-Time Data Analytics Power BI Dashboard Creation Angular High-Level Design Functional Documentation Storage Account Data Feed Management About the Journal GSV Central Library CSJM University Kanpur is proud to announce the launch of our new journal dedicated to the field of Library and Information Science. With our commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation this journal will serve as a platform for scholars researchers and practitioners to share their insights and research findings. Our journal will encompass a broad range of topics aimed at improving the accessibility and usability of information. This includes the organization of information through methods like classification cataloging and indexing as well as the development and management of library collections. Information retrieval techniques will be explored to enhance the efficiency of locating and accessing information while reference services will be discussed to provide crucial assistance to users in their research efforts. Digital libraries will be a focal point with discussions on managing and organizing electronic resources to ensure they are accessible and usable. Additionally the journal will address archiving and preservation ensuring the long-term accessibility of information resources. Information policy and ethics will be examined addressing legal and ethical considerations related to information access while information literacy will promote the skills needed to evaluate and use information effectively. As an institution offering B.Lib. M.Lib. and Ph.D. programs in Library Science we are dedicated to supporting the academic and professional growth of our students and faculty. This journal reflects our commitment to excellence and our desire to contribute to the dynamic and evolving field of Library and Information Science. We invite contributions from scholars and practitioners to share their research experiences and perspectives helping to shape the future of our field. About the Journal GSV Central Library and practitioners to share their insights and research findings. Our journal will encompass a broad range of topics aimed at improving the accessibility and usability of information. This includes organizing information through methods like classification as well as developing and managing library collections. Information retrieval techniques will be explored to enhance the efficiency of locating and accessing information while information literacy will promote the skills needed to evaluate and use information effectively.As an institution offering B.Lib. we are dedicated to supporting the academic and professional growth of our students and faculty. This journal reflects our commitment to excellence and our desire to contribute to the dynamic and evolving field of Library and Information Science. We invite contributions from scholars and practitioners to share their research Strategic Partnerships AI-Powered Solutions Kubernetes Solutions FinTech Innovation eCommerce Integration Digital Transformation Wireless Sensor Networks Open-source Development Network Coordinate Algorithms Big Data Engineering Cloud Technologies Cloud Data Engineering Data Ingestion SQL Expertise Snowflake Development Airflow Workflows Open-source Tools Data Quality Solutions ETL Development Customer Focused Design information science and technology Electrical engineering Data profiling Data Masking Computer Science Engineering information technology IT infrastructure automation engineering Data Mart ) Performance Optimization Cloud-Native Development Agile Team Leadership Technical Mentorship Blockchain Technologies Data Pipelines Artifact Repositories Test Automation 5G NR LTE GSM Open RAN Data-Driven Solutions Massive MIMO Network Functions Smart Solutions Private Networks DevOps Tools 5G Interoperability Network Engineering Network Planning Network Operations Firewall Configuration Communication Protocols Data Center Operations Switching Wireless Technologies Load Balancing Routing Technologies Switching Technologies Network Monitoring Oracle ERP Applications Oracle Fusion Cloud Oracle Integration Cloud Oracle Financials Business Processes Custom Reports Financial Modules System Integration Middleware Products OTBI Reports SOA Suite Oracle Cloud ERP Oracle Middleware Agile Environments Object-Oriented Programming Secure Application Development Design Patterns Cloud Platforms REST APIs Backend Solutions Data Models Cloud Architecture Technology Innovation Community Management Mental Well-being Solution Architecture Dynamic Pricing Revenue Management Apex Programming Salesforce CRM Apttus CPQ Apttus RevRec Agile SDLC Platform Stability Geometric Functions Theory Epidemic model Fluid Dynamics Business Intelligence BigQuery LookML Data Retrieval Optimization Warehouse Modeling Business Decision Support Interactive Dashboards SAP ERP Implementation SAP Consultation SAP Auditing Revenue Recognition Enterprise Asset Management SAP Integrations SAP Analytics Cloud SAP Project System Technical Oversight Innovation-Driven Development Agile Methodologies Security Enhancements Coding Practices Testing Standards Recruitment Strategies Enterprise Applications Dashboard Development Reporting Solutions Cost-Saving Initiatives Vendor Relations Business Transformation ITIL Standards SLA Management Product Security Application Security Penetration Testing Vulnerability Assessments Cybersecurity Strategy Secure-By-Default Designs Security Startups Security Assurance Managerial Decision-Making Cybersecurity Education Web Application Security Security Investments Critical Infrastructure Security SAP FICO SAP Finance Financial Sector SAP Controlling Project Methodologies Cost Center Accounting Product Costing Profitability Analysis Treasury Management AI-Enabled Applications Payroll Interfaces Contract Finance Performance Engineering Media Applications UAT Testing Integration Testing Functional Testing Compliance Testing Cloud-Based Applications Dynamic Ad Insertion Server Monitoring Cloud Deployments Microservices Validation Automation Frameworks Corporate Strategy Technology Strategy Business Collaborations Mobile Applications Global IT Management AI-Driven Innovation Innovation Strategy ETL Tools Client Engagement Finance Automation Reporting Workflows Data Processing Software Optimization Web Interface Usability Cloud-Based Solutions Database Technologies Unit Testing Workflow Optimization Application Performance System Maintenance Multi-Factor Authentication Hardware Systems Server Platforms Semiconductor Technologies System Architecture Hardware Design Power Design PCB Design FPGA Design CPLD Design Design Verification System Reliability Technical Support Salesforce Development Application Integration Customization Business Performance Data Synchronization Salesforce UI Customization Environment Migrations Collaborative Forecasting Sales Processes Technical Documentation Multi-Cloud Solutions Salesforce Clouds Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform Engineering Large-Scale Technical Teams Budget Management Retail Enterprises Merchandising Systems Optimizing Services CI/CD Frameworks Real-Time Inventory Tracking Infrastructure Provisioning Incident Response Middleware Administration Strategic Technological Advancements Pricing Systems Seamless Operations Unified Price Management Containerized Solutions lravel eCommerce Solutions IT Cost Optimization Strategic Leadership Cloud Migrations Scalability Digital Innovations Architectural Strategies Cross-Functional Teams Operational Efficiencies Cost Reductions Education Initiatives Gen AI Polyglot Persistence iOS Applications Performance Enhancement User Engagement CI/CD Integration Mobile Technologies Inventory Management Cross-Functional Integration Internationalization Technical Acumen Swift Programming iOS Engineering management Technical Direction Technical Understanding Creative Problem Solving Swift (Programming Language) Intelligent Automation Low-Code Development Strategic Technology Solutions IT Governance Automation Strategy Open-Source Technologies Process Excellence AI & Machine Learning Full-Stack Development Technology Leadership Agile Project Management Executive Advisory Executive Leadership SAP Solutions SAP Implementations Architectural Guidance SAP Innovations OS/DB Migrations Data Center Migrations SAP Lifecycle Management High-Availability Setups Client Strategy Development BASIS Cutover Planning Enterprise IT Modernization Cloud Integration SAP FIORI Configurations System Sizing SAP PO Configurations BOBJ Configurations SAP Data Integration System Integration Testing Regression Testing Waterfall Methodologies Defect Reporting Defect Tracking Performance Testing Payments Domain Trade Finance Domain Test Management Tools Software Quality Analysis Web-Based Applications Mainframe Applications Mobile Device Applications Manual Testing Remote Desktop Applications Backend Testing Money Transfer System (MTS) SCSP IVR Bank Trade & Client Trade CLAS & ERM RM Workbench nCino Bottomline (DBIQ) SEPA Retail banking Backend Development Large-Scale Systems Data Extracts Real-Time Systems High-Volume Data Database Connections Refresh Times Reduction Brand Development Influencer Marketing Brand Marketing Creative Strategy Technological Revolution Creator Well-Being Strategic Consulting Cloud engineering Data infrastructure Mission-critical applications DevOps approach Application migration Modern cloud-native architectures Databricks solutions Certifications (Databricks Azure) Enterprise-scale solutions Cloud-based solutions Life Sciences Clinical Trials Test Engineering eCOA Platforms Data Accuracy AI-Driven Innovations GenAI Initiatives Responsible AI Data Streaming Pipelines Data Compliance Clinical Decision-Making Automation Strategies Defect Management Strong Client Relationships Exploratory Data Analysis Machine Learning Lifecycle AI/ML Projects Dual-Transformer Models Knowledge Graphs Purchase Behavior Analysis Cross-Category Recommendations Neural Retrieval Models Multi-Label Classification. Relation Extraction Intelligent Delivery Promise Systems Recommendation Systems Retail Stockout Identification High-Impact Projects IT Project Management Human Resources Management Partner-Customer Relationships Customer Experiences Systems Analysis Project Lifecycle Management Project Delivery Professional Excellence Revenue Reporting Licensing Deals IT Systems AI Product Management Technical Software Development Security Updates Sprint Reviews Project Management Tools Business Analysis Tools Traffic and Sales Growth Cross-Functional Communication Increasing Operational Efficiency Android Development Ad Performance Google Mobile Ads Wi-Fi Locks Integration Crash Rate Reduction Development Kit Maintenance iOS Development Telemetry Data App Store Automation Mobile Devices Embedded Firmware Development Real-Time Operating Systems Linux Kernel & Device Drivers Edge AI & AIoT Locomotive & Transportation Systems Thermal Printing Systems Secure Firmware Development AI in Embedded Systems Digital Signal & Image Processing Bootloader Development Embedded Security Low-Power Embedded Systems ACPI Protocol Implementation Thermal & Fan Control Systems Software-Hardware Co-design SAP FI/CO Consulting ERP System Integration Tax Compliance & Reporting AP & AR Automation Leadership & Team Management Vendor & Client Relations SAP OpenText VIM Implementation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance & Accounting Systems Strategic Business Planning User Experience Improvement Azure Stack Azure Synapse Analytics MS Flows Software Development Lifecycle Data Communication Software Development Methodologies Data Visualizations Full-Stack .NET Development SAP Pricing FIL Access Sequence Determination Condition Type Configuration Order to Cash (OTC) Enterprise Solutions Pricing Analysis Production Issue Resolution Project Proposals IDoc Reprocessing AI-Driven Solutions Healthcare Applications Neuroscience Applications Biomarker Development Data Pipeline Management Scalable Data Engineering Chatbot-Based Data Review Real-Time EEG Signal Assessment EEG Artifact Correction Brain-Computer Interfaces Wearable Sensors Deep Learning Models Feature Engineering Unsupervised Learning Time-Frequency Analysis Medical Diagnostics Business Process Analysis Full-Cycle Implementation Pricing Determination Logistics Execution EDI/IDOC Communications Master Data Restructuring Credit Control Areas SAP Activate Methodology Product Classification Embargo Checks Legal Control BRF+ Applications SD-FI Integration Carve-Out Factory GTS Consultant Test Planning Failure Analysis Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Accelerated Testing Product Reliability Reliability Testing Root Cause Analysis Reliability Protocols Electromechanical Systems Benchmarking Teardown Operations Tribometer Testing Warranty Data Analysis Preventive Measures Digital Strategy Content Marketing Online Advertising Mobile Advertising Strategic Marketing Business Insights Product Road Mapping Programmatic Media Buying Strategic Insights Growth Marketing Marketing Campaigns Marketing Campaigns Ad Tech Azure Cloud Services Scalable Data Solutions Telematics Data Processing Real-Time Data Ingestion CI/CD Automation Procurement Technologies Spend Management Contracts ERP Integrations Solution Customization. Solution Workshops Data Architecture Data Wrangling Corporate Finance Data Marts Advanced Analytics Solutions Strategic Decision-Making Production Databases Query Performance Analysis Enterprise Data Warehouse Business Intelligence Frameworks Transformational Projects Data Governance Machine Learning Models Ticketing Analytics Gradient Boosting EHR Data Extraction Advanced Marketing Strategies Analytical Solutions AI-Driven Systems Regenerative Medicine Physicians Research Contributions Spasticity Management Stroke Stroke Rehabilitation Neurological Rehabilitation Multiple Sclerosis Architecture Modeling Post-Silicon Validation System-on-Chip Design Data Center GPU Validation Validation Process Automation System Deployment Optimization Pre-Silicon Modeling NAND Memory Multi-Threaded Processing Out-of-Order Processing Architectural Simulation Design Troubleshooting Model Validation Quantitative Finance Model Risk Management Financial Crime Analytics Fraud Detection Models AI-driven Risk Modeling AML/BSA Compliance Large Language Models Financial Data Science Transaction Monitoring Customer Risk Rating Quantitative Risk Analytics Prepayment & Funding Models Financial Crime Prevention SAP Technical Development Integration and Custom Development SAP Modules Expertise Cross-Functional Process Optimization Business Process Automation Custom Development OData Services SAP Performance Tuning