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Repositories are digital platforms or databases where researchers, institutions, and organizations store and share academic, scientific, or scholarly content, including publications, datasets, theses, and preprints. These repositories ensure that research outputs are preserved, accessible, and shareable. Common types of repositories include institutional repositories (managed by universities or research organizations), disciplinary repositories (specialized in specific fields like biology or social sciences), and general-purpose repositories (like Zenodo or Figshare) that host a wide variety of research materials. Repositories often provide DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assignment for content, enhancing its discoverability, citation, and long-term access in the academic community.

Can I get a DOI for my unpublished work?

I'm curious if it's possible to get a DOI for my unpublished work. I want to know if there are any repositories or platforms that provide DOIs for preprints, datasets, or other types of unpublished materials.

