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Datasets are collections of data, typically organized in a structured format, such as tables, spreadsheets, or databases, used for analysis, research, and experimentation. In academic and scientific research, datasets are crucial for validating hypotheses, testing models, and drawing conclusions. Researchers often share datasets publicly, allowing others to replicate studies, build upon findings, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. With the rise of open science, datasets are increasingly assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to ensure permanent, reliable access and citation. Proper documentation, including metadata, is essential for understanding the context, methodology, and usability of datasets in research.

Can I get a DOI for my unpublished work?

I'm curious if it's possible to get a DOI for my unpublished work. I want to know if there are any repositories or platforms that provide DOIs for preprints, datasets, or other types of unpublished materials.

