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Journal ISSN

A Journal ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique 8-digit identifier assigned to journals or serial publications to distinguish them from other works. It ensures consistent identification and efficient management of academic, scholarly, or professional journals in both print and electronic formats. The ISSN helps libraries, researchers, and databases catalog and track journals, facilitating easy access, citation, and referencing. Each journal edition, including its print and digital versions, typically carries the same ISSN, enabling clear differentiation from other publications. Researchers and publishers use the ISSN for accurate citation and proper indexing in academic and professional systems.

How do I apply for an ISSN for my journal?

I want to publish a journal and need an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) to make it official. I’m looking for a step-by-step guide on how to apply, including where to submit my request, what documents I need, and how long the process takes. It would be helpful to know...

