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ISSN Identification

ISSN identification refers to the unique 8-digit number assigned to a serial publication, such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper, to distinguish it from other serials. This number is used to reliably identify and catalog the serial, ensuring consistency across platforms and formats, including print and digital versions. The ISSN is typically displayed on the cover or publication details of a serial, and it can be used by libraries, researchers, and publishers to manage and track the serial’s availability and citation. The ISSN aids in the efficient retrieval of serial publications and ensures proper identification in academic and professional contexts.

What is an ISSN?

I keep seeing the term ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) but I’m not sure what it means. What exactly is an ISSN, and what kind of publications need one? Is it similar to an ISBN for books? I’d also like to know why an ISSN is important and how it...

