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Author Role

#AuthorRole: Uncover the multifaceted contributions of authors in research. This tag highlights the diverse roles researchers play—from lead investigator to contributing author—and their impact on scholarly output. Connect with trending discussions on authorship disputes, credit allocation, and the evolving landscape of collaborative research. Explore academic studies analyzing authorship practices and access expert insights on best practices for attribution and acknowledgment. Essential for researchers, academics, and students seeking to understand, navigate, and ethically engage in the publication process. Join the conversation and share your perspectives!

What role do authors play in Transparent Peer Review versus Traditional Peer Review?

I want to understand the differences in the role of authors in Transparent Peer Review compared to Traditional Peer Review. How involved are authors in each process, and what responsibilities do they have? Detailed explanations would be helpful.



What role do authors play in a Transparent Peer Review Platform?

I want to understand the role of authors in a Transparent Peer Review Platform. How involved are authors in the review process, and what responsibilities do they have? I'm looking for a detailed explanation of their participation.

