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Based on her scientific contributions, in 2009, Dr. Shaw was recognized with the Simon Dack Award for academic excellence from the American College of Cardiology and, in 2013, the Coalition to Reduce Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Award for her research contributions in racial and ethnic differences in cardiovascular disease. In 2013, she received the Woman’s Day Red Dress Award for her scientific contributions to women’s health. In 2020, she was awarded the Bernadine Healy Leadership in Women’s Cardiovascular Disease Award from the American College of Cardiology. Also, in 2020, she received the Nanette Wenger, MD Award from the American Society of Preventive Cardiology, and the Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research. Dr. Shaw is a Past President of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. She is the only individual having served as president of two medical societies within cardiovascular medicine. Dr. Shaw has extensive experience in the conduct of clinical research with more than 1,000 peer-reviewed publications and presented more than 500 abstracts in major scientific meetings in the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America. This includes decades of experience in the conduct of multicenter clinical trials and registries including those evaluating prognostic implications and randomized treatment effectiveness of patients with stable coronary artery disease. She recently served as the PI of the Imaging Coordinating Center for the NIH-NHLBI-sponsored International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness with Medical and Invasive Approaches (U01HL10556-01) trial, which organized imaging data for ~300 medical centers around the world. As well, she served as PI for several multicenter registries funded by NIH-NHLBI including the Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Atherosclerotic Determinants of Myocardial Ischemia trial (R01HL118019) and examination of atherosclerotic plaque progression among patients with and without infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (NIH-NHLBI R01HL159433). She was recently funded by NIH-NHLBI to support multiparametric, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging to understand mechanisms of post-intervention benefit in the percutaneous or surgical repair In mitral prolapse and regurgitation trial for ≥60 Year Olds (U01HL088942 NHLBI Administrative Supplement, Shaw, sub-PI). Dr. Shaw has been ranked as one of the top 1% of clinical researchers with the most highly cited publications (awarded by Thomson Reuters), with an H-index >153.

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Professor of Medicine

Emory University School of Medicine (EUSM)

Jan-2001 to Present

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