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How can journals implement a transparent peer review process effectively?

I need step-by-step guidelines on how a journal can transition to a transparent peer review system, covering editorial policies, reviewer training, consent protocols, and technical implementation in OJS or other journal management systems.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Transparent Peer Review Process

Transitioning to a transparent peer review system requires careful planning and execution. Below is a structured guide for journals to implement this effectively.

Step 1: Establish Clear Editorial Policies

Define the scope of transparency (e.g., publishing reviewer comments, revealing reviewer identities, sharing editorial decisions). Clearly communicate these policies on the journal’s website and submission system. Align policies with industry standards (COPE, ICMJE, Plan S) and ethical guidelines. Update author and reviewer guidelines to reflect new peer review policies.

Step 2: Obtain Consent from Authors and Reviewers

Implement a system where authors and reviewers can opt-in or opt-out of transparency features. Allow reviewers to decide whether their identities and comments will be disclosed. Provide an explanation of how their feedback will be shared alongside published articles. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations (GDPR, HIPAA).

Step 3: Train Editors and Reviewers

Organize training sessions or provide resources on best practices in transparent peer review. Emphasize constructive and ethical review writing to maintain professionalism. Offer guidelines on how to provide public comments without breaching confidentiality.

Step 4: Implement Transparency Features in OJS or Other Journal Management Systems

For journals using OJS (Open Journal Systems), OJSCloud provides seamless integration of transparent peer review workflows. Enable the Reviewer Comments display feature to show peer reviews alongside published articles. Configure settings to allow reviewer identity disclosure based on consent. Automate email notifications to inform stakeholders about transparent review options. Utilize plugins such as Scholar9 for enhanced peer review management and tracking.

Step 5: Publish Reviews and Editorial Decisions

Ensure that accepted manuscripts include peer review reports, editor comments, and author responses (if applicable). Use DOI-linked review reports to provide credit to reviewers who opt for transparency. Maintain an archive of transparent reviews for future reference.

Step 6: Continuous Evaluation and Improvement

Collect feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers on the effectiveness of the transparent review system. Monitor published reviews for quality and ethical compliance. Stay updated with global best practices and adapt policies accordingly.


By implementing these steps, journals can enhance trust, accountability, and credibility in their peer review process. Platforms like OJSCloud and tools like Scholar9 can streamline the technical aspects, making it easier to manage and automate transparent review workflows. 



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Transparent Peer Review Process

Step 1: Submission of Research Paper

  • The author submits a manuscript to the journal through the online submission system.
  • The manuscript undergoes an initial check for plagiarism, formatting, and scope.

Step 2: Peer Review Assignment through Scholar9 Portal

  • The editorial team assigns the paper to expert reviewers in the relevant field.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, past reviews, and availability.

Step 3: Open & Transparent Review Process

The review process follows one of the three transparent peer-review models:

  • Open Reports: Reviewer comments are published alongside the paper. Click Here For Sample Report
  • Open Identities: Reviewers’ names are disclosed (with consent).
  • Open Participation: Authors, reviewers, and editors discuss revisions openly.

Reviewers evaluate the paper based on originality, methodology, significance, and clarity.

Step 4: Editorial Decision & Author Revisions

Based on the reviews, the editorial team makes a decision:

  • Accept without revisions
  • Accept with minor/major revisions
  • Reject - Authors revise the manuscript according to feedback and resubmit.

Step 5: Post-Publication Transparency

  • Upon publication, selected review reports, reviewer identities (if applicable), and editorial decisions are made publicly available.
  • The journal issues a Transparent Peer Review Certificate confirming its adherence to ethical and open peer-review practices.

