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single-blind vs double-blind

#single-blind vs double-blind: Explore the critical debate surrounding peer review methodologies. This tag encompasses the ongoing discussion on single-blind (author anonymous) versus double-blind (both author and reviewer anonymous) peer review processes. It connects to crucial research integrity, bias mitigation, and fairness studies. Understanding the implications of each approach is vital for researchers, academicians, and students striving for robust and ethical research practices. Join the conversation, share your insights, and contribute to shaping the future of scholarly publishing. #peerreview #researchintegrity #academicpublishing #bias #methodology

What is transparent peer review, and how does it differ from traditional peer review?

I want a clear explanation of transparent peer review and how it differs from single-blind, double-blind, and open peer review models. The answer should include benefits, challenges, and examples of journals that use transparent peer review

