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Chicago style, also known as the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), is a widely used citation and formatting style in various disciplines, particularly in history, business, and the humanities. Chicago style offers two primary citation systems: the Notes and Bibliography system, commonly used in the humanities, and the Author-Date system, typically used in the sciences and social sciences. The Notes and Bibliography system uses footnotes or endnotes for in-text citations, along with a bibliography at the end, while the Author-Date system uses parenthetical citations in the text and a reference list. Chicago style is valued for its flexibility and thoroughness in handling different types of sources.

How do I use a DOI in citations?

I want to know how to properly use a DOI in citations. I'm looking for guidelines on how to format DOIs in different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago, and why it's important to include them in references.

