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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JOPASP)

Publisher :

American Psychological Association

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • personality
  • social psychology
  • Attitudes
  • +6

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United States

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Journal Descriptions

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology® publishes original papers in all areas of personality and social psychology and emphasizes empirical reports, but may include specialized theoretical, methodological, and review papers. The journal is divided into three independently edited sections. Attitudes and Social Cognition publishes articles concerning attitudinal and social cognitive processes (e.g., attitudes, beliefs, stereotyping and prejudice, cognition, emotion, and motivation) that take place in micro- and macrolevel social contexts. Topics include, but are not limited to, attitudes, persuasion, attributions, stereotypes, prejudice, person memory, motivation and self-regulation, communication, social development, cultural processes, and the interplay of moods and emotions with cognition. We accept papers using traditional social-personality psychology methods. However, we also strongly welcome innovative, theory-driven papers that utilize novel methods (e.g., biological methods, neuroscience, large-scale interventions, social network analyses, or "big data" approaches). All papers will be evaluated with criteria that are consistent with those of the best empirical outlets in social, behavioral, and biological sciences. Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes focuses on the psychology of (interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup) social relations and relationships, whether enduring or fleeting. Submissions may address one type of social relation (e.g., close romantic relationships) or they may address multiple types of social relation (e.g., status within a team and across an institution). Submissions may employ one method or multiple methods. Submissions may examine one context or multiple contexts (e.g., countries, developmental period). Although a multiplicity of methods and contexts will likely be considered a strength, all submissions should address the implications of the chosen method and context for the power and quality of inference.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JOPASP) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, personality, social psychology, Attitudes, Social Cognition, Interpersonal Relations, Personality Processes, Individual Differences, Political Science, Psychology , Online or Print, Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0022-3514, E-ISSN - 1939-1315, Established in - 1965, Impact Factor - 9.2

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, WoS, PubMed

Not indexed in DOAJ, UGC CARE

Publications of JOPASP

  • dott image May, 1986

Predictors of Naturalistic Sexual Aggression

Investigated, within a theoretical and empirical framework, predictor factors pertaining to males' sexual aggression against women. The selection of predictors was guided by theorizing that ...

  • dott image Daniel Linz
  • dott image August, 1995

Using the Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression to Predict Men's Conflict with Women: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study

We tested a model describing the characteristics of sexually aggressive men that may also be useful for understanding the causes of other antisocial acts against women. This model hypothesiz...

  • dott image August, 1983

Sex Role Stereotyping and Reactions to Depictions of Stranger Versus Acquaintance Rape

Tested 2 hypotheses implicit in the sex-role socialization analysis of rape: that reactions to rape may be affected (a) by the situational context in which a rape is portrayed and (b) by ind...

  • dott image Lisa M. Brown
  • dott image October, 1994

Sexually Aggressive Men's Perceptions of Women's Communications: Testing Three Explanations

Tested 3 explanations of findings that sexually aggressive men perceive women's communications differently than less aggressive men. The 1st suggests that aggressors are incompetent in decod...

  • dott image February, 1997

Characteristics of men who aggress sexually and of men who imagine aggressing: Risk and moderating variables.

The authors showed that the extent to which men's personalities were self-centered rather than sensitive to others' needs moderated the connection between risk-factors and sexually aggressiv...

  • dott image Seymour Feshbach
  • dott image March, 1980

Sexual Responsiveness of College Students to Rape Depictions: Inhibitory and Disinhibitory Effects

Two experiments were conducted to identify the specific dimensions in portrayals of sexual violence that inhibit or disinhibit the sexual responsiveness of male and female college students. ...

  • dott image August, 1983

Factors associated with rape as predictors of laboratory aggression against women

This study examined the relation between factors associated with "real"-world aggression against women and laboratory aggression. In the first phase of the research, assessment was made of t...

  • dott image February, 1986

Sexual arousal in response to aggression: Ideological, aggressive, and sexual correlates.

In two experiments we assessed the impact of aggression on nonrapists' sexual arousal. In the first, both male subjects (n = 37) and female subjects (n = 43) reported more sexual arousal in ...

  • dott image Seymour Feshbach
  • dott image December, 1974

Sexual Arousal and Behavioral Aggression

Investigated the effects of sexual arousal on behavioral aggression in 44 male and 47 female undergraduates. Half the Ss read erotic passages, whereas the other half read neutral passages. A...

  • dott image Seymour Feshbach
  • dott image February, 1980

Ethical issues and exposure to rape stimuli: A reply to Sherif

In response to the 3 ethical issues raised by C. Sherif (see record 1981-09162-001), the following arguments are made: (a) there is a need to measure the effectiveness of the authors' attemp...

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