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World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR)

Publisher :

GSC Online Press

  • Multidisciplinary
e-ISSN :


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Journal Descriptions

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR) is an International Journal for publication of Research and Review articles. WJARR is ISSN Approved Journal with e ISSN 2581-9615. WJARR is Open access Journal published with monthly frequency (12 issues per year). World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is a Peer reviewed journal and it is Highly Indexed Journal that ensure quality publication. At World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews articles are published by charging very Low publication fee to the authors. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is High Impact factor Journal (Impact factor 7.8) and is committed to provide the authors a timely and fast review process for evaluation of their manuscripts. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews offers Fast publication of research and review articles. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is a Multidisciplinary Journal and publishes manuscripts, original research and review articles, mini-reviews, short communication and Case reports in the almost all areas of Science and Research like Biological Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Nursing, Health Sciences, Agriculture, Life Sciences and Engineering & Technology etc. to know more About Journal World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews an International Journal.

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Multidisciplinary , Online Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN , E-ISSN - 2581-9615, Established in - 2019, Impact Factor - 7.8

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

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