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A philosophical study on ethics and morals in Islam


  • Holy Texts
  • Five Pillars of Islam
  • Sacrifices of Nabi’s
  • Holy books
  • Philosophy of Islam

Article Type

Review Article


Volume : 20 | Issue : 1 | Page No : 010–014

Published On

October, 2023



The philosophical study of ethics and morals in Islam is a vast and complex field, with a rich history and tradition of scholarship. The need for such a study stem from the fact that Islam is a comprehensive way of life that encompasses all aspects of human existence, including ethics and morals. This research investigates about the Islam and morals in Islam. Islam is the second largest religion in the world and is an autonomous monotheistic faith. The historical context, significance and impact on philosophies, holy texts, and five pillars of Islam are all examined in this easy. The main aim of this research is to bring awareness in people about Islam and also the sacrifices of Nabi’s to bring Islam in the world.

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