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Psychological Bulletin (PB)

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American Psychological Association

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Psychology
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Journal Descriptions

Psychological Bulletin® publishes syntheses of research in scientific psychology. Research syntheses seek to summarize past research by drawing overall conclusions from many separate investigations that address related or identical hypotheses. A research synthesis typically presents the authors' assessments: of the state of knowledge concerning the relations of interest; of critical assessments of the strengths and weaknesses in past research; and of important issues that research has left unresolved, thereby directing future research so it can yield a maximum amount of new information. Research syntheses may take many forms (e.g., systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta-reviews, meta-synthesis). Research syntheses that develop connections between areas of research are particularly valuable. No matter the form of review submitted, it is ideal that the methods to reach the conclusions are stated with precision and clarity, so that the contribution of the research synthesis can better be judged. Thus, transparency of methods is a priority. In some cases, rigorous and thorough qualitative reviews can be considered for publication. In all cases, expert peer reviewers assess the claims made in the review; submissions are expected to note limitations to the methods used to review evidence. Manuscripts dealing with topics at the interface of psychological sciences and society are welcome, as are evaluations of applied psychological therapies, programs, and interventions. Expository articles may be published if they are deemed transparent, accurate, broad, clear, and pertinent. Research syntheses should be submitted to Psychological Bulletin even when they develop integrated theoretical statements. Still, original theoretical articles should be submitted to Psychological Review, even when they include summaries of research. Methodological articles that previously were submitted to Psychological Bulletin should now be submitted to Psychological Methods.

Psychological Bulletin (PB) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Psychology , Online or Print, Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0033-2909, E-ISSN - 1939-1455, Established in - 1924, Impact Factor

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus

Not indexed in WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of PB

  • dott image February, 2000

Intimate partner aggression—what have we learned? Comment on Archer (2000)

This commentary on J. Archer (see record 2000-15524-001) identifies limitations at the level of the primary data, the formal meta-analysis, and the interpretations of the results. Highlighte...

  • dott image March, 1990

Comparative fit indexes in structural models.

Normed and nonnormed fit indexes are frequently used as adjuncts to chi-square statistics for evaluating the fit of a structural model. A drawback of existing indexes is that they estimate n...

  • dott image November, 1980

Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures

Factor analysis, path analysis, structural equation modeling, and related multivariate statistical methods are based on maximum likelihood or generalized least squares estimation developed f...

  • dott image November, 1992

On the fit of models to covariances and methodology to the Bulletin.

Notes that 7 of the 10 top-cited articles in the Psychological Bulletin deal with methodological topics. One of these is the P. M. Bentler and D. G. Bonett (1980) article on the assessment o...

  • dott image September, 1992

Can test statistics in covariance structure analysis be trusted?

Covariance structure analysis uses χ–2 goodness-of-fit test statistics whose adequacy is not known. Scientific conclusions based on models may be distorted when researchers violate sample...

  • dott image November, 2004

Timing of Pubertal Maturation in Girls: An Integrated Life History Approach

Life history theory provides a metatheoretical framework for the study of pubertal timing from an evolutionary-developmental perspective. The current article reviews 5 middle-level theories-...

  • dott image November, 1995

The Need to Belong: Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation

A hypothesized need to form and maintain strong, stable interpersonal relationships is evaluated in light of the empirical literature. The need is for frequent, nonaversive interactions with...

  • dott image February, 2000

Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle?

Reviews evidence that self-control may consume a limited resource. Exerting self-control may consume self-control strength, reducing the amount of strength available for subsequent self-cont...

Binge eating as escape from self-awareness.

Proposes that binge eating is motivated by a desire to escape from self-awareness. Binge eaters suffer from high standards and expectations, especially an acute sensitivity to the difficult ...

Guilt: An interpersonal approach

Multiple sets of empirical research findings on guilt are reviewed to evaluate the view that guilt should be understood as an essentially social phenomenon that happens between people as muc...

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