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Biological Psychiatry (BP)

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  • Neuroscience
  • Biological Psychiatry
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Journal Descriptions

Biological Psychiatry, founded in 1969, is an official journal of the Society of Biological Psychiatry and the first in the Biological Psychiatry family of journals. Companion titles include Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging and Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. The Society's purpose is to promote excellence in scientific research and education in fields that investigate the nature, causes, mechanisms and treatments of disorders of thought, emotion, and behavior. In accordance with this mission, this peer-reviewed, rapid-publication, international journal publishes novel results of original basic, translational, and clinical mechanistic research that advances our understanding of psychiatric disorders and their treatment. Reviews and commentaries that focus on topics of current research and interest are also encouraged.

Biological Psychiatry (BP) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Neuroscience, Biological Psychiatry , Online or Print, Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0006-3223, E-ISSN - 1873-2402, Established in - 1969, Impact Factor - 10.6

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, PubMed

Not indexed in WoS, DOAJ, UGC CARE

Publications of BP

  • dott image Sarah Morgan
  • dott image August, 2020

Schizotypy-Related Magnetization of Cortex in Healthy Adolescence Is Colocated With Expression of Schizophrenia-Related Genes

Background Genetic risk is thought to drive clinical variation on a spectrum of schizophrenia-like traits, but the underlying changes in brain structure that mechanistically link genomic va...

  • dott image February, 2020

Multiple Holdouts With Stability: Improving the Generalizability of Machine Learning Analyses of Brain–Behavior Relationships

Background In 2009, the National Institute of Mental Health launched the Research Domain Criteria, an attempt to move beyond diagnostic categories and ground psychiatry within neurobiologic...

  • dott image Stanley Zammit
  • dott image May, 2019

104. Association Between Serum C-Reactive Protein, Positive and Negative Symptoms of Psychosis in a General Population-Based Birth Cohort

Association of inflammation with symptoms that are commonly shared between psychiatric disorders may help to explain the apparent trans-diagnostic effect of inflammation, which is associated...

  • dott image Stanley Zammit
  • dott image May, 2019

F87. Longitudinal Association Between Low-Grade Inflammation and Specific Symptoms of Depression

Although the association between low-grade inflammation and depression is well established, few studies have investigated this association at the symptom level. We studied the longitudinal a...

  • dott image May, 2017

373. Adolescence is Associated with Genomically Patterned Consolidation of the Hubs of the Human Brain Connectome

Adolescence is a period of human brain growth and high incidence of mental health disorders. The Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network seeks to understand biological underpinnings of the adoles...

  • dott image Ian Ellison-Wright
  • dott image November, 2008

Meta-Analysis of Gray Matter Anomalies in Schizophrenia: Application of Anatomic Likelihood Estimation and Network Analysis

Background Although structural neuroimaging methods have been widely used to study brain morphology in schizophrenia, synthesizing this literature has been difficult. With the increasing po...

  • dott image Ian Ellison-Wright
  • dott image July, 2011

Are There Progressive Brain Changes in Schizophrenia? A Meta-Analysis of Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies

Background It is well established that schizophrenia is associated with structural brain abnormalities, but whether these are static or progress over time remains controversial. Methods A...

  • dott image October, 2010

Drug Addiction Endophenotypes: Impulsive Versus Sensation-Seeking Personality Traits

Background Genetic factors have been implicated in the development of substance abuse disorders, but the role of pre-existing vulnerability in addiction is still poorly understood. Personal...

  • dott image Andrew Zalesky
  • dott image January, 2011

Disrupted Axonal Fiber Connectivity in Schizophrenia

Background Schizophrenia is believed to result from abnormal functional integration of neural processes thought to arise from aberrant brain connectivity. However, evidence for anatomical d...

  • dott image September, 2007

Brain Imaging Correlates of Depressive Symptom Severity and Predictors of Symptom Improvement After Antidepressant Treatment

Background It would be therapeutically useful to predict clinical response to antidepressant drugs. We evaluated structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) data a...

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