(30) Publications
A Survey of the Homomorphic Encryption Approach for Data Security in Cloud Computing
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Development and Research
LCHAIN: A Secure Log Storage Mechanism using IPFS and Blockchain Technology
Journal: International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
CNN Variants for Computer Vision: History, Architecture, Application, Challenges and Future Scope
DBGC: Dimension-Based Generic Convolution Block for Object Recognition
A Survey of the Farm Surveillance System for Animal Detection in Image Processing
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Development and Research
Sentiment Classification for Film Reviews in Gujarati Text Using Machine Learning and Sentiment Lexicons
IIBES: a proposed framework to improve the identity-based encryption system for securing federated learning
Journal: International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews in Regional Language Gujarati Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
Modified Deep Neural Network for Object Recognition
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications