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Comparative Analysis of Big Data Frameworks: A Review


Seema Mahajan
Seema Mahajan

Published On: November, 2018

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Issue: 11 | Volume: 5 | Page No: 243-249


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Big data is the buzz word in today’s data world. Due to the social network websites, research works, google map data, and many more example can be given to describe the need of big data. There were techniques like data warehouse and data mining. These techniques are only limited to structured data. They are not appropriate option for storing and managing unstructured data. To manage the unstructured data, there was the born of big data techniques. There are many big data frameworks which are available. This paper focus on Apache Hadoop, Apache Storm, Apache Samza, Apache Spark, Apache Flink and Apache Kafka framework. This paper introduces those framework and comparative analysis among these big data frameworks.


Seema Mahajan
Seema Mahajan

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