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Paper Title

A Brief Reviewof Handover schemes in Wireless communication


Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | Page No : 3269-3278

Published On

March, 2012



The most important issues in wireless and mobile communication technologies are to provide seamless handover when a mobile node (MN) moves between different access networks. The present communication reveals a survey of different handovers within WiMAX and WLAN and also reviewed the various seamless handover solutions. The solutions are compared based on a list of criteria such as handover latency, handover type, complexity, dropped packets, duplication of events and scalability to provide a better QoS. The comparison reveals the advantage and disadvantages of each scheme to achieve seamless handoff in next generation wireless networks. Keywords— WiMAX (IEEE 802.16), WLAN (IEEE 802.11), Hard Handover, Soft Handover, Fast Base Station Switching, IP Multicast, ARP, MIH (IEEE 802.21), Mobile IP, FMIPv6, HMIPv6, SIP.

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