I'm trying to find a list of current Crossref Sponsored Partners. I want to know where this information is available, how often it is updated, and if there are any regional differences in the availability of Sponsored Partners.
You can find a comprehensive list of current Crossref Sponsored Partners on Crossref's official website: .
Availability of Sponsored Partners:
The availability of Sponsored Partners varies by region. Crossref actively seeks new sponsors in specific countries to support small organizations facing financial, technical, or language barriers. This initiative aims to enhance regional support and accessibility for members.
Example of a Sponsored Partner:
The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) has been a Crossref Sponsoring Organization since 2014, assisting publishers and journals using Open Journal Systems (OJS) to improve content discoverability and metadata quality.
For publishers seeking comprehensive solutions, platforms like Scholar9 and OJSCloud offer integrated services that align with Crossref's sponsorship program, enhancing the visibility and accessibility of scholarly content.