I'm confused about the proper format for a research paper. I want to know the standard formatting guidelines, including how to structure my paper, cite sources, and create a bibliography. Clear instructions will help me ensure my paper meets academic standards.
To ensure that your research paper adheres to professional academic standards, follow the IJRAR (International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews) format as a reference.
1. Paper Structure
A research paper should be structured into the following sections:
Title Page
Title (24pt, Uppercase, Centered)
Subtitle (if applicable) (14pt, Italic, Centered)
Author Name(s) with Affiliation and Email
A brief summary (150–250 words) describing the study’s purpose, methods, key findings, and conclusions.
Keywords: List 3–5 relevant keywords.
Background of the study
Research problem and objectives
Importance of the research
Literature Review
Summary of relevant existing research
Gaps identified in past studies
Details on research design, data collection, and analysis methods
Statistical/econometric models used
Results and Discussion
Presentation of key findings using tables, figures, and textual analysis
Interpretation of results in comparison with existing literature
Summary of key insights
Recommendations and future research directions
A complete list of cited sources following a standard citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)
2. Formatting Guidelines
3. Citation Styles
Choose the appropriate citation style depending on the field of study:
Using platforms like Scholar9 can help in managing references and citations efficiently. Additionally, OJSCloud offers a seamless platform for submitting and publishing research papers in compliance with academic standards.