Asst. Prof in Information Technology Department (on Regular Basis) at Parul Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Vadodara
Seeking a good institute that would explore my potential and provide an atmosphere for progressive learning and growth.
Parul Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Vadodara
Parul Polytechnic Institute
M.E. in CE
B. E. in CS
H.S.C. in Science
S.S.C. in General
PhD in Deep Learning
Journal : IJARCET
Journal : IJARCSMS
Journal : National Conference in VIR
Journal : IJERT
Journal : IRJET
Journal : IJSRD
Journal : IJAERS
Journal : IERJ
Virtueteam INC ,
Prime Institute of Engineering & Technology ,Navsari (PIET) ,
Shah Hemang J
Area of research:
Hema Modha
Ami Patel
Malini Joshi
Amisha Shah
Parth Bhathia
Vaibhavi Patel
Patel Bhavini A
Sheth Palak
Balar Niketan V
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