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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (US)

Publisher :

Elsevier B.V.

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
Scopus Profile
Open Access
  • Acoustic cavitation
  • Sonochemistry
  • Sonoluminescence
  • +8

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Country :

Netherlands The

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Role In Research Journal

Muthupandian Ashokkumar, PhD
Aniruddha Bhalchandra Pandit

Associate Editor

Journal Descriptions

The official journal of the Japan Society of Sonochemistry (JSS), the European Society of Sonochemistry (ESS) and the Asia Oceania Sonochemical Society (AOSS). Ultrasonics Sonochemistry is a leading international journal devoted to publishing excellent quality research articles primarily on chemical reactions and reactors induced by ultrasonic waves, namely sonochemistry. In addition to focusing on chemical reactions, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry also values contributions related to cavitation (acoustic or hydrodynamic) induced events and processing such as sonoluminescence, and chemical/physical/biological transformation of materials. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry publishes excellent quality papers in a number of areas involving ultrasonics and sonochemistry. Since its establishment in 1994, the journal's ranking has been consistently high and currently the top ranked journal in the "Acoustics" category. Papers published in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry are highly relevant to academics and the industry sector.

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (US) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Acoustic cavitation, Sonochemistry, Sonoluminescence, Synthesis of materials, Sonoprocessing, Food processing, Environmental remediation, Sonocrystallisation, Chemistry, Acoustics, Ultrasonics , Online or Print, Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 1350-4177, E-ISSN - 1873-2828, Established in - 1994, Impact Factor - 8.7

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed

Not indexed in UGC CARE

Publications of US

  • dott image July, 2002

Wastewater treatment: a novel energy efficient hydrodynamic cavitational technique

A novel method of treating a dye solution has been studied by hydrodynamic cavitation using multiple hole orifice plates. The present work deals with the effect of geometry of the multiple h...

  • dott image January, 2005

A review and assessment of hydrodynamic cavitation as a technology for the future

In the present work, the current status of the hydrodynamic cavitation reactors has been reviewed discussing the bubble dynamics analysis, optimum design considerations, design correlations ...

  • dott image July, 2001

Ultrasound enhanced degradation of Rhodamine B: optimization with power density

Degradation of Rhodamine B, a waste water dye effluent was studied under the influence of ultrasound. In the present study, optimization of this degradation was carried out with power parame...

  • dott image April, 2008

Ultrasound emulsification: Effect of ultrasonic and physicochemical properties on dispersed phase volume and droplet size

Ultrasonic emulsification of oil and water was carried out and the effect of irradiation time, irradiation power and physicochemical properties of oil on the dispersed phase volume and dispe...

  • dott image March, 2008

Intensification of esterification of acids for synthesis of biodiesel using acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation

Cavitation results in conditions of turbulence and liquid circulation in the reactor which can aid in eliminating mass transfer resistances. The present work illustrates the use of cavitatio...

  • dott image February, 2006

Effect of additives on ultrasonic degradation of phenol

Sonication for phenol degradation has proved to be an attractive process over the years at least on a laboratory scale but the rates of phenol degradation under sonication have always been q...

  • dott image Vijay S. Moholkar
  • dott image March, 1999

Hydrodynamic cavitation for sonochemical effects

A comparative study of hydrodynamic and acoustic cavitation has been made on the basis of numerical solutions of the Rayleigh–Plesset equation. The bubble/cavity behaviour has been studied...

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