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Paper Title

Ultrasound enhanced degradation of Rhodamine B: optimization with power density

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 8 | Issue : 3 | Page No : 233-240

Published On

July, 2001



Degradation of Rhodamine B, a waste water dye effluent was studied under the influence of ultrasound. In the present study, optimization of this degradation was carried out with power parameters, namely, power density (W/ml) and power intensity (W/cm2) using different ultrasonic equipments. From the studies, it has been observed that the degradation does not increase indefinitely with an increase in the power parameters, but instead, it reaches an optimum value and then decreases with a further increase in the power parameters. Also, these optima were not the same in all the ultrasonic equipments in which these studies were carried out. Difference in the type of acoustic field generated may be responsible for the different power optima observed with different ultrasonic equipments. The comparative study of the degradation of Rhodamine B using various ultrasonic equipments establishes a relationship between the area-specific parameter (intensity) and the volume-specific parameter (density) of reactivity.

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