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Sex Roles is a multidisciplinary, international behavioral and social sciences journal with a feminist perspective, focusing on understanding gender, gendered processes, and gendered contexts. Publishes original empirical research articles, theoretical papers, and conceptual review articles. Explores a broad range of gender-related topics including gendered attitudes, stereotyping, and sexism, as well as gender power imbalances and intersections with race, class, orientations and identities, and other statuses. Covers gendered development across the lifespan, including body image, gender-based violence, human sexuality, and communication studies, work, and organizations. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research is a global, multidisciplinary, scholarly, social and behavioral science journal with a feminist perspective. It publishes original research reports as well as original theoretical papers and conceptual review articles that explore how gender organizes people’s lives and their surrounding worlds, including gender identities, belief systems, representations, interactions, relations, organizations, institutions, and statuses. The range of topics covered is broad and dynamic, including but not limited to the study of gendered attitudes, stereotyping, and sexism; gendered contexts, culture, and power; the intersections of gender with race, class, sexual orientation, age, and other statuses and identities; body image; violence; gender (including masculinities) and feminist identities; human sexuality; communication studies; work and organizations; gendered development across the life span or life course; mental, physical, and reproductive health and health care; sports; interpersonal relationships and attraction; activism and social change; economic, political, and legal inequities; and methodological challenges and innovations in doing gender research.
Based on the Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression, we hypothesized that individual differences in risk for sexual aggression moderate the association between pornography use and attitudes s...
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