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American Psychologist (AP)

Publisher :

American Psychological Association

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Psychology
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Country :

United States

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Journal Descriptions

American Psychologist®, established in 1946, is the flagship peer-reviewed scholarly journal of the American Psychological Association. As such, American Psychologist publishes current and timely high-impact papers of broad interest. These papers include empirical reports, meta-analyses, and other types of scholarly reviews. Topics cover psychological science, practice, education, and policy. Contributions often address issues of national and international significance, both with regard to the profession of psychology and its relationship to society at large. Published articles are written in a style that is accessible to all psychologists and the public. American Psychologist welcomes submissions. Please refer to the submission guidelines section for details on types of submissions and editorial requirements.

American Psychologist (AP) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Psychology , Online or Print, Continuously Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0003-066X, E-ISSN - 1935-990X, Established in - 1946, Impact Factor - 16.4

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, PubMed

Not indexed in WoS, DOAJ, UGC CARE

Publications of AP

  • dott image March, 1989

Distinguishing between the Surgeon General's personal views and the consensus reached at his workshop on pornography

Comments that the article by C. E. Koop (see record 1988-04284-001) reporting on the Workshop on Pornography and Public Health did not distinguish between Koop's views and the consensus of t...

  • dott image March, 1990

The women's mental health research agenda: Violence against women

The focus of this article is violence against women: scope, impact, community response, clinical treatment, and prevention. Conclusions include the following: (a) Nationally representative d...

  • dott image February, 1993

Rape: Scope, impact, interventions, and public policy responses.

There are many ways for women to be victimized by strangers and by people they know, but rape is the crime women fear most. The research on the frequency, psychological afteraffects, somatic...

  • dott image February, 2000

Blame, shame, and community: Justice responses to violence against women.

Justice processing for crimes against women is reviewed. The data reveal conviction rates for partner violence and rape by known acquaintances are miniscule; mandatory arrest, protection ord...

  • dott image October, 1993

Male violence against women: Current research and future directions.

This Psychology in the Public Forum section, authored by the American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology's Task Force on Male Violence Against Women and by Senator ...

  • dott image December, 2017

Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology: Mary P. Koss.

The Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology is given to individuals who have made sustained and enduring contributions to international cooperati...

  • dott image November, 2017

Victim voice in reenvisioning responses to sexual and physical violence nationally and internationally.

Internationally and in the United States many victims of sexual assault and domestic violence are unserved, underserved, or ill-served, especially those from the most vulnerable populations....

  • dott image March, 2000

Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research in Public Policy: Mary P. Koss.

Mary P. Koss received the 2000 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research in Public Policy. The award was given for her outstanding research, writing, and advocacy on violence against...

  • dott image February, 1989

Substance use and abuse among children and teenagers

During the past several years, there has been a renewed national concern about drug abuse, culminating in the current "war on drugs." In this review, we emphasize that even though child or t...

  • dott image September, 2022

Developing evolutionary psychology: Commentary on Narvaez et al

Narvaez et al. (2022), in their article “Evolving Evolutionary Psychology,” argue that mainstream evolutionary psychology is based on misguided neo-Darwinian adaptationist thinking and a...

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