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Perception of 12th Grade Students on Facebook Group as Supplement in Learning Quantitative Research in Nemesio-Epifania Taneo Memorial Senior High School

Published On: January, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends

Issue: 1 | Volume: 17 | Page No: 19-30


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This action research applied the descriptive research design to determine the perception of 12th Grade students on Facebook group as supplement in learning Quantitative research. Mixed method approach was utilized in the study and was conducted in Nemesio-Epifania Taneo Memorial Senior High School. Ninety Grade 12 learners joined the study, selected through stratified random sampling. Perceptions of five teachers, who were members of the group, were also obtained during the interview to have another angle of view based on their observations as participant-observers of the group. Significant findings of the study showed that Facebook group helped the students learn Quantitative research though there were obstacles and areas for improvement during its implementation. Basically, the Facebook group helped the learners in doing quantitative research in various ways based on the respondents. Based on the survey from the students and interviews from both students and teachers, there were still areas to improve and to reconsider in the actual Facebook integration to Quantitative research class. The good side of Facebook group actual implementation are worth to note: students checked the appropriateness of the information before sharing them implying that Facebook group sharing among the respondents may not be a problem but as an advantage. In general, the Facebook group has motivated learners to do research. When given a fast internet connectivity and facility, Facebook group participation may be more successful. Lastly, the learners and teachers still able to make use of the Facebook group as a tool for learning, communication, and motivation despite of the encountered obstacles.

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