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Paper Title

Association between developmental milestones and age of schizophrenia onset: Results from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966


Peter B Jones
Peter B Jones
Jan Stochl
Jan Stochl
Anjalene Whittier
Anjalene Whittier
Adam P. Wagner
Adam P. Wagner
Juha Veijola
Juha Veijola
Erika Jääskeläinen
Erika Jääskeläinen
Jouko Miettunen
Jouko Miettunen
Golam M. Khandaker
Golam M. Khandaker

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 208 | Page No : 228-234

Published On

June, 2019



We investigated relationships between early developmental milestones, schizophrenia incidence and variability in its age at onset. We hypothesized that the period of risk for schizophrenia would be longer for those with later development. The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 was followed until 47 years of age, and those members diagnosed with schizophrenia or any other non-affective psychoses identified. Latent profile analysis was used to classify people into homogenous classes with respect to developmental milestones, and subsequently survival analysis explored relationship between classes and age of schizophrenia onset. Results suggest that 4-classes (early, regular, late, and extra late developers) can be identified, but due to few cases in one class (n = 93, <0.01% of 10,501), only 3 classes (early, regular, late) could be meaningfully compared. Schizophrenia incidence until 47 years of age differed systematically between classes: late developers had the highest cumulative incidence (2.39%); regular were intermediate (1.25%); and early developers had the lowest incidence (0.99%). However, age at onset and its variability was similar across classes, suggesting that our hypothesis of a wider ‘window’ for schizophrenia onset in late developers was not supported.

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