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Schizophrenia Research (SR)

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Elsevier B.V.

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Biological Psychiatry
  • Psychiatry
  • Mental Health
  • +4

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Netherlands The

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Journal Descriptions

An International Multidisciplinary Journal of the Schizophrenia International Research Society As official journal of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) Schizophrenia Research is THE journal of choice for international researchers and clinicians to share their work with the global schizophrenia research community. More than 6000 institutes have online or print (or both) access to this journal - the largest specialist journal in the field, with the largest readership! Schizophrenia Research's time to first decision is as fast as 6 weeks and its publishing speed is as fast as 4 weeks until online publication (corrected proof/Article in Press) after acceptance and 14 weeks from acceptance until publication in a printed issue. The journal publishes novel papers that really contribute to understanding the biology and treatment of schizophrenic disorders; Schizophrenia Research brings together biological, clinical and psychological research in order to stimulate the synthesis of findings from all disciplines involved in improving patient outcomes in schizophrenia. Manuscripts with a focus on cognition in schizophrenia can be submitted to the journal?s open access companion title, Schizophrenia Research: Cognition.

Schizophrenia Research (SR) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Biological Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Mental Health, Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Neurology, Multidisciplinary , Online or Print, Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0920-9964, E-ISSN - 1573-2509, Established in - 1988, Impact Factor - 3.6

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of SR

  • dott image Graham Murray
  • dott image August, 2020

Reinforcement learning as an intermediate phenotype in psychosis? Deficits sensitive to illness stage but not associated with polygenic risk of schizo...

Background Schizophrenia is a complex disorder in which the causal relations between risk genes and observed clinical symptoms are not well understood and the explanatory gap is too wide to...

  • dott image Emma Soneson
  • dott image February, 2020

Revisiting CAPE-P15 cut-off values to increase sensitivity for detecting psychotic experiences in primary care

Psychotic experiences (PE) co-occur with depression and anxiety, and indicate severity of general mental distress. Identifying PE in primary care mental health settings may facilitate access...

  • dott image June, 2019

Cross-sectional study of diet patterns in early and chronic schizophrenia

Cross-sectional study of diet patterns in early and chronic schizophrenia Cross-sectional study of diet patterns in early and chronic schizophrenia Schizophr Res. 2019 Jun:208:451-453. doi: ...

  • dott image June, 2019

Association between developmental milestones and age of schizophrenia onset: Results from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

We investigated relationships between early developmental milestones, schizophrenia incidence and variability in its age at onset. We hypothesized that the period of risk for schizophrenia w...

  • dott image Paola Dazzan
  • dott image February, 2019

Insight and risk of suicidal behaviour in two first-episode psychosis cohorts: Effects of previous suicide attempts and depression

Background The role of insight dimensions – illness recognition (IR), symptoms relabelling (SR), treatment compliance (TC) - in suicide risk in first-episode psychosis (FEP) remains uncle...

  • dott image Andrew Thompson
  • dott image February, 2019

Short-term outcome of first episode delusional disorder in an early intervention population

Background Previous evidence suggests that delusional disorder has a later onset and better functional outcomes compared to schizophrenia. However, studies have not examined longitudinal ou...

  • dott image Javier-David Lopez-Morinigo
  • dott image February, 2019

Insight and risk of suicidal behaviour in two first-episode psychosis cohorts: effects of previous suicide attempts and depression

Background: The role of insight dimensions – illness recognition (IR), symptoms relabelling (SR), treatment compliance (TC) - in suicide risk in first-episode psychosis (FEP) remains unc...

  • dott image Paola Dazzan
  • dott image September, 2018

Early sustained recovery following first episode psychosis: Evidence from the AESOP10 follow-up study

Objective To describe the characteristics of individuals with early sustained recovery following first episode psychosis. Methods Individuals with a first episode psychosis were followed-...

  • dott image November, 2017

Usefulness of the CAPE-P15 for detecting people at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Psychometric properties and cut-off values

A need for a brief, easy to complete self-report questionnaire to detect people at ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR) in busy clinical settings has been recognised. Our aim was to explore w...

  • dott image Golam Khandaker
  • dott image October, 2017

Early motor developmental milestones and schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

The neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia proposes that impaired brain development is a cause of the illness. Early motor developmental milestones, such as learning to walk, are pre...

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