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The Journal of Sex Research (JSR)

Publisher :

Taylor & Francis

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • psychology
  • sociology
  • education
  • +6

e-ISSN :


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Country :

United States

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Role In Research Journal

Cynthia A. Graham, Ph.D.
Neil M. Malamuth

Editorial Board Member

Journal Descriptions

The Journal of Sex Research (JSR) is an international journal publishing interdisciplinary research on the scientific study of sexuality. JSR is the official publication of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). JSR is designed to stimulate research and promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the diverse topics in contemporary sexual science. Each year JSR publishes the Annual Review of Sex Research, an issue devoted to comprehensive reviews of current topics in sexual science. JSR accepts empirical reports, brief reports, theoretical essays, review articles, methodological articles, commentaries, and letters to the editor. The journal does not accept personal narratives or case reports. JSR considers papers on the topic of gender when they include focus on some aspects of sexuality. Similarly, we consider papers on the topic of HIV/AIDs and sexually transmitted infections when they include focus on some aspects of sexuality. JSR do not consider papers that validate translations of existing measures. JSR welcomes submissions from researchers and practitioners in the fields of psychology, sociology, education, psychiatry, communication, and allied health. Submissions from researchers outside of North America are particularly welcomed.

The Journal of Sex Research (JSR) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, psychology, sociology, education, psychiatry, communication, allied health, Sexuality, sexual science, Sex Research , Online or Print, 8-issues-year Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0022-4499, E-ISSN - 1559-8519, Established in - 1965, Impact Factor

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, PubMed

Not indexed in WoS, DOAJ, UGC CARE

Publications of JSR

Research Article
  • dott image Alexander F. Schmidt
  • dott image April, 2015

How Common is Men's Self-Reported Sexual Interest in Prepubescent Children?

Consistent evidence exists for sexual interest in children in nonclinical/nonforensic male populations. However, prevalences for community men's self-reported sexual interest in children hav...

Video-Based Eye Tracking in Sex Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Although eye tracking has been used for decades, it has gained popularity in the area of sex research only recently. The aim of this article is to examine the potential merits of eye trackin...

VR Porn as “Empathy Machine”? Perception of Self and Others in Virtual Reality Pornography

The usage of virtual reality (VR) pornography has risen in recent years. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the steep increase may be driven by an essential difference compared to traditional ...

Methodology of the German National Sex Survey – GeSiD (German Health and Sexuality Survey)

The German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD) was carried out in 2018/2019 to provide up-to-date measures of sexual behavior, sexual attitudes and sexual lifestyles of the adult population....

Research Article
  • dott image Christian Wiessner
  • dott image May, 2021

Religiosity, Perceived Effects of Pornography Use on Personal Sex Life, and Moral Incongruence: Insights from the German Health and Sexuality Survey (...

Although online pornography use appears to be a mainstream activity, there is little information, particularly outside of the USA, about how consumers perceive its impact on their sexuality....

Research Article
  • dott image Hanneke de Graaf
  • dott image June, 2023

Sex Surveys in Europe: Reflections on over Four Decades of Sexual Behavior and Sexual Health Surveillance

Sexual expression is fundamental to human existence and an important topic of enquiry in its own right. Understanding sexual behavior is also essential to establish effective sexual health p...

Pornography and Sexual Aggression: Are There Reliable Effects and Can We Understand Them?

In response to some recent critiques, we (a) analyze the arguments and data presented in those commentaries, (b) integrate the findings of several meta-analytic summaries of experimental and...

Research Article
  • dott image February, 1989

The Attraction to Sexual Aggression Scale: Part One

A scale designed to measure attraction to sexual aggression is described, based on earlier work assessing self‐reported likelihood of committing rape. This scale's associations with measur...

Research Article
  • dott image John Paul Fedoroff
  • dott image March, 2009

The Importance of Individual Differences in Pornography Use: Theoretical Perspectives and Implications for Treating Sexual Offenders

This article reviews the extant literature regarding pornography's influence on antisocial attitudes, sexual arousal, and sexually aggressive behavior in both noncriminal and criminal sample...

Research Article
  • dott image Barry Spinner
  • dott image January, 2010

A longitudinal content analysis of sexual violence in the best‐selling erotic magazines

In light of theoretical and empirical suggestions that mass media violent erotica may have antisocial effects, a content analysis was performed to ascertain the amount of sexual violence in ...

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