Rostrum Edtech Private Limited
Rostrum’s Law Review (ISSN: 2321-3787) is an online, open–access, ‘multidisciplinary’ law journal published once every six months by RostrumLegal.Com. This Journal is a common forum for publishing original research papers, case reports and review articles on various topics of law. The Editorial Board and the Advisory Board of the journal consists of eminent personalities from the legal fraternity in India. The journal publishes articles on all areas of law, as well as case notes, book reviews and review essays. The journal also publishes shorter comment-style pieces in the Critique and Comment section. Rostrum’s Law Review has been granted online ISSN 2321 – 3787 by National Instiute of Science Communication and Information Resources vide letter no. NSL/ ISSN/ INF/ 2013/ 1187 Dated May 23, 2013. Rostrum’s Law Review has been recognized and included in the UGC Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (UGC-CARE) since the inception of the UGC CARE Listings in 2018.
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