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Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP)

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Business
  • Management
  • Strategy and Management
  • +5

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Journal Descriptions

The Journal of Cleaner Production is an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable. 'Cleaner Production' is a concept that aims at preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the uses of energy, water, resources, and human capital. The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical cleaner production, encompassing environmental, and sustainability issues in corporations, governments, education institutions, regions, and societies.

Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Business, Management, Strategy and Management, Environmental Science, Manufacturing Engineering, Energy, Renewable Energy, Waste Management , Online or Print, Semi-monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0959-6526, E-ISSN - 1879-1786, Established in - 1993, Impact Factor - 11.1

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, WoS

Not indexed in DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of JCP

Green manufacturing: Order acceptance and scheduling subject to the budgets of energy consumption and machine launch

This paper investigates an order acceptance and scheduling problem with an energy consumption budget, a machine launch budget, and the order release time in a green manufacturing system. The...

Research Article
  • dott image Rafael Luque
  • dott image July, 2022

Perspective review on Municipal Solid Waste-to-energy route: Characteristics, management strategy, and role in circular economy

The proper handling of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is critical due to its high generation rate and the potential to minimise environmental impacts by simultaneously reducing resource depleti...

Research Article
  • dott image Daniel C.W. Tsang
  • dott image August, 2020

Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates: Opportunities, challenges, and prospects

Excessive utilization of synthetic plastics has led to a major detrimental impact on the environment. Plastic pollution and accumulation in water bodies have threatened the survival of marin...

Multi-criteria research lines on livestock manure biorefinery development towards a circular economy: From the perspective of a life cycle assessment ...

Livestock manure (LSM) is a profitable waste if handled sensibly, but simultaneously it imposes several environmental and health impacts if managed improperly. Several approaches have been a...

Improving oxidation stability of biodiesels derived from Karanja, Neem and Jatropha: step forward in the direction of commercialisation

Poor oxidation stability is the main technical hurdle associated with the commercialization of biodiesel. Adding antioxidants is a suitable method for enhancing the oxidation stability of bi...

Research Article
  • dott image Dhananjay Kumar
  • dott image May, 2022

Evaluating the effect of variable methanol injection timings in a novel co-axial fuel injection system equipped locomotive engine

Methanol has been identified as a potential substitute for conventional fuels (diesel, petrol) from scalability, sustainability, and an economic viewpoint. Economically, methanol could be ch...

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