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Human Brain Mapping (HBM)

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Wiley Periodicals, LLC.

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Neuroscientists
  • Neurologists
  • Neuroradiologists
  • +1

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United States

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Journal Descriptions

Human Brain Mapping is a functional neuroanatomy and neuroimaging journal where all disciplines of neurology collide to advance the field. The journal offers basic, clinical, technical and theoretical research in the rapidly expanding field of human brain mapping. Proudly accessible, every issue is open to the world. Human Brain Mapping publishes peer-reviewed basic, clinical, technical, and theoretical research in the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field of human brain mapping. The journal features research derived from non-invasive brain imaging modalities used to explore the spatial and temporal organization of the neural systems supporting human behavior. Imaging modalities of interest include positron emission tomography, event-related potentials, electro-and magnetoencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging, and single-photon emission tomography. Brain mapping research in both normal and clinical populations is encouraged. Article formats include Research Articles, Review Articles, Clinical Case Studies, and Technique, as well as Technological Developments, Theoretical Articles, and Synthetic Reviews. Technical advances, such as novel brain imaging methods, analyses for detecting or localizing neural activity, synergistic uses of multiple imaging modalities, and strategies for the design of behavioral paradigms and neural-systems modeling are of particular interest. The journal endorses the propagation of methodological standards and encourages database development in the field of human brain mapping.

Human Brain Mapping (HBM) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Neuroscientists, Neurologists, Neuroradiologists, Neurosurgeons , Online or Print, Quarterly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 1065-9471, E-ISSN - 1097-0193, Established in - 1993, Impact Factor - 3.5

Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in DOAJ

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of HBM

  • dott image May, 2020

Childhood socio-economic disadvantage predicts reduced myelin growth across adolescence and young adulthood

Socio-economic disadvantage increases exposure to life stressors. Animal research suggests early life stressors impact later neurodevelopment, including myelin developmental growth. To deter...

  • dott image February, 2020

White matter tract myelin maturation and its association with general psychopathology in adolescence and early adulthood

Adolescence is a time period associated with marked brain maturation that coincides with an enhanced risk for onset of psychiatric disorder. White matter tract myelination, a process that co...

  • dott image Graham Murray
  • dott image June, 2017

Early adversity and brain response to faces in young adulthood

Early stressors play a key role in shaping interindividual differences in vulnerability to various psychopathologies, which according to the diathesis-stress model might relate to the elevat...

  • dott image R. N. Henson
  • dott image October, 2024

Evaluating Models of the Ageing BOLD Response

Neural activity cannot be directly observed using fMRI; rather it must be inferred from the hemodynamic responses that neural activity causes. Solving this inverse problem is made possible t...

  • dott image Angela Laird
  • dott image April, 2005

N-back working memory paradigm: A meta-analysis of normative functional neuroimaging studies

One of the most popular experimental paradigms for functional neuroimaging studies of working memory has been the n-back task, in which subjects are asked to monitor the identity or location...

  • dott image Declan Murphy
  • dott image February, 2000

Explicit and implicit neural mechanisms for processing of social information from facial expressions: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study

The processing of changing nonverbal social signals such as facial expressions is poorly understood, and it is unknown if different pathways are activated during effortful (explicit), compar...

  • dott image February, 2012

Colored noise and computational inference in neurophysiological (fMRI) time series analysis: Resampling methods in time and wavelet domains

Even in the absence of an experimental effect, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series generally demonstrate serial dependence. This colored noise or endogenous autocorrelat...

  • dott image January, 1999

Methods for diagnosis and treatment of stimulus-correlated motion in generic brain activation studies using fMRI

Movement-related effects in realigned fMRI timeseries can be corrected by regression on linear functions of estimated positional displacements of an individual subject's head during image ac...

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