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Food & Function (FF)

Publisher :

Royal Society of Chemistry

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
Scopus Profile
Open Access
  • Agricultural
  • Biological Sciences
  • Food Science
  • +5

e-ISSN :


Issue Frequency :


Impact Factor :


p-ISSN :


Est. Year :


Mobile :


Country :

United Kingdom

Language :




Impact Factor Assignee :


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Journal Descriptions

Food & Function provides a unique venue for physicists, chemists, biochemists, nutritionists and other food scientists to publish novel, cutting-edge, original research focussing on food, its nutrients and their relation to human health and nutrition. We welcome research describing the: Physical properties and structure of food and how this relates to sensory perception and human health Biochemical and physiological actions of food components Interactions between foods, gut microbiota and human physiology Nutritional and biological evaluation of food Clinical and population studies using food or food components Development of biomarkers of food intake and effects on human health We also welcome systematic reviews and meta-analyses of existing studies in the literature, provided these are objective and scientifically valid Food in this context is defined as materials of plant, animal or mineral origin, which are consumed orally (by humans) for pleasure and to sustain growth and vital processes. Examples of research topics that are of interest to be published in Food & Function are: Chemistry and physics of food components and digestion processes Relationship between the physical properties/structure of food and nutrition and human health - for example, impact of food matrix or processing on nutrient release and uptake Molecular properties and physiological effects of food components (nutrients, fibres, essential micronutrients, phytochemicals, bioactives, food substitutes, novel ingredients, allergens, flavours and fragrances) Nutritional and health effects of food including bioavailability and metabolism assessment of food components (nutrients, micronutrients and other microconstituents)

Food & Function (FF) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Agricultural, Biological Sciences, Food Science, Agriculture and Forestry, Horticulture, Nutritional and Domestic Science, Chemistry and Pharmacology, multidisciplinary , Online or Print, Semi-monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 2042-6496, E-ISSN - 2042-650X, Established in - 2010, Impact Factor - 6.1

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus, WoS, PubMed

Not indexed in DOAJ, UGC CARE

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