Elsevier Academic Press Inc
United States
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Advances in Experimental Social Psychology is one of the most sought after and most often cited series in this field. It contains contributions of major empirical and theoretical interest and represents the best and the brightest in research, theory and practice in social psychology. Award winning articles include: Mark J. Brandt, Jarret T. Crawford (2020) Worldview conflict and prejudice, Volume 61, pp. 1-66: Received the 2021 Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Christian Unkelbach, Hans Alves, Alex Koch (2020) Negativity bias, positivity bias, and valence asymmetries: Explaining the differential processing of positive and negative information, Volume 62, pp. 115-187: Received the 2021 Best Social Cognition Paper Award from the International Social Cognition Network.
This chapter discusses the effects of stimuli that combine sexuality and aggression. It outlines the debate over aggressive versus nonaggressive pornography and discusses the frequency of ag...
This chapter describes self-esteem and provides an overview of existing perspectives on self-esteem. Self-esteem is a sociometer, essentially an internal monitor of the degree to which one i...
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