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Paper Title

Web-based and mHealth interventions for intimate partner violence prevention: a systematic review protocol


Mary P Koss
Mary P Koss
Elizabeth J. Anderson
Elizabeth J. Anderson
David O. Garcia
David O. Garcia
Caitlin Meyer Krause
Caitlin Meyer Krause
Jean McClelland
Jean McClelland


  • Web-Based Interventions
  • mHealth
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • IPV Prevention
  • Mobile Health
  • Digital Health Strategies
  • Online Safety Interventions
  • Public Health Model
  • Psychological Violence
  • Physical Violence
  • Sexual Violence
  • Systematic Review
  • Risk of Bias
  • Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool
  • Intervention Effectiveness
  • Sociocultural Barriers

Article Type

Research Article


BMJ Open

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 9 | Issue : 8 | Page No : e029880

Published On

July, 2019



Introduction Victims of intimate partner violence (IPV), or those individuals susceptible to IPV victimisation or perpetration, may benefit from participation in primary, secondary or tertiary interventions to address or mitigate exposure to violence despite mixed evidence of IPV intervention effectiveness. However, participation in such programmes is limited by poor access, sociocultural barriers and programme cost. As the world fast approaches universal access to the internet, web-based technologies and low-cost smartphones, new avenues to provide preventive health services including mobile health (mHealth) tools, platforms and services have emerged. The objective of this systematic review is to assess current web-based and mHealth interventions, which include web-based or mobile-based delivery methods for IPV prevention. Interpersonal violence is defined as perpetration or victimisation of a physical, psychological or sexual nature among adults. Interventions may be at the primary, secondary or tertiary level of the public health model. Methods and analysis This systematic review will incorporate studies focused on any empirical prevention intervention intended for IPV victims or perpetrators of any gender where one or more components is web based or mobile based. Articles will be retrieved from the following academic databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, PsycInfo and Open Grey, as well Google Scholar. Results will be limited to articles reporting primary data, published since 1998, and in English, Spanish, Portuguese or French. Data extraction procedures will follow Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses reporting guidelines. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, a critical appraisal tool, will be used to record ratings of quality and risk of bias among studies selected for inclusion. Content analysis and between-study comparisons will be used to answer the objectives of this review. Ethics and dissemination Results from this review will be published in an open access format for the benefit of both academic and non-academic audiences, including community organisations and individuals seeking mHealth strategies to reduce and prevent IPV.

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