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Utilization and Feasibility of Retting Effluent as Fertilizer in Vegetable Crops Production

Published On: February, 2003

Article Type: Research Article

DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2003.341.343

Issue: 4 | Volume: 6 | Page No: 341--343


Jute retting was conducted in the corner of rice filed by making artificial ditches. Retting could be efficiently conducted in the rice field. The fibres produced there of were also of good quality and as the ribbons were retted, the percentage of cutting in the basal parts were also very nominal. The fertilizer value of the retting effluent was tested on three vegetable crops of cabbage, brinzzal and tomato. In all the cases, retting effluent showed better yield than the control. The tithe of the soil was also increased.