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Paper Title

Types, stages and mechanism of action of Jute retting: An overview

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 2 | Issue : 2 | Page No : 09–20

Published On

April, 2023



Some factors hastening up retting process which are- retting water, retting in already used water, harvesting time, climate conditions like high temperatures, deep water (too deep water will delay retting, addition of chemicals, materials used as weights on Jak, method of retting, variety of jute, method of fiber extraction, stage of harvesting, period of retting, etc. There are few methods of retting available which are- conventional method of whole plant retting, chemical retting, microbial retting, mechano-microbial retting and In-situ retting with microbial consortium. There are three sequential stages in retting (based on the morphological modification, dynamics of pH and various enzymes related to them during the entire jute retting process): Stage 1 (Initial retting stage); Stage 2 (Middle retting stage) and Stage 3 (Final retting stage).

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