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To Study the Efficacy of Baryta Carbonica with Consideration of Baryta Group Homoeopathic Medicines

Published On: December, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

DOI: 10.55248/gengpi.4.1223.0123

Issue: 12 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 4571-4575


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Homoeopathic Materia Medica (HMM) is the soul of Homoeopathy. Study of HMM comprises study of different medicines prepared from various sources. Baryta group is one of the major contributory source in HMM. HMM though an organized mass of symptoms, can never be understood rationally if our approach is restricted to symptom level. This applies same to Baryta group which become the part of our HMM, as they are vastly represented through individual drug, like Baryta Carbonica, Baryta Muriatica, Baryta Acetica, Baryta Iodata etc. So to study such inorganic Materia Medica rationally, the group study approach serves the best method. This article is short effort to show the advantage of studying a group with special emphasis on single drug. OBJECTIVE: To study the utility of group consideration in remedy selection. METHODOLOGY-Randomly 30 cases were selected who visited the college OPD, hospital OPD and IPD during the period 2011-2013. Detail case taking was done. The main parameters were mental symptoms with physical generals. Repertorisation was done and remedy was selected. Potency and repetition was based on Law of Homoeopathic Posology.The result was assessed strictly according to Homoeopathic Principles. RESULT- Out of total sample 73.33% cases were recovered, 16.67% cases were improved, 10% cases were not improved. CONCLUSION: This study shows that out of baryta group of remedies Baryta Carbonica had been proved and verified again and again in regards to its clinical efficacy especially in cases such as Tonsillitis, URTIs, Diffuse alopecia, Gastro-enteritis, Auricular infections, A.P.D, Hypertension, Intestinal Motility Disorder, U.T.I, and Hemorrhoids


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