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Paper Title

The Lancet women and cardiovascular disease Commission: reducing the global burden by 2030


C. Noel Bairey Merz
C. Noel Bairey Merz
Gemma Figtree
Gemma Figtree
Jacqueline Saw
Jacqueline Saw
Liesl Zühlke
Liesl Zühlke
Roxana Mehran
Roxana Mehran

Article Type

Research Article


The Lancet

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 397 | Issue : 10292 | Page No : p2385-2438

Published On

June, 2021



Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. Decades of grassroots campaigns have helped to raise awareness about the impact of cardiovascular disease in women, and positive changes affecting women and their health have gained momentum. Despite these efforts, there has been stagnation in the overall reduction of cardiovascular disease burden for women in the past decade. Cardiovascular disease in women remains understudied, under-recognised, underdiagnosed, and undertreated. This Commission summarises existing evidence and identifies knowledge gaps in research, prevention, treatment, and access to care for women. Recommendations from an international team of experts and leaders in the field have been generated with a clear focus to reduce the global burden of cardiovascular disease in women by 2030. This Commission represents the first effort of its kind to connect stakeholders, to ignite global awareness of sex-related and gender-related disparities in cardiovascular disease, and to provide a springboard for future research.

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