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Paper Title

Synthesis of fuel oil and carbon nanotubes in an autoclave using plastic waste as precursor


Ganesh Shankarrao Bajad
Ganesh Shankarrao Bajad
R.P. Vijayakumar
R.P. Vijayakumar

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 32 | Issue : 5 | Page No : 495-500

Published On

April, 2017



In this study, the synthesis of fuel oil and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using waste plastic in a batch pyrolysis reactor of 750 mL capacity was carried out. Density, calorific values and FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of fuel oil. The calorific value of oil was higher than the energy needed for pyrolysis process. The same reactor was used as an autoclave for the synthesis of CNTs. SEM and TEM results showed that carbon nanotubes of 40–60 nm diameters were grown on Ni/Mo/MgO catalyst. CNT yield was around 3.2 g of CNTs per 6 g of PP. The purity of CNTs was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The present study proposes a feasible process to convert plastic waste into furnace oil by rapid pyrolysis and synthesis of CNTs.

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