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Social Media Engagement to Increase Customer Outreach

Published On: July, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: NOVYI MIR Research Journal

DOI: 16.10098.NMRJ.2022.V8I7.256342.37690

Issue: 7 | Volume: 8 | Page No: 137-148


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Social media is a vital part and critical aspect of communication, and businesses have taken advantage of it to enhance their client base and drive sales. However, merely having a social media existence does not guarantee customer engagement. This research paper aims to identify effective social media techniques that businesses can use to increase customer engagement. The study utilizes a literature review approach, analyzing relevant literature and case studies to identify the most effective techniques. The findings recommend that companies prioritize creating high-quality and relevant content, building and nurturing relationships with their followers, utilizing various social media platforms to reach a broader audience, and utilizing the information in analytics to find out their performance and adjust their performance strategies accordingly. Implementing these techniques will help businesses increase customer engagement and improve their overall social media performance.


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