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Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement using Discrete Wavelet Transform


Yuva Raj
Yuva Raj
Seshasayanan, R
Seshasayanan, R
G. Venkatesan
G. Venkatesan
Dr. K.K.
Dr. K.K.

Published On: October, 2020

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)


Issue: 04 | Volume: 07 | Page No: 517-527


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In this paper, an image resolution enhancement algorithm based on discrete wavelet transform is proposed. The DWT uses the well known image resolution enhancement algorithm based on wavelet decomposition. The main focus of this paper lies in the optimization of DWT wavelet filters based on parameters related to edges in the image. Initially all the input images are cla ssified into various bins based on the edges present in the image and each bin of images will be enhanced by applying unique wavelet filters. This library of wavelet filters are evolved using bio -inspired algorithm like genetic algorithm considering individual image bins. The individual image groups of satellite images are created based on the spatial frequency mean (SFM) and DWT wavelet filters are evo lved for each groups for both near edge and far edge image namely local and global DWT filters. These enhancement algorithms are b ased on existing DWT-based methods are proposed to improve the resolution of the low-resolution satellite images. The proposed algorithms suitably enhance the resolution of the image shows a significant improvement in the PSNR compared with the existing tec hniques.


Seshasayanan, R
Seshasayanan, R
G. Venkatesan
G. Venkatesan
Dr. K.K.
Dr. K.K.

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