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Role of Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Employee Readiness for Technology Changes Through Measurement of ‘Digital Prowess’ During Online Mode of Working

Published On: June, 2024

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Informatics Education and Research

Issue: 2 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 298-314


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The global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the emergence of the civil rights movement through technologies like Chat-GPT has given a highly complexly woven social and technical fabric to dwell upon. The capacity to visualize the evolving relationship between technology and social frames in organizations through online mode of working has been the focus of the current research. In this research, the ways in which the digital prowess of employees can be measured and enhanced through the online mode of working mode of engagement of an employee with an organization has been explored. A quantitative method (SEM) has been applied in the current study to study the socio-technical factors that interplay for employee effectiveness during online mode of working. This study investigates the affordance of digital technologies through the construct of digital prowess for enhancing employee efficacy at work during the online mode of working mode of working. A research model has been developed based on the socio materiality theory and affordance theory as the theoretical background. The results show that the digital prowess constitutes three dimensions namely technical acumen, uncertainty management, and ability to collaborate. Specifically, this study provides an impetus to the role of digital transformations and its impact on employee readiness for technology changes for effectiveness at work through affordances theory which advocates that human-technology interactions can be harnessed for problem-solving capabilities if the employees are empowered with competencies like digital prowess and ways to nurture this balance of technology embedded in social interactions

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