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Review on jute leaf: A powerful biological tool

Published On: July, 2022

Article Type: Review Article

DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.1.0088

Issue: 1 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 064--085


The increasing proliferation of diseases, with the associated drug resistance, has underscored the need for new drug development. Plant-derived natural products possess diverse pharmacological activities and consequently are an attractive resource for the development of advanced chemotherapeutics to treat a wide range of disease conditions, including microbial infections. Jute leaves rich with active diterpenoids for the potential discovery of new drugs and boost up the immune system. It is commonly used for its anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, antipyretic, anti-hypertensive, antidiabetic, cytotoxic and antipyretic effects and immune-boosting properties. Therefore, in the search for economically feasible with better efficacy and low toxicity, plant sources are highly prioritized. The present review deals to provide extensive knowledge on the different activities of jute leaves and its extracts based on the available scientific literature.