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Replacement of R22 to manage lifetime operation of HCFC based equipments


Dr. N
Dr. N

Published On: June, 2014

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: GIT-Journal of Engineering and Technology

Volume: 7 | Page No: 1-5


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R22 is a Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) commonly used in air conditioning, process chiller and industrial refrigeration plant applications. Because of worldwide discussion and reaction on global warming and ozone depletion, it is necessary to replace refrigerants having lower or zero ozone depletion and global warming potential. R22 will soon be phased out due to ozone depletion potential. It is an opportunity for improved environmental performance include the wider acceptance of refrigerants other than R22 which is used as alongside the highly ozone depleting (ODP) CFC’s, but has a relatively low ozone depletion potential. However, even this lower ODP is no longer considered acceptable. Users of refrigeration are facing new choices with regard to selection of refrigerants because CFC and HCFC refrigerants are being phased out to protect the ozone layer. There is considerable confusion and controversy regarding the best choices, particularly when the environmental issue of global warming is taken into account. This paper considers the choice and availability of different refrigerants as substitute of R22, to avoid losing lifetime operation of designed and manufactured equipments for R22 like bottle cooler, chillers, vapour source heat pump, air conditioner etc.


Dr. N
Dr. N

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