The detailed study of Raman Scattering in high temperature Superconductors (HTS) via using the quantum dynamical approach of double time temperature dependent phonon-Green's functions. The theory of first-order Raman scattering, second-order Raman scattering, third-order Raman scattering and electron-phonon contribution Raman scattering is investigated for high temperature superconductors. Raman tensor, intensity of Raman lines and differential cross-sections of various orders of scattering have been investigated. It has been developed using almost complete Hamiltonian which consists of the contributions due to the unperturbed phonons and electrons, anharmonic phonon fields, localized phonon fields and that of electron-phonon interactions. The temperature and defect dependencies are discussed in detail along with the nature of continues and line spectra. The phonon Raman scattering spectral density function has been obtained and analyzed for high temperature superconductors.
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