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Present Status andAntibiotic Sensitivity Pattern ofSalmonella typhiandS. paratyphiin Different Age Group Hospitalized Patients In Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Published On: September, 2012

Article Type: Research Article

DOI: 10.9790/3008-0432730

Issue: 3 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 27-30


n recent years, there has been a significant rise in the prevalence of multidrug resistance Salmonella typhi and salmonella paratyphi in Dhaka city. Patients are most susceptible to infections like typhoid fever. It is therefore a subject of interest to observe the number of incidence and antimicrobial resistant pattern of typhoidal Salmonella in patients in Dhaka city. During February to May 2012, a total of 4,115 blood samples of typhoid suspected patients were tested where 8.72% came out positive, among which 73.81% were found to be Salmonella typhi and 26.19% Salmonella paratyphi. Both these organisms were found to be susceptible to cefixime, gentamycin, ceftriaxone but were found resistant to ampicillin (100%), ciprofloxacin (0.27%), chloramphenicol (15.04%), cotrimoxazole (17.27%), azithromycin (5.57%), nalidixic acid (100%) and erythromycin (17.82%). Based on the hypothesis of reduced susceptibility to fluroquinolones, this study has been concluded with the observation that antibiotic resistance pattern of Salmonella typhi and paratyphi in Dhaka city was reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin.