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Police Community Partnerships in Addis Ababa city administration: A Review of the Literature

Published On: September, 2023

Article Type: Review Article


DOI: IJNRD2309157

Issue: 9 | Volume: 8 | Page No: 503-512


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In this review measure the impact police-community partnerships have on an issue, the goals of the partnership must first be clearly stated, measurable, and reasonably attainable. Twelve articles highlighted some of the goals police-community partnerships aim to achieve. There are many goals associated with community-based policing programs. The objectives can be as simple as enhancing communication between police and child welfare agencies or as complex as reforming national child welfare laws. All community policing programs, however, strive to establish and maintain successful working relationships between law enforcement agencies and the public with the intent to reduce crime say, neighborhood“-restorative community justice should be indigenous to the neighborhoods served. Such programs are not imposed from the outside; they emerge from discussions about neighborhood problems and how best to respond to these problems by residents of the created to build constructive solid relationships between local business owners and police officers. The amount of information exchanged between police agencies and citizens is important to the success of any community policing program and the public’s willingness to cooperate is evident by the amount of information citizens are giving police officers regarding crimes occurring within their neighborhoods.

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