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Phenology of Jute, Kenaf and Roselle Seed Crops at Different Date of Sowing

Published On: July, 2001

Article Type: Research Article

DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2001.1316.1318

Issue: 11 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 1484-1486


Phenological events namely field duration, average flowering and pod maturation took longer period in Roselle, HS-24 at all the ten dates of sowing. Jute and Kenaf had shorter field duration, average flowering days and pod maturation days compared to Roselle. Field duration of the crop was longer in May 15 sowing in all the experimental materials. Plant height decreased consistently from May sowing to September sowing. Plant height in all the sowings was higher in Tossa than White Jute, Kenaf and Roselle. Seed crop could be sown from May 15 to September 30.